
Android Market - Time to wait between two updates

Hi I would like to know how many times I must wait to post an update for my application. I want to be sure that the update will appears in the "news" section of the Android Market. Thanks very much. ...

CLlocation Getting best results Iphone

Hello, I'm trying to make a query based on the user location. The thing is that I can only query upon the first location result, with the lat/lon result as the query parameter. How do I make sure I get the best result of a user location and then execute the sqlite query? Thanks in advance! ...

Groovy Xml Parsing with namespaces

Hi, I've been trying to do some xml modifications with groovy's XML Slurper. Basically, i'm going through the xml and looking for tags or attributes that have ? as the value and then replacing it with some value. I've got it working for xml that doesn't have namespaces but once I include them things get wonky. For example, this: ...


Hi. I've found a few "would be" solutions for the classic "How do I insert a new record or update one if it already exists" but I cannot get any of them to work in SQLite. I have a table defined as follows: CREATE TABLE Book ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name VARCHAR(60) UNIQUE, TypeID INTEGER, Level INTEGER, Seen INT...

Proper way to change text and elements on a page with JavaScript

Hi, I've been using innerHTML and innerText for a while to change elements and text on web pages and I've just discovered that they are not W3C standard. I've now found that innerHTML can be replaced with createElement, setAttribute and a few others but what is the best method for changing text inside an element? I found a textContent...

Can someone explain the concept of MySQL to me?

First and foremost, I do understand that MySQL is used for databases, and can be used to update content on a website. What I don't understand is how you actually are able to get MySQl to change the content on a site automatically, or if it is even possible. I really am a beginner so sorry if this question comes comes as noobish. I rea...

Keep Drupal updated

Hi, I am trying to keep a couple of Drupal sites updated and I tired of the whole process. I recently find out about Drush and I was wondering if there is a module or a CRON command I can setup to keep the sites updated for me. Thank you. ...

mongodb: updating elements?

Hi everyone, I am (as most ) coming from a mySQL background trying to switch over to noSQL and mongoDB. Since denormalization is a part of noSQL since joins is impossible, here's how I would design a simple blog: array ( blog_title => 'my blogpost', 'date' => '2010-09-05', comments => array ( '1' => 'Such a good pos...

How to update the user.question_count when the user posted a question?

I'm using sqlalchemy. The question is simple, but I have a big problem, because I want to use MapperExtension. I have two classes: User and Question A user may have many questions, and it also contains a question_count to record the the count of questions belong to him. So, when I add a new question, I want update the question_coun...

Django queryset update field increasing/descreasing its current value

Hey, I am trying to change order of nodes in my tree. Everything works fine, but I would like to know if there is some beautiful, easy way of updating multiple fields by increasing its actual value by 1. Let me illustrate. Objtree.objects.select_related().filter(pk__in = ids).update(sort_order = 1) This code will change every sort_or...

asp.net 3.5 linq batch update?

Hi Looking for a bit of advice on this. I have a fairly robust .net web app where up till now ive only had to deal with records (in a sql server database) one at a time. I now have a requirement to do a batch update, of probably around 100 - 200 records at a time. I prefer using LINQ for querying, I know its not the best but just throug...

Entity Framework 4 update and insert one function

I'm migrating from SubSonic to EF4. In SubSonic models had a function called Save, if the key of the model was 0 an insert was done, otherwise an update. Is there a way to make a generic Save function like in SubSonic? For exmaple using an extension method? ...

ASP.NET SqlDataSource bulk update

MSDN Library has a walkthrough for bulk updates using a SqlDataSource. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa992036(v=VS.90).aspx Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I keep getting an error at: currentID = Convert.ToInt32(GridDocuments.DataKeys(0).Value) Are there other resources for SqlDataSource bulk updates? ...

does yum keep cache of not successfull update

Hello, I would like to know does yum keep cash of downloaded packages if update was not successful, for example during update computer was restarted, but some packages were downloaded. Will it redownload already downloaded packages or will continue downloading others ? Actually keepcache option in config file says that it keeps downlo...

Linq to objects Update

Hi all. Im using Linq - objects and I need to do an update. I've been looked around for a while but not really found anything that matches. So for arguments sake I have 2 simple List's, both with a key so I can use join happily. I cant find a simple way to update results from obj2 into obj1. for simple updates I'm currently doing thi...

Feasibility: Auto-tweet on Update of a page

On my company's website we have a display of 40 100px X 100px images that represent the projects that we have been involved in. We have more like 150 projects, but only 40 are displayed on the homepage and the selection of the 40 is random. See Example Here. We also have an Update page which sorts these 40 projects by the date they were...

Tortoise SVN asking to be updated with nothing to update

I go to commit a bunch of code, using Tortoise SVN, and it barks at me, telling me I can't do so without updating. So, I update. It tells me that I am fully updated, having updated absolutely nothing. Then, I re-commit the previous attempted commit and it commits as i there never was a problem. Exactly what is being updated when no...

Hibernate, HSQL, and Update w/ Limits

Is it possible to limit the number of rows that are updated using Hibernate/HQL? For instance: Query q = em.createQuery("UPDATE MyObj o Set o.prop = :prop"); q.setParameter("prop", "foo"); q.setMaxResults(myLimit); int res = q.executeUpdate(); if (res > myLimit) { // This is entering here and I don't want it to! } I've been Goog...

Updating iPhone app from OS3 to OS4...

I want to update my app to make use of the multitasking functionality and local notifications available in OS4. My question is, if I update my app and make it only available for OS4 and above does this mean that if someone is running OS3 on their phone they won't get the update? or they will get a warning that they need to update their O...

Xcode not updating nib files.

I am adding new properties in the controller but they are not appearing in IB. I am putting IBOutlet before the properties but for some reason they are not appearing there, neither IBActions. I restated xcode, my computer but nothing is changing this. This problem started when i installed the new version of xcode 3.2.3. Update: OK i w...