
Using NMock with ByRef parameters

I have to work with an API that uses a lot of by-reference parameters. I'm just beginning to use NMock, and I'm having trouble seeing how to make NMock actually modify one of those by-ref parameters to a specific value. Am I missing something, or does it just not do that? Is there a better way, short of wrapping this API? ...

Office 2007/2003 VSTO Shared Add-In Design Query

I am designing a shared add-in using VB.Net 2008 and VSTO that has to fire up when any MS Office App is started. It has to work for both 2002, 2003 and 2007 applications. I have managed to put together a working add-in that pops up a test message stating the version of Office and the Application name and tested this across all the apps o...

Intelligent Selection Algorithm

Hi all, I am using VB.NET and I am trying to come up with some algorithm or some pseudo-code, or some VB.NET code that will let me do the following (hopefully I can explain this well): I have 2 collection objects, Cob1 and Cob2. These collection objects store objects that implement an interface called ICob. ICob has 3 properties. A boo...

Can I inherit from a generic class without specifying a type?

I have the following sample code in a VB.NET console application. It compiles and works, but feels like a hack. Is there a way to define EmptyChild so that it inherits from Intermediate(Of T As Class) without using the dummy EmptyClass? Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim Child1 = New RealChild() Child1.Content = New RealClass() ...

How can I delete an entry from an array?

I am using Visual Basic 2008, and I am making a simple meeting planner program. The data stored for each day is stored into an array with three fields: calendars.Days calendars.ToD calendars.Appointment Days stores the selected day corresponding to the MonthCalendar object of the entry. ToD is the time of day selected by a combobox...

Passing value through querstring without showing the destination page in the URL with ASP.NET web form

Hi, I have a small web app being written in ASP.NET, VB.NET , .NET 3.5 I pass a value from default.aspx to demo.aspx using query string. When Go button is clicked the URL will be like this : localhost/demo.aspx?id=4 But I want URL to be sth like this when Go button is clicked : localhost/?id=4 and the id value is passed to demo.aspx s...

Simple iteration through an Integer-type enum?

Hi, I have the following Enum: Public Enum myEnum As Integer first = &H1 second = &H2 third = &H4 fourth = &H8 fifth = &H10 sixth = &H20 End Enum It is neccessary, unfortunately, that the enum elements have those values, or at least have values that can be binary compared. I have a class which can be set d...

CommandLine automation problem - VS2005 Team Edition

I am trying to automate VC++ build via an addIn written using VB.NEt so that we can schedule it using a simple batch file. This addin performs some custom pre-requisites before the build is started. The build is invoked as ... devenv.com /useenv %NEWSOLFILE% /CLEAN %BUILDCONFIG% /OUT %OUTLOGFILE% > nul with appropriate filename substi...

asp.net: Inheriting from controls that use embedded resources and me.GetType()

hi, I'm having some trouble trying to inherit a control that uses an embedded resource. the trouble is - this control uses me.GetType() instead of GetType(ControlName). now when I try to use the derived control, it looks for the resources in the derived control's assembly, instead of the base control assembly, and obviously - doesn't fin...

Add a pdf to a Reporting Services report after rendering report as pdf

We are using Reporting Services to generate a purchase order, which is rendered as pdf before displaying on the screen. The report works well, as is, except that now we have to add a Terms & Conditions page to every PO. I've tried placing it in the footer, setting it to display only on the last page--this didn't work. I've also tried a...

WCF Timing out from Windows Services but not Web Applications

Hi All I am currently having an issue calling a WCF service from a windows service. My Application Solution looks like this. Web Administration Console (Web Project) Central Control (Windows Service) WCF service so the Web Administration Console can connect to it and configure it Several Calls to use WCF on the Node (Window Service) ...

in .net, if a function returns an object, is it wrong to just use the function, _as_ an object?

I've got a f(x) that returns a collection of user controls. .Net lets me just treat the f(x) name as the collection. Is there something wrong with doing so? ex) Private Function GetCcB() As Collection(Of Reports_ucColumn) Dim cc As New Collection(Of Reports_ucColumn) cc.Add(Me.ucColumn0) cc.Add(Me.ucColumn1) cc.Add(Me...

Game Development in vb.Net

What are the big limitations with VB.Net that prevent people from wanting to use it as a language to develop games? ...

Why is ValidateInput(False) not working?

I am converting an application I created using webforms to the asp.net mvc framework using vb.net. I have a problem with one of my views. I get the yellow screen of death saying "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" when I submit my form. I am using tinymce as my RTE. I have set on the view itself ...

Displaying images derived from a byte-array dynamically on a page

I'm calling a webservice that is returning an unknown quantity of images in the form of an a collection of byte arrays. (I can't change this) I need to display each image on a single aspx webpage. I'm currently using the Microsoft.Web.GeneratedImage control; http://www.codeplex.com/aspnet/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=16449 to...

Convert ArrayList to delimited text file

I previously asked a question about my meeting planner app, and how to delete a specific entry in the array. Someone had the interesting suggestion of using a ArrayList, instead of a normal array. I am attempting to learn ArrayList, but to no good result. I can't even get the ToString method to work correctly to write what I want it to i...

x=x+1 vs. x +=1

I'm under the impression that these two commands result in the same end, namely incrementing X by 1 but that the latter is probably more efficient. If this is not correct, please explain the diff. If it is correct, why should the latter be more efficient? Shouldn't they both compile to the same IL? Thanks. ...

vb.net - Populating a combobox with multiple properties from object

Using vb.net (vs2005), how do I populate a combo box with multiple property values from an object? Right now I'm iterating a collection of objects and adding the name property of each object to the combo box. I'd like to add multiple properties from the object to the list. For now, I'd be happy if they appeared comma separated in the lis...

Threaded image-scaling sub still bogs down UI

I created an image-viewing control for my boss that incorporates panning, zooming via the mouse wheel, and drawing a box to zoom to. The control needs to support very large image files (i.e. several thousand pixels on each side). It all works, but whenever the code is scaling the image the control UI becomes unresponsive. My boss had ...

Handling states and countries (or provinces): best way to implement

In my career I have seen literally dozens of ways that people choose to handle implementing state and country data (as in NY or USA). I've seen enumerations, multi-dimensional arrays, data driven classes from XML docs or databases, and good old-fashioned strings. So, I'm wondering, what do people consider the "best way" to handle this ...