
Open file from gridview within updatepanel, without warning

I want to open a PDF file after clicking a button within gridview, which is inside an updatepanel. Using Response.Write() etc. requires full postaback to send the HTTP headers for the file. I dont want to use a postback trigger on my gridview, so after going through some forums I decided to use javascript and the hidden iframe trick t...

Quick one about Updates in App Store...

I've got an app that works in ios3 (3.0 - 3.1.3), but they've deprecated some of the code in ios4. The problem is, if I update to the ios4 code (3.2 -) it will no longer work in the older phones. If I release an update that is for ios4, what happens to people who have the ios3 version? Does it say "sorry you can't have it"? Does it let ...

update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method

Hello all, i would like to update my sql lite database with the native update-method of the SQLiteDatabase class of android. ContentValues dataToInsert = new ContentValues(); dataToInsert.put("name", "flo"); dataToInsert.put("location", "flotown"); String where = "id" + "=" + id; try{ db.update(DATABAS...

Update statement involving two different catalogs

Trying to execute an update of a single field where the current db wants to pull values from last night's backup. Should be something close to: update myTable set status = (select status from .lastBackup.dbo.myTable as t where t.idField = idField) Help? ...

trying to change data with the UPDATE function in SQL and PHP.

hey, im using PHP, and with the update-function im trying to change data in SQL. can annyone show me how that's done? thanks ...

Update Table with a "Select query" with a where clause

I want to Achieve the following: Current State of table (my_table) id totalX totalY totalZ --------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 9 34 334 0 10 6 56 ...

wpf forcing update UI window during a procedure

Hi everyone! I need only to show a custom control (a clock with rotating hands) and with this to replace the mouse cursor, if I use a file .cur or .ani to replace the mouse cursor Me.CUrsor = New Cursor("absolute path of the .ani file") there is no problem: I can change the cursor during a procedure: but the quality of the animation is ...

WPF forcing GUI update using Dipatcher

Hi everyone! I need only to show a custom control (a clock with rotating hands) and with this to replace the mouse cursor, the problem is that if I write: Me.gridScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Visible ' some operations that takes about 1 second Me.gridScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden (gridScreen is the grid that contains the user-...

MongoDB: Updating documents using data from the same document

I have a list of documents, each with lat and lon properties (among others). { 'lat': 1, 'lon': 2, someotherdata [...] } { 'lat': 4, 'lon': 1, someotherdata [...] } [...] I want to modify it so that it looks like this: { 'coords': {'lat': 1, 'lon': 2}, someotherdata [...]} { 'coords': {'lat': 4, 'lon': 1}, someotherdata [...]} [......

Linq-to-Sql: Update child collection

First table: School (Id, Name) Second table: Student (Id, SchoolId, Name) Suppose I have received updated roster for a school: var school = db.Schools.Single(s => s.Id == updatedSchoolId); school.Students = updatedStudents; db.SubmitChanges(); This does not work, since disconnected students will end up with SchoolId set to null (orph...

prototype update method to COPY vs MOVE

i am using prototypes update method. what i notice is that when it updates the receiving element with the providing elements innerHtml, the providing elements innerHtml is removed. not only the innerHtml, but the entire element. is it possible to retain both the element AND the innerHtml? so basically i just want to COPY the innerHtm...

When to do nothing, logout or reboot in response to a system update.

I've noticed that when I update my programming tools (packages) on Fedora using PackageKit, I will occasionally be told that I need to logout or reboot. Yet when using Yum (preferred), no such advice is present (to the best of my awareness). My rule of thumb is that if I see a tool or plugin (Eclipse) has an update, I will restart the ...

PHP error when using mysql related functions

I have another script that I can't figure out what is wrong with it. I attempted to use the error_reporting(E_ALL); to report the errors, but it doesn't report anything. Anyway, here is the code I'm having trouble with. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $username = $_POST['user']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = md5($_POST['pass'])...

How to update multiple tables with one SQL statement in DB2

psudo-code as follows: update TABLEA a, TABLEB b set a.addr = 'aaa', b.name = 'bbb' from TABLEA a, TABLEB b where a.id = b.id and a.id = 1 ...

[Database]Follow up question about [delete(cascade/retrict)]and Update(cascade/restrict)

I would like to know when to actually use delete cascade or delete restrict AND update cascade or update restrict. I'm pretty confused using them or applying in my database. ...

Update on each client

Hi everyone, I have a SVN server running on Windows. I need to force an update on every "working copy" (for each people using the svn repos) after a commit. I tried with a post-commit.bat script in the hook directory on the svn server. The problem is that the update occures on the server and not in the client file. Here an extract ...

Updating record in Database

Hello, I have this form on my site where a user can enter many strings and save it to their account. But I'm not sure how to go about it. Instead of creating a whole new user, with new values, I'd just like to update a single entry in the database. For example if a user wanted to add another email address to their account, how would I...

SQL: Update with value from other table depending on timestamp

Hi, I have the following problem: I want to update the column "UPDATE_VALUE" of table A with values from the column "SOURCE_VALUE" from another table B. Both tables have a timestamp column, and the value that should be updated in table A should be the one of the row of table B with the highest timestamp smaller/equal than the timestamp ...

Retrieve & update 20000 data records stops working

Hi everyone, I am using the following code do get all data records from a MS SQL database and I try to update every single record. The code is used in a WebService. The issue is, that the code runs fine if I have 1000 data records but now I have 20000 data records an the code first returned with an timeout. Then I set the cmd.CommandTim...

Subversion tells me a folder is up to date, when it isn't

So I've been working with subversion (and IntelliJ) for almost a year now. Every once in a while, subversion seems to get corrupted or something, and it won't update properly. After updating, i'll find files in the repo-browser that won't get checked out into my file system. Updating again says all files are up to date. I've fixed this ...