
Error while using Uploadify

Hello All, I am new to Jquery, I have a problem regarding uploading the files using Uploadify. Iam trying to send a file to the Java Servlet which uploads the file using apache commons. But while executing the code, it is not all going to servlet. I actually took this sample example from web and trying it. Can anyone advice what am i mi...

Uploadify (Session and authentication) with ASP.NET MVC

When I use Authorize filter on an action or a controller used by uplodify (http://www.uploadify.com/) the action isn't reach... moreover Session are not retrieved. I found this to retrieved user session : http://geekswithblogs.net/apopovsky/archive/2009/05/06/working-around-flash-cookie-bug-in-asp.net-mvc.aspx But how to use it with...

Jquery Uploadify checkscript

I am trying to implement the checkscript feature of uploadify in an asp.net mvc view but i can't determine what the key is i should be using on the controller side. Below is the php script but i am not very familiar with php and can't determine what php is scraping out of the httprequest. Has anyone implemented this? The documentation is...

Flash uploaders (Uploadify and SwfUpload) - problems with special characters in filenames

I need to implement a flash-based file-uploader, that will allow me to upload multiple files at once and view progress. I tried Uploadify and SwfUpload and it was quite easy getting them to work. However, for both I run into problems, when the users try to upload files, that have filenames with special characters (such as Danish æøå or...

Combining javascript / jQuery and PHP

I'm using Uploadify to upload an image. Now I need to get the correct upload path. I have the following code / script: <?php $uploadifyPath = get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-content/plugins/uploadify/'; $galleryPath = "'".getGalleryURL('1620')."'"; // <--- 1620 is inputed by me. ?> <input id="galleryID" type="hidden" value="...

uploadify scriptData problem

Hi, I'm having problems with scriptData on uploadify, I'm pretty sure the config syntax is fine but whatever I do, scriptData is not passed to the upload script. I tested in both FF and Chrome with flash v. Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 This is the config: $(document).ready(function() { $('#id_file').uploadify({ 'uploader' ...

Multi Part Form with AJAX in php/codeigniter

I am trying to create a multi page listing form (using AJAX - jquery) for a real estate site. The basic premise is that a user should be able to create a listing in step 1 of the form. In step 2 of the form, the user should now be able to upload images/video. In step 3 of the form, the user would add any additional information related to...

Uploadify causing error in IE 7/8

For some reason when I load a page with uploadify, in IE 8 I get this Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0) Timestamp: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:36:52 UTC Message: Object doesn't support this pr...

jquery uploadify

Okay, i can't post all the code to this because it's just unnecessary. But here's the problem. I have a tabbed dialogue (ui.tabs) which contains an uploadify form for uploading files. However on an earlier tab I check the status of a radiobutton to determine whether to allow only image files or flash files. I have initialized uploadify...

What is the business best practice on validating filename?

I have a "dilema" and wonder what is business best practice. I'm using Uploadify to upload images. Now I need to validate the filename before saving the file. I've looked at different solutions, but can't get down to one good solution. Here are my criterias: Filename must be all in lowercase Filename can only contain charaters [a-z0...

Uploadify: show error message from HTTP response

Hi, If the server returns an error (HTTP response code != 200) when uploading a file with Uploadify, the uploaded file gets a red background and a message is show like this: file.jpg (52.78KB) - HTTP Error indicating that there was a HTTP Error. But that's not very useful to the the user. How can I make it show a more detailed error ...

Modal popup File Upload

Hi, I use Eric martin's contact form modal popup in one of my personal projects. I wish to add file upload to it, however when I try to get the file, I'm able to view the file. I'm pretty much new with Jquery. I tried couple of AJAX Upload and uploadify, thats also didnt work. Please suggest me some solution to proceed. My Frontend is...

dynamically setting properties in uploadify

is it possible to add a new property to a previously declared object? Here is some code to clarify (with the uploadify jquery plugin): $('#featuredimageupload').uploadify({ 'uploader' : base_url + 'media/js/uploadify.swf', 'script': base_url + 'post/uploadflash', 'multi' : true, 'queueID' : 'queue', ...

Uploadify + Castleproject Monorail: Ajax calls cannot be done while uploading

Hi, I am working on a project using the uploadify jquery plugin and CastleProject Monorail as backend. The problem I get is that while uploading it seems to block the ajax calls (which are called in the meantime). The ajax are called after the upload is finished. The strange thing is, when I implement uploadify in a new castleproject m...

How can I re-initialize Uploadify script without adding extra button?

I'm walking you through a processs here: Step 1 1. Select product from dropdownlist 2. A form is populated with data 3. An hidden ID get's the product ID from the selected item 4. Uploadify is initialized and retrieves the product ID. An uploadbutton is added to form. Step 2 1. Select new product from dropdownlist 2. The form is re-pop...

Uploadify Minimum Image Width And Height

So I am using the Uplodify plugin to allow users to upload multiple images at once. The problem is I need to set a minimum width and height for images. Let's say 150x150px is the smallest image users can upload. How can I set this limitation in the Uploadify plugin? When user tries to upload smaller picture, I would like to display some...

Storing form data in a javascript session

Hi there, I was wondering if it's possible to store form data such as 'title' and 'description' in a javascript session? I'm using the uploadify script to have a flash uploader, but the script isn't passing the title and description. This is my code at the moment; <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { ...

Total Queue Percentage with Jquery Uploadify

I am trying to calculate the total percentage of the queue in uploadify, The onProgress built-in function returns the following: onProgress percentage bytesLoaded allBytesLoaded speed At first I thought the 'percentage' would return the total percentage of the queue. However I later found out that it only returns the percentage o...

Problem sending additional post data to server with uploadify

Hello there, I'm using uploadify on a page that allows a user to upload images as well as a category field in which to send those images. Now, I see that uploadify provides a "scriptData" method that allows me to send over key value pairs to the uploadify.php script. But the problem is that the scriptData method grabs its values upon pa...

When using ajax Uploadify I keep getting a Security Error in my browser...

We are using Uploadify to upload images with our website. Currently when I click on Add photo,browse to my photo and select it. The uploadify status bar turns red and throws a message that says: whatever.jpg (size 65.36KB) - Security Error I have looked at the Apache logs and do not see any errors being thrown. We have reviewed all ...