
Twitter Oauth via PHP WITHOUT cURL

My server does not support cURL. I want to update my status via php. How to do that without cURL? Again: WITHOUT CURL! ...

Update status facebook using python

i'm trying the solve problem update status using facebook API with pyfacebook so i look at here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1907662/update-facebook-pages-status-using-pyfacebook and i think doesn't work anymore well, finally i solve the problem #!/usr/bin/python import facebook # Replace these with your app's credentials api_key ...

Updateing Android application content via internet ?

Hi, i want to develop an Android application that will take the content from internet (server) and present it in the application. (ex. i take the todays weather forecast, put the numbers in SQLite database or .txt file , put the database/txt file on internet server so when i open the application, the app connects&downloads the database ...

Automatic updating of C# programs

I'm writing a suite of programs for client PCs -- a Windows Service a user-space Windows Forms application I need to be able to publish an updated version of these programs and have the client PCs automatically and transparently (with no user interaction) update themselves. This update will be done over an unreliable 3G connection (E...

problems with bulk editing in MVC 2 C#

Im having issues when trying to post a IList back to the controller here is some of the code My controller public ActionResult Approvals(ICollection<ApprovalListModel> model) { My pages <%@ Page Inherits="ViewPage<IList<Book>>" %> <% for (int i = 0; i < ViewData.Model.Count; i++) { %> <%: Html.TextBoxFor(m => m[i].Title) %>... B...

How to revert a software update in Eclipse

I think of of the last update of an Eclipse plugin is causing errors, how can I revert to the version previous to the latest update ? (the plugin is PHPsrc : http://www.phpsrc.org/) Thanks ...

Do I have to close the browser in order to refresh my Java applet?

I am just learning Java applets. When I changed my code, it doesn't update if I refresh the page, but it does when I close the entire browser and open it again. I'm using eclipse as my IDE. Is there some setting I'm missing? Or is the only way to do it? ...

Strategy for updating data in databases (Oracle)

We have a product using Oracle, with about 5000 objects in the database (tables and packages). The product was divided into two parts, the first is the hard part: client, packages and database schema, the second is composed basically by soft data representing processes (Workflow) that can be configured to run on our product. Well, the b...

What is the best way to update data for an iPhone app?

I am developing an application for iPhone and one part of it deals with a list of currencies and daily exchange rates. I am using SQLite to store all these rates. Now I came to the part where I want to make the update part of my database with the new exchange rates. The first thought was make a request to a server with a specific d...

What can cause 'rows affected' to be incorrect?

Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I have done a simple transaction: BEGIN TRAN SELECT ko.ID, os.ID AS ID2 FROM table_a AS ko JOIN table_b AS os ON os.ID=ko.ID WHERE (ko.the_date IS NOT NULL AND os.the_date IS NULL); UPDATE table_b SET the_date=ko.the_date FROM table_a AS ko JOIN table_b AS os ON os.ID=ko.ID WHERE (ko....

Update date + one year in mysql

Hi, When I want setting numerical value +1 in mysql table, I use e.g.: UPDATE table SET number=number+1 WHEN ... How can I set date + one year? Thanks ...

MySQL Update Column +1?

Hello, I was wondering what would be the easiest way to update a column by +1? I will be updating a post count of a category based on when users submits a new post. Thanks. ...


I have a table with *PwdSettings that has a value of -50 (which is say 50 days) *PwdDate (which is the date last updated) *ExpDate (which is 0 or 1, if Password is old i need it set to 1) Im trying to write a query to say "IF PwdDate is < PwdSettings Then SET ExpDate = 1" Here is what I have tried so far, everything throws an error...

sql update query syntax with inner join

Can anyone find my error in this query? I'm using sql server 2000 and I want to update all entries in the CostEntry table to the corresponding value in the ActiveCostDetails table. The where clause DOES work with a select statement. UPDATE CostEntry CE INNER JOIN ActiveCostDetails As AD ON CostEntry.lUniqueID = ActiveCostDetails....

How to pass progress to MVC page

I have a delegate method with is called periodic while WritingAnObject uploading the file. I would like to update div (ProgressUpdate) in my MVC page with args.PercentDone value. I appreciate any idea? Thanks, //delegate method private void displayProgress(object sender, ProgressArgs args) { //Console.WriteLine(args.Percen...

sql find duplicate entry and insert into new column

I have a table with columns: Date, Phone, Name, and Event I need a query that will first recognize the duplicate phone entry, and then assign the name of whichever one has the earlier date to the event column. ...

issue with updating record in database using JPA

I have object in database with values as follows: id =1 name = "john" chargeid = 6 I am using merge statemet to update the code em.merge(obj) When i see the query generated by JPA i found that in update query only fields which has new or not null values are updated. I checked the bean which is associated with this object and found th...

setting values of some fields to null using JPA

In jpa merge, are all coumns of updated or only the columns which has new values? While updating if i set value of some attribute to null, will null value will be stored in that cloumn in db, or will it retain previous value? ...

best approach for updation using JPA

Using JPA which method should I follow while updating? approach 1 obj o = new obj() o.setName('val') set other values entitymanger.merge(ibj) approach 2 obj o = getObjFromDb(obj) obj.setval(name) //not am not updating other attributes entitymanage.merge(obj) ...

Coldfusion neo-cron.xml has been modified - when it hasn't been

We've just upgraded from CF 9 to 9.0.1 (ColdFusion 9 Update 1). We're running on Windows Server 2008. After the upgrade we noticed on our server that we were getting a lot of these messages in server.log: "Information","scheduler-6","10/05/10","12:34:48",,"neo-cron.xml has been modified . Reloading the service coldfusion.scheduling.Cr...