
What does VS 2008's "Convert to Website" mean?

I have upgraded a MS Visual Studio Application from VS 2003 to VS 2008 (Targeting .NET 2.0). As part of the conversion process the wizard said I needed to take the additional step of Converting my Project to a Website by Right-Clicking and blah blah blah... I didn't follow directions and the web application seems to be working fine. My...

How do I find and decouple entities from a certificate when upgrading MS-SQLServer editions?

While in the final throws of upgrading MS-SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to MS-SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, I came across this error: The certificate cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it. To continue, correct the problem... So, how do I find and decouple the entities signed/...

asp consuming a web service, what do do with recordset object ?

Currently I run an classic (old) ASP webpage with recordset object used directly in bad old spagethi code fasion. I'm thinking of implementing a data layer in asp.net as web serivce to improve manageability. This is also a first step towards upgrading the website to asp.net. The site itself remains ASP for the moment... Can anybody rec...

Whats your favorite new feature in asp.net 3.5?

I am upgrading an asp.net 2.0 site to 3.5 and visual studio 2008. What would be the one thing that you would recommend looking into for upgrade to benefit the site? ...

How do I upgrade from Drupal 5 to 6?

I'm running Drupal 5 on my website and want to upgrade to V6. I've not got any obscure or unsupported modules running. What do I do though? I can't seem to find any step-by-step upgrade methods. Do I just have to overwrite all the files and then re-run the installer again? ...

MySQL++ library doesn't work after upgrading GCC

I was using mysql++ library and compiling with GCC 3.3.4. That GCC version had some bugs so I upgraded to GCC 3.4.6. After upgrading GCC I rebuilt mysql++ and recompiled my program. But now I get a segmentation fault error. I get the following message: ./mysqlTest: Symbol `_ZTVSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE' has dif...

.NET 2.0 or 3.5?

Our clients use a vb6 version of our software. We are upgrading them to a .NET application written in C#... Is there less bulk using .net 2.0 than .net 3.5? My definition of less bulk would be: Smaller size, smaller installation time, etc. Most of them probably already have 2.0 anyway. I only ask because I would like to take advanta...

in a web application, how do keep the database structure up to date?

If your data change after the application is deployed, how do you keep the database up to date? I mean, you can add or remove table, thats a simple task. Altering an existing table can be trivial too. But if you change the structure often, how do you keep that under a control? I used to keep a table with a current database version in ...

Delphi 2009? Ok or buggy?

Hi. I got tired of trying Delphi every year hoping that I will find a stable version to upgrade from my good old Delphi 7. Should I bother to try Delphi 2009? Or it is as unstable as the previous versions and should I wait until Delphi 2010? Thanks ...

What is the equivalent of the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK for the .NET Framework 3.5?

On our build server, we've installed the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK in order to kick off MSBuild and run our builds. Now we are upgrading to the .NET Framework 3.5. We do not want to install the complete Visual Studio, but we cannot find a .NET Framework 3.5 SDK on the internet either? The question: What do we need ot download and install t...

How to make php5 on a machine running php4, without breaking anything

I know with python and a couple other languages there is a way to safely make install a newer generational version of a language onto a machine, but after digging through PHP5's configure & makefile the only thing I've seen is the prefix dir option and the ini scan path. Ideally I'd like php5 to have its own lib/bin subdirectories in /u...

How to (kindly) ask your users to upgrade from IE6?

It's no secret at all that IE6 has been a major roadblock to the advancement of the web over the last few years. I couldn't count the number of hours I've spent bashing my head against a wall trying to fix or debug IE6 issues. The way I see it, there are two types of IE6 user. a) the poor corporate schmoe whose IT department doesn't wan...

How do you handle software upgrades like SQL Server 2008?

I'm only asking this because I'm finding as I get older, it becomes a much more frustrating part of my job. How do you handle new versions of software, particularly software that coders and DBAs use on a regular basis? It seems that just when I've fleshed out SQL2005, SQL2008 will have come and gone and SQL2010 will be here. I've mi...

The XML code runs properly, but junit fails with NoClassDefFound

I am upgrading my environment from eclipse 3.3.1 and java 1.4 to eclipse 3.4.1 and java 1.5. My unit tests are in jUnit 3. eclipse java version 1.5.0__17 stand alone env version 1.5.0__12, or 1.5.0-17, both work. I have a method on a class that writes an XML file to disk. It calls TransformerFactory tf = [javax.xml.transform.]Transfor...

What is the best method for taking a site down and kicking out users to do an upgrade?

I'm wonder how people are kicking people out or blocking access to a site when you want to do an upgrade and you have users that are logged in. My one thought is to just put a bool setting in a global file (such as the settings file) for whether or not the site is unavailable. True is available, while false is unavailable. When false, t...

Getting Django admin url for an object

Before Django 1.0 there was an easy way to get the admin url of an object, and I had written a small filter that I'd use like this: <a href="{{ object|admin_url }}" .... > ... </a> Basically I was using the url reverse function with the view name being 'django.contrib.admin.views.main.change_stage' reverse( 'django.contrib.admin.views....

Upgrading Informix - Switch to Oracle, Sybase or stay with Informix?

Hi, Previously I posted a question so I could confirm our current (albeit archaic) version of Informix here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/682154/how-do-you-identify-informix-version-on-solaris (Thank you Jonathan and RET for clearing that up) We are definitely planning on upgrading but are first discussing if it would make more...

To upgrade or not to upgrade

I tend to think that keeping up-to-date with the latest version is a good thing. That doesn't mean upgrading as soon as the product is released - but within a relatively short timeframe afterwards (3-6 months). Upgrades can be for application server, .NET Framework, Java SDK, database, third-party components, etc. I've found that vend...

Delphi 2009: "XML document must have a top level element" error when using TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge

We have a app which uses HttpWebBrokerBridge, it works fine in Delphi2006 but when I recompile using Delphi2009 I get EDOMParserError exception with message "XML document must have a top level element". I don't have any clues as to what's causing this error. Any clues as to what I should do? Sandeep ...

Advantage 8.1 vs 7.1

I am in the process of upgrading a few in-house applications from ADS7.1 to 8.1. I was told a while back that there are changes in return values of the avg() function as well as some division calculations, but I cannot find any documentation on these changes. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or have a link that explains the detail...