
updating a data source for WPF UI bindings

I have a configuration object that contains values to be populated to the UI. This object is serializable to an XML file so the user can save and load the current state of the GUI on the fly. The object itself is a property I've added to my code-behind for a XAML window. If each of the UI controls in this Window are bound to a propert...

Mysql Trigger error

1.I m using mysql 5.2.2 version 2.I create table in my test database CREATE TABLE account (acct_num INT, amount DECIMAL(10,2)); 3.I also Create trigger CREATE TRIGGER ins_sum BEFORE INSERT ON account FOR EACH ROW SET @sum = @sum + NEW.amount; 4.I insert data into account table INSERT INTO account VALUES(137,14.98),(141,1937.50),...

How to update table1 with content from table2 with php and mysql

I have two tables in my database, table1 and table2. They are identical. But sometimes i change the data in table1. How do i copy the data from table1 and update table2 to look the same? I tried "REPLACE INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1" but it works like INSERT and just make new rows instead of updating the existing ones. ...

How to increment field in sqlite android database

Hey, I want to increment a column in a sqlite android database. Im doing like this: public void atualiza(String word){ this.db.rawQuery("UPDATE words SET count = count + 1 WHERE word= ? ", new String[] {word}); } And I call this method on another class like this: this.dh.atualiza(word); But when i pull the database from t...

Android: Widget updating a clock with custom images as numbers

What way is most efficient for updating an widget that will be a clock(Timer/Alarm), but for a clock to really works, like a clock it would be needed to update at least twice in a minute (30 sec period or less). But that can't be effective? Have looked at some of the "threads/topics" here at StackOverFlow but haven't found any informat...

Sort of Insert/Update statement in LINQ to XML for XElement

I have this xml structure: <Departments> <Department Id="a Guid" IsVisible="True" /> </Departments> I have created the xml file with: <Departments /> Now I want to add a bool value to IsVisible for a certain Id If that Id does not exist in the xml file I want to make an insert creating a new Department with Id + IsVisible. My...

MySQL : Updating Cells

Hi, I need some help with a mySQL statement. I've got a mySQL table that looks like this: Name Year Score Address Zip Joe 2010 A NULL NULL Joe 2009 B 123 Main St. 03755 Mary 2010 B NULL NULL Mary 2009 C 234 Elm St. 03866 I need to grab the 2009 addresses and zips and put them ...

Drupal not updating data for content page

Hi, I am using Drupal 6.19 to build a simple website with its own theme and layout. I also added and updated content regularly till I ran into a typical problem yesterday. There was a node-24 with a url alias of 'projects/india/current'. It is a content of type 'page'. As soon as I updated the content for this node, the data was not save...

Zend Framework Mysql Update

I need to execute this simple mysql query in Zend; "UPDATE `table` SET `field`='field'+1 WHERE `field`>'" . $var . "'" How can I do this with Zend update; $this->update($data, $where); But we hasn't data, we have only where. ...

Update with a Min in the the table

I want to update a Column in a Table, based on the minimum of another column of the same table. eg. JobPositonId | JobPositonName | JobDescriptionId | ContactId 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 I want to updat...

Javascript to detect start and end of AsyncPostback of specific Update Panel

<script type="text/javascript"> var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); prm.add_endRequest(endRequest); prm.add_initializeRequest(initializeRequest); var _postBackElement; function initializeRequest(sender, e) { if (prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack()) { ...

SharePoint Batch Update Auto Increment Field Value

Hello All, I am making use of SharePoint List Batch Updating methodology in order to update the items in bulk. I build the query dynamically for each and every item using StringBuilder and process the data ultimately using 'ProcessBatchData' Method. Now, I have a requirement where I have to increment a particular field value in the que...

set column to insert extat charachter in Sql Server

Hi I want to insert char (A) in second index where code start with 's' Input s1 s2 s34 Require output sA1 sA2 sA34 Update T1 set code = ?? where code like 's%' ...

Mysql trigger to do an INSERT instead of an UPDATE

Hello, I would like to implement a basic versioning system in a MySQL table. Let's imagine a simple table with 2 columns: name (pk) and price. I thought I would simply add a column 'version' and add it to the primary key. Then I would catch all the UPDATE's and do an insert instead, incrementing the version number. First, is this pos...

mySql - updating by comparig rows in same table

Hi, I want to update a column by comparing each row to all other rows in the table but I cant figure out how to distinguish the column names in the row being updated with the rows being searched through. Here's a simplified example... people: +--------+-----+----------------+ | name | age | nameClosestAge | +--------+----...

exception when update userprofile sharepoint 2010 using webservice

hello everyone, i update userprofile using the code below using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace UserProfileWebServiceApp { class Program { public static localhost.UserProfileService myService = new localhost.UserProfileService(); UserProfileWebService.localh...

Update value in table cell on iPhone

Hey, If I have a tableView setup in an iPhone application with many rows, how can I update just one of those rows? I'm aware that they manually refresh as they come into view, but I'm looking to push out an update, for the sake of argument a timer counting down. Thanks ...

How to update object in nested arrays in mongo db?

Assuming I have the following document structure: { "name": "myProduct", "perspectives" : [ { "name": "p1", "views" : [ { "name": "v1" }, { "name": "v2" } ] }, { ...

cvs update error

I am using WinCVS and when i try to update a module i keep getting this error cvs [update aborted]: reading from server: error -1 What is the actual problem here and how to resolve this? ...

Update same column in several sql tables using C#

Hi Guys! The Scenario: I have a mobile phone comparing asp.net website which displays deals of various networks. The data about the deals we receive from the networks is in an excel sheet. We import the data from the excel sheets to the tables of each network in our database. Now, the data that we receive is not consistent for every net...