What are good things to check for, with respect to error-handling, when you are dealing with the data-access-layer? For example, let's assume I have this function..
Public Function UserExists(ByVal userName As String) As DataTable
Dim dt As Object = Nothing
Dim arSqlParameters(0) As SqlParameter
i have a dynamically created gridview button that fires off a modal popup when clicked. I do this onclientside like so:
function openModal(btnId, v) {
// __doPostBack('<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>', '');
btn = document.getElementById(btnId);
function deptdata(v) {
Is it possible to use LINQ in the express version of visual studio? I am planning on refactoring my project to use LINQ, but I am the only person in my group that has a copy of visual studio pro. Will that cause any problems if someone using the express version has to modified my code?
I realize that the graphical tools are not ava...
I am converting a c# LINQ example:
var query = from m in typeof(string).GetMethods()
where m.IsStatic == true
orderby m.Name
group m by m.Name into g
orderby g.Count()
select new { name = g.Key, overloads = g.Count() };
In the a...
Hopefully you ASP.NET pros out there can answer this question. I have a single web application that contains a website and a web service - both have several assembly references in common (data access layer, utilities, etc) - however, recent changes made to the web service will require different versions of the common assemblies,...
Is it possible to change the size of a font in .net winforms without having to create a new Font with the new size?
I need to begin working with milliseconds in .Net 3.0. The data will be returned from an Oracle Database and if I understand correctly Oracle can only store dates that use milliseconds as a TimeStamp. It does appears that the Date type in .Net can handle milliseconds but when I have tried to retrieve Timestamps from Oracle stored proc...
I toying with a project where I can position objects runtime on the screen. I also have an small "preview"-window, where I want to see the outline of the objects.
I have an object array who have size and location on the "scene". Now I want to loop through my scene-objects and create one picturebox in the preview-window for each obj...
So say I have a collection of Bloops
Class Bloop
Public FirstName
Public LastName
Public Address
Public Number
Public OtherStuff
End Class
Then I have a class of Razzies
Class Razzie
Public FirstName
Public LastName
End Class
Is it possible using Linq to select the FirstName and LastName out of all the Bloops in the c...
I have an application that uses a NotifyIcon in the tray to hide/restore the application, as well as pop up notices to the user of application events. My application has a notification queue, and I use the NotificationIcon.BalloonTipClosed event to determine when to reset the balloon and show the next notification (if there's one in the ...
I cannot get Bindable LINQ to work with VB.NET for the life of me. How do I get the .AsBindable extention to appear?
Sample code:
Class TestList : Inherits Bindable.Linq.Collection.BindableCollection(Of TestItem)
'Some Helpers and stuff'
End Class
Class TestItem
'Some Properties'
End Class
Imagine I magically come up with a coll...
I need to parse a file but the data is in a strange format that I'm not familar parsing.
The data is always formatted like this. The field name is to the left and the data is right of the "=" and all fields are always in this order.
File Data:
Report 1 of 1
job_name = JOBNAME
job_no = JOB99999 job_id = 6750
rprt_id = 27811
rprt_name ...
The only way I know of is awkward:
'check for empty return
Dim count As Integer = (From s In myEntity.employee Where employeeID = myEmployeeIDVariable).Count
'If there is a record, then process
If count > 0 Then
Dim r = (From s In myEntity.employee Where employeeID = myEmployeeIDVariable).First()
. . . do stuff . . .
End If
I'm working on modifying this example:
Using advWorksContext As New AdventureWorksEntities
' Call the constructor that takes a command string and ObjectContext.
Dim productQuery1 As New ObjectQuery(Of Product)("Product", advWorksContext)
Dim result As Product
For Each result In productQuery1
I was asked by an employer to sort a hash table. I always thought that the usage of a hash table was in a way non-sort friendly. Am I wrong in thinking this, and if not can you point me to a good VB.Net(Yes Kill me now, but it's an old system) method of sorting a hash table.
I have a list defined like so:
<ul id="myList" class='myClass'>
<li class="myItemClass">Item 1</li>
<li class="myItemClass">Item 2</li>
using .NET how can I add items to the list dynamically? I also need to specify the class name on each new item
SubSonic 2.2. I use the repository record pattern, with a table "appointment" with an appointmentId as auto-incrementing int.
I am trying to update it, but when I do update the fields with something totally different, dirty columns are always zero, and I get an exception.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an in...
I'm looking for a way of generating mhtml from a page in my asp.net web app.
I've seen this website and played with the code but i don't really want to use interop.cdo and interop.adodb. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/aspnethtml2mht.aspx
Other than generating all the mhtml myself i'm a bit stumped....
Anyone got any clever ideas?...
Hi all,
I have this situation where I have a SqlDatasource control and the select query is like:
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE colDate = @date
The source of @date is a label with the text: 2009-05-29 12:06:00
I get the following error when I run the query:
Conversion failed when converting date
and/or time from character ...
Project Euler's problem 16:
2^(15) = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.
What is the sum of the digits of the number 2^(1000)?
I have been trying to do this problem for a few days now and i just can't figure out how to get vb.net 2008 to recognize anywhere near that large a number. I have seen in other posts that...