Find control on aspx from ascx
I'm trying to find a label on an aspx page from a user control (ascx) on said aspx page. Obviously Page.FindControl("lablel1") is not working. Do I need to add in ClientID somewhere? Thanks. ...
I'm trying to find a label on an aspx page from a user control (ascx) on said aspx page. Obviously Page.FindControl("lablel1") is not working. Do I need to add in ClientID somewhere? Thanks. ...
I saw an example of using Expression Builders, and creating your own Custom Expression Builder Classes here: However, I fail to see the value in using this approach. It doesn't seem much easier than programmatically setting values in your code behind. As far as I can tell, the o...
Possible Duplicate: splitting a string i have a string which looks like this: i need to get each of the numbers and put them in an array in this order: 0, 50, 100, 100, 200, 400, 218, 9.8, ???, 6.65, 6.31 etc... i have the following code but for some reason it only does the first column, it only g...
Enum age Over18 Under18 End enum Select case age End select 'age' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. Is there any way of using enums in "select case"? ...
Are the below two queries functionally the same? The first one doesn't return any data, but the second works fine with same exact input. Can someone point out what's wrong in my first query? Dim LTest2 As IEnumerable = From e1 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _ Join e2 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _ ...
Hello everyone, I'm new to Linq and having some strange results when I try to perform a query using where. Example of the xml: <movies> <movie id="1"> <scenes> <scene id="1"> <sceneartistsnames> <sceneartistname>Artist A</sceneartistname> </sceneartistsnames> <...
I'm co-developing a vehicle information system that reads and presents data from a communication bus. Signaling information on the bus is stored on some kind of database (from the dark ages i'd guess) from which it's only possible to get data out of by extracting a xml-snapshot. Since that wasn't bad enough, someone in upper management t...
In the spirit of the c# question.. What is the equivalent statements to compare class types in VB.NET? ...
What I'm trying to do is take a 'input' video file (I can make it whatever file type will make this the easiest) and then, through my code, add text to the video file. So, for example, it would take 'Sample1.mpg' and output 'Sample2.mpg'. It wouldn't show the video (I've found some tutorials that talk about overlaying text as the vid...
When I'm generating my database scripts for my project I'd like to manage the date format that is used in the comments in the SQLScript. I have my regional settings set to Australian format, but they seem to be disregarded. Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management ... Dim scr As Smo.Scripter Dim opt As Smo.ScriptingOption...
Using Office automation in Word 2007, I view the Document Information Panel, showing me properties of a document that resides in a SharePoint location. Using VS 2008, I interrogate the following in the Immediate Window: ? WordDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(23).Value "My App Name Here" {String} String: "My App Name Here" Then I...
Both seem to accomplish the same thing--exit a subroutine. Is there any difference in how they work under the covers? I.e. Private Sub exitNow() Exit Sub End Sub or Private Sub exitNow() Return End Sub ...
I'm using this code to return some string from a tcpclient but when the string comes back it has a leading " character in it. I'm trying to remove it but the Len() function is reading the number of bytes instead of the string itself. How can I alter this to give me the length of the string as I would normally use it and not of the arra...
My database must be updated at arbitrary intervals, manually, with new info to put on standart tables that don't require structural modifications. one app will update the database. Another app, the one I will distribute (to friends and family only, but doesn't require any security feature to it, like encrypting the database) will read th...
I am using Web Application Deployment for publishing on IIS. At first I have converted my website to a web application. My application compiles and build fine on my VS2005. But when I try to run it via It comes up with a 100's of errors. Following is the list of someof the errors that keep repating in the same file. errorBC3028...
Hello I've been trying to do this, but for some reason this is just giving me weird results: int bpp = Screen.PrimaryScreen.BitsPerPixel; string fontName = "Tahoma"; Font font = new Font(fontName, 10 * bpp, GraphicsUnit.Point); Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(20 * bpp, 20 * bpp); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm); TextRenderer.DrawText(g, "a"...
I am trying to implement a simple IEqulityComparer to use with LINQ collections. I have written the following code which is reduced to its simplest form for discussion purposes... Public Structure bob Dim SiteID As Integer Dim fred As String End Structure Public Class insCompare Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEqual...
I am trying to use the "Except" method on a LINQ result set using a custom implementation if IEqualityComparer to exclude certain results based on the value of a single field from the result set. So, in simplified form I have... '' Get collection of published sites... Dim List1 = (From i In db.Sites _ Where (i.StatusID =...
Hi, I want the asp application to create a folder that has access only to the account the application was running with (i.e. asp account?) I actually wanna use this one, but I don't know how to use the "Computer\CurrentAccount" dynamically. I want to get the current working account. Thanks. ...
In a Visual Studio - VB.NET solution separators are drawn between methods in the code window. Is there a way to also show these on code printouts ? ...