
GridView For Each

I have a gridview that displays items details, I added two template fields one is a checkbox and the other is a textboc, what I want is simply to check all the items the customer wants to buy, and write down the quantity in the textbox, when I click on a button, I should check all rows in the gridview and when the checkbox is Checked the...

Running a .NET application from a file share without code signing

The .NET security model throws security errors whenever a .NET exe is run from a file share. The error does not appear when ran from a local drive. Does anyone know of a way around this without requiring the code to be signed? ...

CopyLocal in a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET Web Site?

Hi guys, Is there something like the Reference property CopyLocal in a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET Web Site? A VS05 Web Application has a References folder in the Solution Explorer where you can select a reference and view its properties, such as CopyLocal, in the Properties window. But a VS05 Web Site only has a References folder in...

Auto Generate Gets and Sets from a Database

I am coming from VB6 and I am starting to convert an existing VB6 code to VB.Net. What tools can I use to automate this task? ...

DropDownList binding problem

Hi, I have two DropDownListBoxes one is called ddlDay and the other is ddlMonth. As their names suggests, ddlDay has values from 01 to 31 (not dynamic) and ddlMonth has values from 01 to 12. These values are not dynamically set. When the page loads, I am getting values from the db.. depending on the value, I am using ddlDay.SelectedIt...

How can I install a printer using .NET?

I have an .INF for a virtual printer that I need to install from a .NET Application. I have done this before using batch scripts, but I am looking for a snippet of code to do this in the .NET Framework. There's nothing particular about the printer .INF, so any code that installs a printer from an INF in C# or VB.NET will work. ...

SMS Library for .NET

Anyone know of a free SMS library or webservice for .NET that will allow me to send text messages to people's cell phones? ...

Creating a byte array using the long datatype?

Most of the time when we read the file stream into a byte array, we would write the following code:- Dim inputStream As New System.IO.FileStream(filePath, IO.FileMode.Open) Dim fileLength As Integer= CType(inputStream.Length, Integer) Dim input(fileLength) As Byte Using inputStream inputStream.Read(input, 0, fileLength) End U...

weird null pointer exception from VB code

Hello everyone, I am using Windows Vista x64 + VSTS 2008. I am debugging the sample program from the following URL (associated sample code for this article), http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/CaptureScreenAsVideo.aspx?display=PrintAll&fid=129831&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&fr=101&am...

VB.NET Switch Statement GoTo Case

I am writing some code in VB.NET that uses a switch statement but in one of the cases it needs to jump to another block. In C# it would look like this: switch (parameter) { case "userID": // does something here. case "packageID": // does something here. case "mvrType": ...

An best practice example of an MVP implementation of Unit Testing (in VB.Net)

Can anyone point me towards a complete scenario using MSTest,vb.net, with or without mocks,MVP (supervising controller) thanks ...

DoEvents in .NET

What's the equivalent of the VB6's DoEvents in .NET? EDIT: I have a Sub that takes a long time to do its work. (it has a do-while) when I call it, The form turns white. in VB6 I used to put a DoEvents in the method (inside its do-while) to prevent this. ...

Need help converting C# to vb. "array initializer is missing 1 elements"

Hello people, I am trying to convet the following code from C# to Vb using 3.5 framework. Here is the code in C# that I am having trouble with. MethodInfo mi = typeof(Page).GetMethod("LoadControl", new Type[2] { typeof(Type), typeof(object[]) }); I thought it would be like this in VB; Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(Page).GetMethod("...

Convert HTML in a database to XHTML using ASP.NET

I have a large amount of non-compliant HTML stored in database tables that I need to make validate. I thought of pulling it into an inline editor like X-Standard that would do a conversion, but is there an easier way to do this via VB.NET? ...

Problem when replacing images with same names in folders!

A.) When i use code to delete lets say Image123.jpg in folder Pics and i upload another image and rename that image also Image123.jpg and place it into folder Pics for some reason the new image get's displayed but its using the dimensions of the Image i delete. Using a Repeater over here to display the image................. B.) When i ...

Is it possible to duplicate the following credential process in VB.NET?

Solution (kinda): Turns out this impersonation with .NET's security only allows application-level access. Since the COM object is at the system level, the impersonated user still cannot instantiate it. I figured this out by right-clicking the executable and selecting "Run As...", the program functioned fine. I found out that launches t...

RAW Data from embedded resource image

I am trying to retrieve an image from an Embedded resource, and displaying it in its RAW DATA format (ie-> junk text data). Basically, I am running into a wall with everything I attempt. Can someone show me how to do this properly? Thanks. ...

Can I reset a static/shared class?

I've got a shared class (static in C#) which mostly carries some settings data that any class in the application can read and sometimes write. Also there are some static properties which holds some internal states. Now I want to revert this class to initial stage of it. With all default variables etc. Assume that the user want to reset ...

Flickering Task Bar on Full Screen Windows Mobile 6 Apps

Just finishing off an update to an application written in VB.NET that used to run fine under CE.NET 4.2. Deployment platform is now Windows Mobile 6.1. The application runs in full screen, however whenever a new form is opened, the task bar, i.e. the bar with the start button comes to the fore and then the new form takes over. This is ...

Getting State of Modifier Keys Compact Framework

How can I get the state of a modifier key using VB.NET on the Compact Framework, in this case Windows Mobile 6.1. I want to be able to determine if the following keys are pressed or locked: Shift CTRL ALT and for the Psion Teklogix machines Orange Blue Although I may be able to work this out, if I can determine the others. I want to c...