
How to get hiddenfield in itemtemplate of gridview in button click

hi guys, I have a gridview in which itemtemplate contains hiddenfield.I have a button outside gridview.In the click event of button ,i want to get the value of hiddenfield of Rows(0),means first row.Can anybody help? ...

Posting to php page using local program

Greetings all, I have an application when I am posting data on a fairly regular interval. I have one set of code which was developed for VB on the local side and classic ASP on server side, now I would like to change the servside to PHP. The original code uses the xmlHTTP object to post xml data to an asp webpage, worked like a charm. ...

Problems with ShapeArray and converting it to C#

I have converted a VB6 application to VB.NET, because eventually I want to convert it to C#. But I have problems in regard of ShapeArray that inherits BaseControlArray. These are my problems : I create a RectangleShapeArray class in the VB .Net solution. And then I converted to C#. But when calling RectangleShapeArray.Load(1), it says...

Object variable not set error in vb6

Private m_IncidentDateRange As New MCWebServiceCOMWrapper.DateRange Public Property Get IncidentDateRange() As MCWebServiceCOMWrapper.DateRange IncidentDateRange = m_IncidentDateRange End Property Public Property Let IncidentDateRange(ByRef vNewValue As MCWebServiceCOMWrapper.DateRange) Set m_IncidentDateRange = vNewValue End Pr...

(Resonably priced or free) rad tools for .NET database development OR ACCESS 2007.

I want to develop a customized sales order and inventory soft for a 5 user environment. I know VB but I am more comfortable with MS-Access. But user login, policy based restriction, good looking UI is a bit difficult with Access (imo, I might be wrong... maybe). Can anyone suggest good rad tools that can help me in building software v...

Can Visual Basic run as a Windows Service?

I am less than a week into my Visual Basic education. I have downloaded Visual Studio 2008 and am teaching myself Visual Basic 2008 in hopes of landing a particular contract position. In the meantime, a friend of mine told me that it is not recommended to write a Windows Service with Visual Basic. Is that true? Could he be referring ...

VB.NET RemoveFromSQLServer function

I have created a .NET application designed to use the RemoveFromSQLServer function to delete DTS packages from a SQL server. This is the entirety of the code: Sub Main() Dim app As New Application app.RemoveFromSqlServer("dts_rob_temp", "MyServer", Nothing, Nothing) End Sub When I try to run it, I get the below fairly undescri...

Control without a form in VB .Net

I would like to make an application where there is no form, only controls, this way theuser can see what they are doing on top of their work. How could I for instance put a textbox on the screen, just like form1, but without it being a parent of form1, almost as if it was form1. Basically form1 is hidden. Thanks ...

Parsing Size and Position Objects from an XmlDocument?

Is there more elegant syntax for reading/parsing Size and Point objects in an Xml document? Source Xml Nodes: <objSize>{Width=64, Height=64}</objSize> <Location_X>20</Location_X> <Location_Y>20</Location_Y> Currently I use: For Size: Dim sizeNode As String = objSize.InnerText Dim sizeText() As String = sizeNode.Split(CChar("="...

help with loops in vb

how do i display the following: Q1)1 Q2)1AAAA 00 12BBB 111 123CC 0000 1234D 11111 ...

Visual Basic 6 public variables to properties

Hello, i`m working on the legacy project in VB6 with huge object all with public variables. I want to convert these public variables to private variable/property combinations. Is there some tools with which i can do these conversion?(optimally all variables in class at once) Thanks ...

Setting a timeout in a .net desktop application

Hi I have created a little application to move some files around and put them into a database. This is working well except that the application needs a timeout. If my app has not completed the task within 2 hours it re opens and locks out everything. I need to say that if my application has been open for 2 hours close it. One thought...

Raising events in multi-threaded classes?

Raising events in multithreaded classes? I am running a class(gamepad handler) that uses many child threads to check for key input and the like then it raises events to my form to sort out the needed reaction, Is there a way to make the event raises on the same thread as the class itself. ...

database connection in MS Access 2007

1.How do I connect the two or many forms in database MS Access 2007? 2.When do to click the Add, Edit and Delete buttons, How do gather the record in database Access? 3.To guide in vb.net or simple example in vb.net ----- Please help for me ----- ...

Retaining Alpha channel on buttons in Outlook Toolbar

I am developing a COM Add-in using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008 Pro for Outlook 2003 and am having trouble assigning images to custom toolbar buttons. In a nutshell, I am having to convert from an Icon type to a stdole.IPictureDisp type so that I can assign my buttons a picture. The picture displays, but it loses the Alpha channel and ...

Pros and Cons of VB & VBA?

On another programming related website, I saw this line in someone's signature. This is NOT the first time I've seen such sentiments, although this is the harshest: "People who work in VB or any variant thereof are not programmers, they are circus chimps throwing feces into an IDE..." VBA is my bread and butter and I can auto...

Algorithm for centering text based on length and font with vb .net

I'm making a user control, and I manually draw the text string, but I can't seem to keep it centered. I need it to stay centered no matter what the font, or string length. Thanks ...

VB.NET: Dialog exits when enter pressed?

Hi all; My problem seems to be quite simple, but it's not working the intuitive way. I'm designing a Windows Forms Application, and there is a dialog that should NOT exit when the enter key is pressed, instead it has to validate data first, in case enter was pressed after changing the text of a ComboBox. I've tried by telling it what ...

Get resolution of bitmap from file vb .net

I have a filename that leads to a picture. It is not an embedded resource. My bitmap object always tells me the resolution is 96x96 no matter what, how can I get the actual resolution. Thanks ...

Change control's parent at runtime vb .net

I'm making a custom control that can be dragged around and it is semi transparent. I need it so that while it is moving (the mousemove event) that if it intersects a control that its parent becomes that control. I tried to have it iterate through all the controls and if control.bounds.intersectswith me.clientrectangle then me.parent = co...