
ASP.NET sync issues

I am having a weird issue with a web form I'm working on that seems related to some async stuff going on. Basically, I need to do the following: UserInputPanel.Visible = False ProgressPanel.Visible = True ResultsSet = New DataSet() GetResults(ResultsSet) FillOutput() ProgressPanel.Visible = False OutputPanel.Visible = True This code ...

How can I make a "browse for file.." button in VB.net?

Hello. I'm trying to build a simple FTP uploader. How can I make it so the user can select a file to upload? See, what I want is to have a button (which I do) that a user can click, and it shows the OpenFileDialog (which I have), but then when they select a file, I want its path to be shown in a text box. How can I do that? Screenshot: h...

How do I create an executable application for a Excel macro procedure?

I've got two spreadsheets ("Old" and "New") and a VB Script macro. The macro runs in one ("New"), does a comparison of the contents of the other ("Old"), and then outputs the results back on to the "New" spreadsheet. I'd like to build an executable where I input the two file names and click a run button to simplify this procedure. The c...

Loop through the datalist to get data

I'm stuck in converting the rate in the datalist. My page contain one dropdownlist(currency converter), one datalist - inside contain the price of bags in labels. Now I uses the dropdownlist.selectedIndexchange Protected Sub ddl_rate_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddl_rate.SelectedInde...

How to use the Google Visualization API in VB ?

We are working on a project where we have to implement the Google Visualization API in VB. We are having problems with finding relevant information. We can find loads of java. Please let us know. Thank you. ...

Anonymous methods with return type in .Net

Hi All, This is a question for my curiosity really, as i know there are other ways to work around the problem. I have a property on my "Item" class - "MyProperty" - that I want to evaluate. I want to iterate through the collection - "MyItemCollection" - , and if there is an "Item" class whos property "MyProperty" is not nothing i...

Tuple style object in VBA

I'm using VBA in an Access application and I would like to have a n-tuple object that contains values of different data types. Then I would like a collection of those objects. If I was doing this in javascript it would look like: var myStructure = { name: "blah" age: 33 moreStuff : "test" }; And then I would need a collectio...

Changing panel visibility property on radiobuttonlist selection in asp.net page

Good morning stackoverflow! I have a little problem I'm trying to work out thats bugging the life out of me! On my .aspx page i want to be able to show and hide certain panels depending on user selections (radiobuttonlists). For example in my aspx page i have; <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButton...

How do I download a file in vb .net with a download timeout?

I want to download thousands of files from the web and save them locally. What is the most efficient way? It is important the failures timeout within 10 seconds. Is there a better way to stream one stream into another? Maybe a smaller buffer, like 1024 bytes at a time, is more efficient for large files? Dim w_req As System.Net.HttpW...

Getting started with VB.NET Databases...

I'm having trouble figuring out databases in VB.NET. (VS 2008) What control(s) do I need to use and how do I use them? I am ,looking for tutorials and sample code too. I'm working on a trivia game where the admin can remove and add questions to a database. EDIT: The program must be able to do all of the DB interactions itself throu...

Visual Studios 6 Enterprise to VS 2005/2008/2010 Upgrade

Good Evening, To all who know Microsoft's upgrade policy. I own VS6 Enterprise. Is VS6 Enterprise eligible for upgrade? I also own pro vs 2005/2008 but would like the enterprise edition upgraded. I have found posts that say yes and no. What is the real policy? Thanks again for your comments. I love stack over flow! Brennan ...

Grouping using LINQ

I'm having a heck of a time with transforming a simple SQL Query into a LINQ query(using vb btw) Here is my SQL: SELECT USRDEFND5 FROM int_gp_employee GROUP BY USRDEFND5 The xml looks like this: <int_gp_employee> <row> .... <usrdefnd5>Some GUID</usrdefnd5> </row> </int_gp_employee> I've tried a number of di...

Best Method For Storing Values

Basically, I want to have a database that's lightweight and I won't need to install a million other things on my clients computers for them to access this. I just need a simple method of reading and writing values so that they're not hardcoded into the program. I could do MySQL (which is what I'm very familiar with), but it doesn't need...

Email Function in VB

I need a simple email function that just sends an email (not looking to spam anyone I promise!). Anyone, anyone? Using VB 2008 ...

how can i "click" an element in Visual Basic .NET ?

Using VB.net 2008, how can I click an element loaded from a website ? say I want to click a flash form button on a web site... ...

Visual Basic 6 tutorials for data access and CRUD

Do you know some tutorials (preferably a website or a blog) in Visual Basic 6 (not Visual Basic .NET) for data access or CRUD? The caliber and depth that I'm looking for is similar to this site: Data Access Tutorials for ASP.NET http://www.asp.net/learn/data-access/ Although the above site is for web applications, I am looking for a ...

How can I use the ThreadPool without making Sub foo(o as object) each time?

Every time that I want to make a thread in the ThreadPool I make a stupid little function like Worker_O below. Sub Worker(ByVal i As Integer) 'do important stuff End Sub Sub Worker_O(ByVal o as Object) Worker(CType(o, Integer)) End Sub Sub MakeThread() Dim worker1 as new Threading.WaitCallback(AddressOf Worker_O)) Thre...

Tetravex solving algorithm

Well, i was thinking of making a Tetravex solving program in order to practice my code writing skills (language will propably be Visual Basic) and I need help finding an algorithm for solving it. For those that don't know what tetravex is see this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TetraVex . The only algorithm I can come up with is the brute ...

Visual Basic declaration question

I'm attempting to declare DAO variables in VB, but when I go to assignment statements, it says they must be declared. But I've just declared them in the line above! What's going on? Code: Public Class frmBaseForm Public acDb As dao.Database Public acRs As dao.Recordset acRs = acDb.OpenRecordset("Something") End Cla...

Excel Development through .Net losing Macros

Good Afternoon, I have a an Excel template file - which contains Macros - that I load up in .Net. The excel document is built up on a case by case basis (the same format, but with different data dependent on what the user picks). When the Excel document is loaded up, the Macros have disappeared, does anyone know why and how to resolve t...