
Some questions about ASP.Net Postback

Hello, Lets say I have a text box which should have a default value.... and it is in an initializing function like so: void InitializeControls() { myTextBox.Text = "Default Text"; } Now, lets say that I have a button, which does a postback... I want to save the user entered value of the textbox off somewhere in the button's OnCl...

Difference in DLL when compiling on Build Server instead of Dev Machine.

I have an application that loads user controls into .NET web application. When I compile and test the application locally on my dev machine it works on my machine. The project builds successfully using MSBuild on our build server. However when I deploy the dll generated by MSBuild on the build server I get the following error when the...

LoadViewState not fired on my user control

I have a user control nested in a repeater. Inside my user control I have another repeater and in that I have a panel. I am trying to override the LoadViewState event of my user control and dynamically add controls to the panel. I want to do it in the LoadViewState so that the dynamic controls get added before the viewstate gets load...

How do you replace an entire xaml element?

<ListView> <ListView.Resources> <DataTempalte x:Key="label"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Label}"/> </DataTEmplate> <DataTemplate x:Key="editor"> <UserControl Content="{Binding Control.content}"/> <!-- This is the line --> </DataTemplate> </ListView.Resources> <ListView.Vie...

User defined top level control in XAML

A normal UserControl looks like this in XAML: <UserControl x:Class="" ...namespaces...> <!-- content --> </UserControl> I'd like to be able to define my own top level object, along the lines of: <MyControl x:Class="mynamespace.mycontrol" ...namespaces...> <!-- content --> </UserControl> Where MyControl derives from a...

How can I handle events within my custom control?

I am not looking to create new events. I need to create a canvas control that optionally fades in or out depending on whether or not the mouse is over it. The code below probably explains what I want to do better than I can. private Storyboard fadeInStoryboard; private Storyboard fadeOutStoryboard; public FadingOptionPan...

Datagrid using usercontrol

Hello I am fighting with this problem: I have a usercontrol which contains a textbox and a button (the button calls some functions to set the textbox's text), here is the xaml: <UserControl x:Class="UcSelect" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Nam...

Adding custom UserControl assemblies to the toolbox

If I drag and drop an assembly, or use the Toolbox's "Choose items..." dialog, should I be choosing the debug or release version of my assemblies from their bin\ folders? I.e. is Visual Studio clever enough to work out that when I want a release build it'll reference Release built assemblies? ...

User control attributes at design-time

I'm testing a simple User Control in Visual Studio 2008: A Panel named Wrapper with some controls inside. Can Visual Studio handle this at design time? public partial class TestControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl { [Description("Css class of the div around the control.")] [CssClassProperty] public string CssClass { ...

Silverlight and UserControls registered as COM

Hello, I have a .NET user control registered as COM. I use regasm to register the control and can then use it in a web page. I have hear that Silverlight 4 supports COM, is that true ? would I be able to use my UserControl in a silverlight application ? Thank you ...

COM Enabled .NET User Control

Hello, I have created a COM enabled .NET User Control and am wondering what is the best way to deploy this to users to use the control in a web page ? Is cab the way to go with this ? I understand that I will need to regasm the control on the user's machine. Would a regular msi be better and easier to use for this ? Thanks ...

How can I hide the resizing handles of a control in Windows Forms?

I have an UserControl and would like to hide the resizing handles in design-time, just like the TextBoxControl, that has only two handles (left and right ones)... the height of the textbox is fixed, unless you say it is multiline. In that case, the textbox shows all nine resizing handles. ...

Handling events from user control containing a WPF textbox

In order to take advantage of the spell checking ability of WPF textboxes, I have added one to a user control (with the use of elementhost). This user control is used in various window forms. My current problem is trying to handle keyup events from this textbox but the windows form is unable to "get" any event from the control. I can acc...

Get clientid in user control from external javascript file

Hello, I am developing a user control (ascx) in ASP.NET which uses javascript for manipulating controls. Currently the javascript code is inlined and uses <%= somecontrol.ClientID %> to get the control it needs. I want to put the javascript file in external file but from external file I cannot use the above syntax for retrieving contro...

InvalidCastException for two Objects of the same type

hi, I have this weird problem that I cannot handle myself. A class in the model of my mvp-project designed as singleton causes an InvalidCastException. The source of error is found in this code line where the deserialised object is assigned to the instance variable of the class: engineObject = (ENGINE)xSerializer.Deserialize(str); It oc...

AutoScaleMode.Inherit does not inherit

I have a user control contained in a tabpage. The Form has set AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font and the UserControl has set AutoScaleMode.Inherit. Now when I enlarge the font size of the form then the font is enlarged in the user control too, but the controls contents are not scaled. If I explicitly set AutoScaleMode.Font on the user ...

What is the most effective way to test for combined keyboard arrow direction in ActionScript 3.0?

I need to monitor the direction a user is indicating using the four directional arrow keys on a keyboard in ActionScript 3.0 and I want to know the most efficient and effective way to do this. I've got several ideas of how to do it, and I'm not sure which would be best. I've found that when tracking Keyboard.KEY_DOWN events, the event r...

Can I trigger an Update Panel from a Drop Down list in a User Control

I have a user control in a master page with two drop down lists. When the user selects an item out of either ddl, I want to load a specific user control inside an update panel on the content page. I can't figure out how to get the user control to trigger the update panel. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Master <%@ Regis...

In an, how to get a reference of a custom webcontrol from a usercontrol?

Hi I have a page which holds a custom webcontrol and a usercontrol. I need to reference of webcontrol in usercontrol class. So, I make the declaration of webcontrol as public in page class. But, when I do “this.Page.”, I don’t see the webcontrol listed in list provided by intellisense. Most probably, I am missing something. In an asp.n...

How to override event on a UserControl

Hello! I have a WinForms application (OwnerForm) with some UserControl. When textbox of UserControl is changed, I want to filter content of a OwnerForm. But how can I make it? I don't want to specify OwnerForm inside the user control. I know a solution to add manually handlers for MyUserControl.tb.TextChanged to some functions on a o...