
.Net Property Grid. Is there a way to let the Grid manipulate object in different way

As I understood , The property grid is given an object which it can manipulate by extracting its Properties using reflections. My problem is that I have a set of Parameters that is determined during run-time , thus I can't staticly compose a class with properties to represent this set. I have two idea in mind to solve this problem but ...

Find position of first occurrence of a substring in a string.

I wan't a method with which to find a string within another string. It should return the position of the first occurrence of the substring. (In VB 2008 !) ...

VB.NET Repeater Simple Data Binding Without Datasource

Hi, Im a ASP.NET beginner. I previously asked how to do some databinding to a repeater without a datasourse. Here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/926619/vb-net-repeater-simple-data-binding-without-datasource here is the solution someone got for me Dim repeatTimes((TotalAdInsured)) As Integer myRepeater.DataSource = repeatTimes...

ASP.NET Change Dropdown Control ID Inside Repeater Item Dynamically

hi, Can someone tell me how I can get this to work. I want to distinguish dropdown controls inside a repeater control. I understand now about the lifecyle and how the buffer is already writen, but what are my alternatives? Here is what happens Code File Dim repeatTimes((TotalAdInsured - 1)) As Integer myRepeater.DataSource = ...

Good description and tutorial regarding System.Data.Odbc / OdbcDataReader

Any links to good descriptions and/or tutorials (with VB.net 2008) on OdbcDataReader ? I tried, but didn't find many. MSDN is not such a good help in this case. ...

ASP.NET Find DropDown Value Inside Repeater Control

ok, ive had a few questions on this subject, i hope Im clearer this time. I want to find the values from a number of dropdown controls inside a repeater control. I eventually want to build a multidimensional array, so I can loop through each item and add them to a database table. <asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server"> <ItemTempl...

ASP.NET Find DropDown Value Inside Repeater Control Part II

Hi, ive had a few questions on this subject, still having problems. I want to find the values from a number of dropdown and textbox controls inside a repeater control. db.ConnectionString = SystemConnString db.Open() Dim selectedAdTitle As String = "" Dim enteredAdFullName As String = "" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlPara...

Which one is "better" code snippet?

Which code snippet is better? and How? ['Better' on the basis of, readability, debug, code standards etc...,] Dim Name As String = Employee.Name or Dim Name As String Name = Employee.Name ...

Linq to SQL Performance using contains.

I'm overloading a vb.net search procedure which queries a SQL database. One of the older methods i'm using as a comparison uses a Stored Procedure to perform the search and return the query. My new method uses linq. I'm slightly concerned about the performance when using contains queries with linq. I'm looking at equally comparable que...

VB.Net code optimization???

Hi, I would like to ask humbly to those vb.net experts out there regarding optimization of the code. My example here is a. Dim lblEventCategory = CType(Me.gvSpecialEvent.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).FindControl("lblEventCategory"), Label) b. Dim lblEventCategory As Label = CType(Me.gvSpecialEvent.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).FindControl("lblEvent...

How to edit a file ?

Hi experts, I have a CPP file. I am using VB in VS2005. I have opened that file using the FileSystemObject. I am reading each and every line in that CPP file. I have to comment all the lines untill i encounter a return statement.I am using the scripting.textstream to read a line from the CPP file. But i have no idea as to how we can add...

Searching for a file from VB.NET

Given a filename, how do I efficiently search for that file on disk? (Visual Studio 2005, i.e. .NET 2.0) ...

How do I determine which program is using a file in VB 2005?

Is there a way to get the program that is locking a file, in vb 2005? For instance, when I try to open a file that is already opened by another program, can I get the name of the process/program that has locked this file? ...

with linq to sql dbml, how to get the size of a datatype? like varchar(50), how to get that 50?

with linq to sql(dbml file), how to get the size of a datatype? for an example, varchar(50), how to get that 50? thanks ...

datagridview does not save changes to Access MDB file by default?

while user edits the datagridview, it does not save changes to Access MDB file ? this is not working.. TableAdapter.Update(DataGridView1.DataSource) ...

.Net Console Application that Doesn't Bring up a Console

I have a console application I'm using to run scheduled jobs through windows scheduler. All the communication to/from the application is in email, event logging, database logs. Is there any way I can suppress the console window from coming up? ...

serializing generic XML data across WCF web service requests

I've got a web app that sends a request to a WCF service. The WCF service gets a LINQ resultset (anon. ilist) and sends that in reply, back to the web app. In order to get it working quickly, inside the WCF app, i'm using copytodatatable and sending it to my web app in a DataSet. My web app then takes the DataSet and writes it to xml, ...

Dropdown list and gridview row-index/selectedvalue issue.

I have a gridview with a dropdown list that was created programmatcially. I want to have access to the selected value and to that row's Id. I have the dropdownlist created in *Gridview_RowDataBound* and I am able to use the text in the cell but my addHandler is never fired. Where do I give it the Add handler. I believe I can assign it ...

.NET enumerations of symbolic constants for string values

I have a list of rather meaningless codes that I'm processing with a VB.NET Windows application. For the business logic I'm writing to process those codes, I'd like to use meaningful constants (like ServiceNotCovered or MemberNotEligible) instead of the original codes (like "SNCV" and "MNEL"). As far as I can tell, Enums can only map to...

Change Crystal report Parameters

have an application written in Visual Basic, .NET 3.5 (VS2008)... and have reports created in Crystal Reports 2008 .... everything works fine... I pass the parameter values with code like this... Dim SParams as new hashtable SParams.add(paramname1,paramvalue1) SParams.add(paramname2,paramvalue2) SParams.add(paramname3,paramvalue3) .... ...