
How can I store an image in a MySQL database using VB.NET?

How can I store an image in a MySQL database using VB.NET? Could you show some examples that use the INSERT command? ...

How to use the multithreading concepts and deadlock concept in VB.NET

I will connect with one database from several machines. In all machines they need to insert the data in single table. In that time: how to use multithreading and deadlock concepts? Using the MySQL database and also MS Access. ...

Rebind Repeater using Next / Previous buttons in the ItemTemplate of the same Repeater

Sorry if this post appears to be long winded. I have a parent repeater with nested repeaters. My problem is I am trying to use 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to rebind my repeater (rptTabContent) and thus the inner repeaters also, but when I try to manipulate the state of these links during the ItemCommand event they are overwritten by ...

Money Denominations

I have payroll database, on my payroll payslip i would like to make money denominations for the salary of each employee, I.e if an employe has got 759 Dollar then the cashier wil withdraw 7 one hundreds ,1 Fifty Dolar, 9 ten dollars from a banck please give me a code in vb.net Salary hundred Fifty ten 759 7 1 9 ...

Changing the style of Individual cells in a datagridview row

Is it possible to give individual cells in a data grid view row different styles such as backcolor, fontcolor etc? I do not mean giving the whole row a new style, only a specific cell. ...

Why are we not allowed to specify a constructor in an interface?

Well the title says it all really. I know that you cannot specify a constructor in an interface in .Net, but why can we not? It would be really useful for my current project to be able to specify that an 'engine' must be passed in with the constructor, but as I cant, I have to suffice with an XML comment on the class. ...

How can i run an exe file in a specified path from VB.NET or C#.NET(windows applications)

Hi guys, First I am running the below Command "mysqldump.exe --user=root --password=root accounts>accounts.sql" in the path C:>, to take backup, but it show error message "mysqldump is not a recognized command". Then i changed the path in command prompt using the cd command to the location "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>"...

Exporting Dataset to Excel

Greetings all, I have the following bit of code that I have used in the past to export a DataSet generated from the Stored Procedure 'HISTORICAL_COSTS' to Excel. Dim c As Long = 1 For Each dc As DataColumn In Me.WOCostDataSet. & _ HISTORICAL_COSTS.Columns .Cells(1, c).Value = dc.ColumnName.ToString ...

DataGridView doesn't draw fully when shown

I have an application that uses DataGridView in two different locations. In one location, the DataGridView shows everything fine. In the other location, whenever the form containing the DataGridView is initially loaded, only about half of the visible portion of the DataGridView is actually drawn; through the rest of the DataGridView, t...

Static Property and lock Usage

Is this code correct or is there any possibility of some random threading deadlocks etc? Is it a good idea to use static properties and locking together? Or is static property thread-safe anyway? Private Shared _CompiledRegExes As List(Of Regex) Private Shared Regexes() As String = {"test1.Regex", "test2.Regex"} Private Shared RegExSet...

Is there any other way to create chart in VB.NET 2005 or C#.NET 2005

Hi guys, I am doing Windows applications in VB.NET 2005. I want to use chart in my project. I already asked this question in this site. But viewers said the solution to use "MSChartControl" (but this is for Visual Studio 2008.). Is there any other way to create chart in our own code (without using other's third party dll). Kind help nee...

Using multiple datareader in VB.NET 2005 or C#.NET 2005 with MySQL 5.0 as back end

Hi guys, I am using MySQL 5.0 as back end. I am using MySqlData.dll in my project. When i am trying to execute the following code, Try Dim cnData As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection Dim lcmd, lcmd1 As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Dim ldr, ldr1 As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.My...

MultiThreading and Deadlock

In which situations we can do the multithreading and deadlock concepts. can give some examples ...

how can i change form shape in vb.net

I used to change the Form shape in VB 6.0 using the following code: Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVa...

Examples of usage of Generics in .Net (C#/VB.Net)

What are some examples of you would use generics in C#/VB.Net and why would you want to use generics? ...

Call Using GSM modem

Hai I am developing Sms Project in vb.net.I can Send and receive Sms Easily. I can attented Incoming call and dial. but not hearing and talk. I connected with com Port. This is possible or not for talking and hearing. please tell me ...

Search Array

Hai i used searching the array code for index = Array.IndexOf(_arrayName, "Text"). I give full word This working properly. but give some character this is not working . for example dim arr() as string ={"ravi","somu","arul"} here i give "somu" that code return 1. but i give "so" that code return -1. but i want Like search. this i...

XPath: select all A nodes and all B nodes that are not inside an A node

Is the following possible in one XPath expression (see sample below): Select all (span tags of class msg) AND all ((img tags that have a non-empty alt attribute) AND (are NOT located inside a span tag of class msg)) Simplified sample: <span class="msg">Message text A</span> <img alt="" /> <span class="msg">Message text B <img alt="te...

Calling a Class in ASP.NET

Hi I know my ASP.NET but i have to admit, i am dumb with classes and not sure how they work exactly. Also have not worked with them yet but i want to. But what I do know is that it's a place where i can keep code for re-use correct? How will my class look with my code? So this is my code i use on about 3 forms - but i want to save it i...

Why is doing a .Net 2.0 build clean solution causing errors?

I have a .net Solution that creates a DLL. It it made up of two projects. (Side information one contains a number of my special functions/classes etc. written in VB.Net. The second is some functions/classes etc. that are specific to a client and these use my classes) After some this and that and the other work I can build and rebuild t...