I am adding a feature to an existing VB .Net application that involves retrieving data from a .Net web service. The web service returns an array of Locations. A Location is pretty simple, it has 3 properties – an integer and two strings.
So that the rest of my application does not have to be dependent on this web service, I would li...
I want to display time starting from 8AM To 7PM With interval 15 minutes. So:
In a dropdownlist. Is there any built-in control in ASP.NET other than dropdownlist to display time?
When you create a new asp.net page in VS 2008 and choose code behind, it also creates the typical aspx.vb or aspx.cs file to go along with it.
At the top of those files, VS names the 'Partial Class' name the file structure and/or name of the aspx file.
The question: Is there a best practice for this? Can I just use a single class...
I'd like to copy an icon into the computer's startup folder from vb.net code.
I need to Export DataGrids' Contents to Excel using VB.Net for a Window based Application.
How to do this.. any ideas ?
I want to compare rows of two grid views.GW1 and GW2.
When I click a Search Button ,I want to check the Values in the GW2,and if GW1 and GW2 have same PayID ,EmpID,then that specific row of GW1 must be disabled
How to create org charts in vb.net?
Hi guys,
I am using VB.NET for Windows applications. What is the difference between Load event,Activate event and Enter event in the Form and in which order the above event is executed.Please anyone help me.
hi guys,
I have a dropdownlist that displays time only.Like 8:00AM,8:30AM............When i save this time to database i want to save as todays date + time.
eg:8:00AM as 03/30/2009 8:00:00:000.Can anybody give appropriate code to convert as above shown eg:
I tried Convert.ToDateTime(ddlStartTime.SelectedItem.Text)
the one error i...
I want to be able to effectively search an array for the contents of a string.
dim arr() as string={"ravi","Kumar","Ravi","Ramesh"}
I pass the value is "ra" and I want it to return the index of 2 and 3.
How can I do this in VB.NET?
I'm working on a simple e-commerce website right now, nothing real just practicing
the problem that I'm having is how to make a simple search in the website?
i.e. if I want to search for the word "iphone" in the database of the website.
how can I do that? and how can I specify a column to search in it instead of searching the whole ta...
I am trying to make a small game in which the computer gives a random code of colours (red green yellow and blue) and then you must try and guess them... I am having trouble making the colours random though.
The colours are the backcolour of 4 buttons. The code is four colours long. The player then clicks on some buttons just below that...
I want my program to be able to edit a values within a registry key that resides in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'
My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\XYZ", "MyValue", "MyData")
The above works fine in Windows XP, but throws an UnauthorizedAccessException in Vista.
My code i want to display in a textbox
<a href="http://www.erate.co.za/CompanyProfile.aspx?ID=112">
<img src="http://www.erate.co.za/CompanyAdd.bmp" alt="Go rate us on www.eRate.co.za"
border="0" style="width: 136px; height: 88px" /></a>
But i get the ID from a Reader like this
Now i want to se...
I get the following error in Vista while trying to start/stop a Windows Service that I created.
Cannot open ServiceName service on computer '.'.
The same code works for XP. What should I do to solve this problem?
I have a legacy data table in SQL Server 2005 that has a PK with no identity/autoincrement and no power to implement one.
As a result, I am forced to create new records in ASP.NET manually via the ole "SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM table"-before-insert technique.
Obviously this creates a race condition on the ID in the event of simulta...
In my XAML I want to dynamically generate a ListBox with the following:
<ListBox Name="MainListBox">
<Border Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxItemRoundedBorder}">
<ListBoxItem >
Some Text Here
<Border Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxItemRoundedBor...
VS2008 SP1, Winforms solution, VB.NET, compiling for x86 and .NET v2
I have about a dozen projects in the solution, with a couple of Windows forms projects and some class libraries.
If I rebuild the solution, it clears out and recompiles all the projects, as you'd expect...
... and then disappears without trace or error message. Sin...
I would like to export a GridView to excel, which is easy enough. But above the grid, in Excel, I would like some other information for identification. Can I somehow export things other than gridviews while then putting in the gridview below?
For some reason when the GridView1 is visible and I try to export, the entire page export...
I have a simple Entity Framework. For simplicity's sake I will transform the entity names to Northwind Like.
I have a IEnumerable Of Customer and Item Objects
I am trying to Create Orders which of course is made up (simplistically) of an Item and A Customer.
How can I go about creating and inserting these Orders?