
MySQL event scheduling update query

I am just getting to grips with the event scheduler in MySQL and I am writing a query to update a column on the same date each year. The problem I am having is working out the best way to structure my update query. Every user has a value in column_x that is a varchar field in the format of int/int. These values range from 7/1 to 7/11, ...

setting multiple column using one update.

How to set multiple columns of a table using update query in mysql? ...

sql update records with incrementing value starting from 1 each time

I am adding batches of records to a table using a single insert statement. I want each new batch to be allocated incrementing numbers, but starting from 1 each time. So, if I have Batch Name IncementingValue 1 Joe 1 1 Pete 2 1 Andy 3 2 Sue 1 2 Mike 2 2 Steve 3 and I ...

Querying latest application version from the Android Market

Can I query the Android Market for the latest version of my application in code? I would like to show an update notification for the user when a new version is available. Related questions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2468449/process-in-updating-my-app-in-the-market http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3057771/is-there-a-way-to-a...

TableAdapter Update fail

Hi everyone, I have a VB windows Form project that connects to several DataTables in an Access DB. On my form I have several textboxes, comboboxes and datetimepickers that are bound to those sources. With one table in particular when I try to update the tableadapter after editing one of the textboxes the update method fails. No exceptio...

Update Framework for PHP

Does anyone know of a framework (written in PHP) to update PHP-based software ? I'm thinking of a library that assists in checking for updates online and that provides methods for generating, downloading, verifying and installing update packages, maybe even with encryption and public-key signatures. Ideally with a non-copyleft open sou...

Reading and appending form data live with javascript.

Hello. I have been searching for the solution to this problem for a while and have to come across an answer that is newbie-friendly enough for me to understand its implementation. Heres my situation: I am creating a simple, little, Web-based document numbering system that takes data entered into a form and combines it to form a document...

online update mechanism for a c++ SERVER app

Couldn't find anything about this topic. I have a Windows TCP C++ server application which I want to update from time to time. As you obviously understand this introduces a problem - the server should be 24/7 from the users' perspective. When updating, it is also desired to keep the current TCP connections with the users. I've been ...

Efficient ways of tracking updates to the database row.

Given the following two tables, what are some of the most efficient ways to track updates to a given entity (Entity table) and its data (EntityData). Entity { EntityID: Num EntityData: Blob } EntityData { ID: Num EntityID: Num Prop: String Value: String Type: Num } ...

Select value of one field into another on the same MySQL table in from the same row?

If I were to translate my MySQL table into PHP it might look something like this: $table = array(); $table[0] = array ('id'=>0, 'f1'=>0, 'f2'=>1); $table[1] = array ('id'=>1, 'f1'=>0, 'f2'=>2); // etc... In that case, I would want to do something like this: foreach($table as $row) { $row['f1'] = $row['f2']; } Is it possible to ...

php update data from multiple checkboxes

hi, i have a table called horse, i would like to create a form to edit the horse_name and horse_height, but the data cannot be updated, it turns out there is a problem with the update query, when i print the query to show the values, the horse_name value is equal to horse_height <body bgcolor="#009933"> <?php include("connection....

MySQL mass UPDATE 40K rows with server resource friendly query

Hi, i have something like 40K rows and i must run update query like this: UPDATE table1 SET column1='very long value 1...', column2='normal lenght value 1a' WHERE pid ='123' column3='ccc'; column1 is TEXT column2 is Varchar(150) ...and i want to use mysql query what is more server resource friendly. I want to use something lik...

In Android how do you update the screen after you change the text with a setText?

Right now I am using the following cod eot update a textview: txtMain.setText("new text"); After that code executes, the screen does not update with the new text. Is there a way I can force the text to update right then and there? ...

spring simplejdbctemplate batch update - array of strings

Hey StackOverflow, could please anybody help me out with an example of batch update of an array of strings into one column ? This is an example of batch update of an array of objects having getters public int[] batchUpdate(final List<Actor> actors) { SqlParameterSource[] batch = SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(actors.toArra...

Slow MySQL UPDATE query

I have a mysql table containing 400,000 rows whenever I run a PHP script to update one row, it takes about 3-4 seconds to do it. How can I optimize the update query? UPDATE `weakvocab` SET `times` = times+1, `wrong` = wrong+1, `mtime` = 1284369979 WHERE `owner` = 'owner_name' AND `vocID` = 'ID_number' AND `type` = 'type_name'; This ...

Jquery Validation And Update Panel Together

Hi, I m trying to use jquery validation plugin but my form is in update panel> So even after applying the validation on submit the form it validates n shows the required message for hardly 2 seconds and then submits the form. What is the workaround of this. Please help me if you can. Everywhere on site different w...

Mysql update statement for decimal fields to NULL or emptiness

Can't figure out, how to update decimal field to null or emptiness. Have tried: UPDATE ads SET price=NULL WHERE price=0 And UPDATE ads SET price="" WHERE price=0 Isn't working. Thanks ;) (Update) Just a moment. ...

MySql.Is it a way to export/import data from date to date?

In my way.I just want to export the data of a week and used it to update somewhere else. I am new to MySql. So . Can I do it by the PHP code written by myself or using other software? Thank you in advanced!! ...

convert empty space to null

I am using sql server. I have a table and the columns on this table contains empty spaces for some records. Now i need to move the data to another table and replace the empty spaces with NULL value. I tried to use REPLACE(ltrim(rtrim(col1)),' ',NULL) but it doesn't work. Because it will convert all the value of col1 to NULL. I just n...

locked sqlite file on iPhone

Until now all my database access has been reading, but now I need to update (and after this insert) I have a database containing 'shows' in the app directory (read-only) and that's ok for me (I don't want to copy it to the documents folder as it's rather big and I don't need to change stuff in it. But I want the user to select some sh...