I have a project which opens a simple Excel file and populates it. It was working fine until this morning, when it has suddenly started giving me the error above: 'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'.
I haven't changed any project references, or anything within the file itself. The references incl...
Greetings everyone, i've been searching for awhile now and nothing seems to satisfy my desired output... All i want to achieved is to get the whole and same content of any file i uploaded, for my editing purposes in my editor w/c retrieves file from the database.
i.e of files are ".doc and .txt"and by the way what i meant by same conten...
I have a VB 20008 Express project which currently uses a DLL. I would rather distribute a single .EXE
I used DLL2lib and converted it to a library, but as I haven't done this before,
How can remove the DLL from my project? The Project menu has an "Add resource" option, but I can't find any way to remove it (it doesn't show up in Proj...
In my application I wanted to Open an existing blank database (called "New File" - with full structure but no data), then fill the database using the application then save the database with a different name and path. What is the most appropriate method of doing this? I use SQLEXPRESS and VB.NET 2010.
Why does this timeout?
Dim s As New SmtpClient
s.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
s.Port = 465
s.EnableSsl = True
s.Timeout = 5000
s.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "mypassword")
Dim m As New MailMessage
m.To.Add("[email protected]")
m.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]")
m.Body = "Test Message"
m.Subject = ...
How to make stylish form in VB.Net?
I am working on Final year project for graduation. Project on a "Service center" of a Mobile company.
Please suggest, how to make project more beautiful or easy user interface.
Programming language: VB.Net (2008)
Database: SQL Sever
Public Class my_class
Dim WithEvents COMPort As New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort
Public Sub FindReader()
Dim ports As String() = IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()
Dim port As String
For Each port In ports
MsgBox(port, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly Or MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Serial port detecetd")
Next port
If COMPort...
I come from a C# background but we have an app that is written a long time ago and is a vbp project file
What development enviroment will open that file - I know cls and frm files are class and form files but have never used vbp projects
If I override a member (e.g AutoSize in the Button Class), then the intellisense no longer appears in the editor, forcing me to re-decorate the property.
Is there an option somewhere that I need to check?
ETA: Here's a code sample:
Public Class MyButton
Inherits Button
Public Overrides Property AutoSize() As Boolean
For some reason if i try to add something inside an asp:Literal control and refresh the page, the old content is shown. And it is shown until i stop the debugger and run it again. How could i disable this stupid behaviour? Is it some Visual Web Developer's setting or is it asp.net itself?
In a LINQ To SQL query, how can I apply a Round function on a column in my output?
My query is
From s In oRecelDB.Items Where s.BIN = 'ABC' Select s.ITEMNMBR, s.QUANTITY
and the results are
ITEM I 35.0000
ITEM 2 45.0000
ITEM 3 23.0000
I want to remove the .00000 from the Second column value. How to do that in my query?
Anyone have any have some code to make everything (or even all TextBoxes in a form) read-only all at once without having to set every control to read only individually?
I am firing up a cmd console from my .net app with some parameters, is there a parameter to specify that the cmd console is not visible?
---- Edit - Adding Code
I know this isn't the standard way of starting a process in .Net, but it is being run from a Silverlight Client.
Dynamic cmd = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"...
I am using following code to get a directory of files with a particular extension. It throws an error that you donot have administrator privileges. Please advise how to fix it.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
dbReader = DAL.GetCaseSumCasesAssnCtrlMgmtCtrlChargeCodesLeftJoin(ClientKey, txtCaseNumber.Text)
If dbReader.Read Then
txtmgm.Text = dbReader.Item("MgmtCtrlpKey")
HoldMGMKey = dbReader.Item("AssnCtrlpKey")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
the exception is thrown at "AssnCtrlpkey"
I'm trying to create a subclass of StreamWriter to write .CSV files, where no linebreaks are allowed in the fields. Amongst other things i replace the newline character and delimit stuff.
This goes fairly well untill I try to end a line.
I don't override or shadow StreamWriter.writeLine()
As soon as I call writer.WriteLine() I end up...
I am calling Classic ASP Webservices from a .NET application. I have two instances of slow processing of the webservice and fast processing.
The slow way (several seconds at the most) is where I actually read the data returned as such:
Dim oRequestAOCP As WebRequest
Dim oResponseAOCP As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
Dim dataStreamAOCP A...
i have this project in TFS, and someone else from another computer changed the solution file's name. Now when i try to open it, i cant. It gives ne this error -
"This project (xxx.sln) cannot be opened from source control because it was created by a version of Microsoft Visual Studio that is incompatible with this one.
If this is the cas...
Hi. I am writing a glassing program, similar to Glass2k (see image below) as I often need to view my pdf tutorials while working on the program in question.
I have so far been able to write the program that glasses the windows I want (via a global keyboard shortcut).
I now need a way to replicate Glass2k's feature which makes glassed w...
We just started a new ASP.Net project that uses web services to serialize some CSLA business objects into JSON data for our client javascript/JQuery code. After reviewing the JSON data in the client browser(Firebug in Firefox) we notices that there are a significant number of properties from the business object that we do not need downl...