
TSQL: How can I update the value of an xml tag with the value of an xml tag from another related table?

Hello, How can I update the value of an xml tag with the value of an xml tag from another related table? something like this: UPDATE v2 SET [xml].modify ('replace value of (//TAG1/text())[1] with "CAST(v1.[xml].query(''//TAG2'') AS NVARCHAR(MAX))"') FROM table2 v2, table1 v1 WHERE v2.id = v1.id Thanks ...

Is there a way to optimize this update query?

I have a master table called "parent" and a related table called "childs" Now I run a query against the master table to update some values with the sum from the child table like this. UPDATE master m SET quantity1 = (SELECT SUM(quantity1) FROM childs c WHERE c.master_id = m.id), quantity2 = (SELECT SUM(quantity2) FROM childs c ...

Update object in Struts action with form values from JSP

I have a struts2 action that builds a form and pre-populates the fields with data from an instance of my object. When I click submit on this form, I get taken to a second action, my formSubmit action. Here I'd like the object to be updated with any new values from the form. Is there an easy way to access this same object in my second ...

Updating a specific key/value inside of an array field with MongoDB

As a preface, I've been working with MongoDB for about a week now, so this may turn out to be a pretty simple answer. I have data already stored in my collection, we will call this collection content, as it contains articles, news, etc. Each of these articles contains another array called author which has all of the author's information...

Can jQuery dynamically change a "username" field based on a "name" field?

Hi all, basically I have two input fields, "name" and "username". The idea is that the "username" field will change depending on what is entered into the "name" field - dynamically. I also need the username field to be in lowercase only and to change spaces into dashes. I was thinking using onkeydown but I couldn't get it to do anythin...

What's wrong with this SQL UPDATE query?

I wouldn't ask if i wasn't sure that i have 100% no idea why this isn't working, so, in PHP i'm simply trying to update a value in the MySQL database: The field im updating - Name: read - Type: tinyint - Length: 1 Here is the PHP code: do_SQL("UPDATE messages SET read=1 WHERE id='".$id."'"); The do_SQL function is working ...

how to write sqlite update operation in two tables?

I am using SQLite, TABLE A ( ID FileNAME FOLDERID ) TABLE B ( FOLDERID FOLDERPATH ) I want to write a sql statement to delete all files in A where its Folder is subfolder of C:\ABC\; How Can I make it in one sqlite statement, and is it the best way to do? Many thanks! ...

auto updating software on cloud.

I know wordpress,joomla,drupal etc ( most of php_mysql stack ) can auto detect update in software itself or/and plugin and either ask for user permission to update or auto update it. How to do similar thing on google app engine like cloud computing ? I am creating an open source software which is targeted towards non-computer people. ...

Self referencing update SQL statement for Informix

Need some Informix SQL... Courses get a regular grade, but their associated labs get a grade of 'LAB'. I need to update the table so that the lab grade matches the course grade. Also, if there is no corresponding course for a lab, it means the course was canceled. In that case, I want to place a flag value of 'X' for its grade. Exam...

is there a way to launch the iPhone App Store app and select the "updates" tab?

Hi, i currently notify users that we have an update to our iphone app using an UIAlertView and when they click ok, i open the phobos.apple.com URL to the app using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:] That works fine and dandy & brings the user to the app's page in the App Store, but is there a way to just open the App Store a...

Why "Install New Software..." menu entry is located under Help in eclipse.

well, the title sais it all, but i was recurently wondering about that. Its just like in some older versions of windows, you had to hit the "Start" button to "Shutdown" the system ...

how to update data to gae localhost server from mysql ..

i follow this article : here to update data to gae localhost server from mysql. this is my str_loader.py is : class College(db.Model): cid = db.StringProperty(required=True) name = db.StringProperty(required=True) class MySQLLoader(bulkloader.Loader): def generate_records(self, filename): """Generates records from ...

MySQL Query to Update a Field with data from another Field when two Fields Match

Hey, I need to update the content of one data field in a table with the content of another field in a table every time two separate fields, one on each table, match up. I've been trying this syntax but I just can't get it to work properly without giving me an error. UPDATE table1 SET field1 = table2.field1 FROM Table1,Table2 WHERE Table...

How to update UI from business layer?

I have a three layer application in C#. In business layer i have many threads that do same job . I want to show the progress of each thread on UI , but i don't have the reference of presentation layer . How can i do this ? What's the best way for this ? Thanks . ...

Update Java code during runtime

Hi, about a year ago I stumbled across a nice feature in Java that I cannot for the life of me find again. Through some magic interface it was apparently possible to declare some classes or functions replaceable during runtime. I found a nice example guide of someone who ran a simple little program that printed a certain message, he the...

Drupal Chat Room Module live updating problem.

Okay so I have managed to install Drupal's Chat Room Module and also got it to working fine. By fine, I mean i can post messages in the chatroom, i can create chatroom, and invite people as well. However, let's say User A posts a message in the chatroom where Users B and C are also present, the two latter users (B and C) cannot see the m...

Simple way to update an Activity UI in android.

I have a simple main activity with 3 buttons, and a background service that runs when Wifi connection is detected. My main activity polls the database on onCreate and displays the status. What i want is to force an Activity to redraw that textview every few second. I dont want to use binders or connect to service. Just some simple way to...

oracle update query

Possible Duplicate: Oracle Multiple update Query I have a query Select item_code,comp_code from item; which returns item_code, comp_code 912001 01 912001 04 912002 01 912002 02 912002 03 912003 01 and i have three values for comp_code for each item. suppose comp_1...

Jquery Sortable Update Event can called only one time?

Hello. I'm trying to make category changes with Jquery & Php. I have no problem with it. My problem is, when the update event is called, it returning 2 results. 1 result for Dragged Parent, One result for Dropped Parent. I wanna call only dropped parent's id. Here is my script: $("#gallery ul").sortable({ connectWith: '.dropBox', ...

jQuery: Updating an option's text inside a select after the option has already been added?

I've searched all around for a solution and have found nothing. Here is some sample code: $('#myselect').append( '<option id=\'myoption\'></option>' ); $('#mytextfield').change(function() { $('#myoption').html($(this).val); }); so, i want to change the select option's html whenever my text field is changed. any ideas? thanks! ...