
Code that Worked with MultiView fails with Wizard ASP.NET

I originally created a process that occurred by transitioning between views in a multiview and it worked fine. Now, I've moved this same code into a ASP.NET Wizard and it keeps throwing an error at the second step. The error is: Method 'System.Object AndObject(System.Object, System.Object)' has no supported translation to SQL. Any ideas ...

Changing the working directory for a process remotely

I've got an application that has a bug right now, but we're unable to update the end-user to get the fix out. What a possible workaround would be is to change the working directory to the application's install directory, but from what I can tell, there's no way to do that outside of the program itself. Is there some sort of Windows API c...

Making Class methods instead of Instance Methods in VB.NET

I am not sure how clear my question is by the title, but I am trying to make Class methods instead of Instance methods in Visual Basic that way I don't have to waste memory and code creating temporary objects to execute methods that don't need instance variables. I am not sure if you can do that in VB but I know you can in Objective-C b...

Facing problem in VB6.0 Activex Controls design.

Hi, This is dharmaraju, I am facing some problem in Activex Controls design. Kindly help me to resolve the issue. Problem Description: I have created a property mentioned below for a textbox. Public Property Let DataControl_Value(ByVal Value As Variant) Public Property Get DataControl_Value() As Variant This property is editable at d...

ModalPopupExtender + ASP.NET AJAX: Can't page grid

I'm trying to page and sort my datagrid wich is inside a modalpopupextender but I can't page it in any way, already tried with , put the updatepanel inside, outside, in the middle (loL) and it does NOT work. modal popup does not get closed but the grid just dissapear. Code: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Sy...

Does VBA have an equivalent of "Text To" from Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro supports syntax such as the following: Text To VariableName TEXTMERGE noshow select * from..... EndText This assigns the value of all text between "Text To" and "EndText" to the variable. It eliminates the need for multi line statements separateed by "+ ;" Does VBA have something similar? ...

What Are Collections Implemented As In VB6?

So a collection in VB6 keeps track of a key for each object, and you can look up the object by its key. Does that mean collections are implemented as some sort of hashtable under the hood? I realize you can have multiple items with the same key in a collection, hence the SOME SORT. Anybody know what type data structure a VB6 collect...

how to get the sql connection

FS_Setting is a VB class which has all the details of the connections ie: Public Class FS_Setting Public Function Get_RS_Connection() As SqlConnection Try Get_RS_Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=***********;User ID=sa;Password=*****;database=*********") Catch ex As System.E...

Has anyone gotten VB highlighting to work in Emacs23?

I have found and installed the visual basic mode for emacs. It seems to be loading on emacs startup and the VB mode loads when I open a *.bas file. The code is not highlighted at all, however. I'm using Emacs23, tried it with 21 and saw no difference. Background for the curious: I am rewriting a set of codes from VB to Python. The synt...

Problem with asp.net function syntax (not returning values correctly)

I have an active directory search function: Function GetAdInfo(ByVal ADDN As String, ByVal ADCommonName As String, ByVal ADGivenName As String, ByVal ADStaffNum As String, ByVal ADEmail As String, ByVal ADDescription As String, ByVal ADTelephone As String, ByVal ADOffice As String, ByVal ADEmployeeID As String) As String Dim...

Auto-Complete datagridview VB.net

I have a datagridview and a FillBy toolstrip. When I enter a customers phone number in the fillby strip and search how can I have it auto-fill all the customer information and then create a new row where the next customers information will be inserted? Right now it clears the dgv with each search. I need to build a list of customers tha...

code for dropping packets at a particular port using VB

this code is supposed to be used in VB. port number and IP address is available. how to prevent packets from entering is to be known. Its similar to the work a FireWall does. ...

Can I have a macro run whenever I save a file in Visual Studio 2005?

When I save a file in Visual Studio 2005, I'd like to have a macro also run that updates a copyright (through a regular expression search and replace). I'm not new to regular expressions, but I am new to VB/VBA and Visual Studio macros, so what I need help with specifically is: getting a macro to run upon save, preferably after I pres...

Can I have a macro in Visual Studio 2005 call a DOS command and redirect the output to a file?

I'd like to have a macro in Visual Studio 2005 that calls a DOS command and redirects the output (stdout and stderr) to a file. Just calling the command and ">" redirecting it will not capture stderr, so there are two parts to this: calling a DOS command capturing both stderr and stdout to a file during that call I'd then like to o...

How can I read individual lines of a CSV file into a string array, to then be selectively displayed via combobox input?.

Thanks for your help guys, I've managed to solve the problem now. It was merely a matter calling loops at the right point in time. ...

VB Project Template for Monobjc in MonoDevelop?

After installing Monobjc and playing around with the Monobjc Application Project under C# in MonoDevelop, I noticed that there is only an empty Monobjc project under the VB section. Obviously this template adds all the correct references but doesn't add the basic files for the application to run. I've tried creating a class with: Impo...

Should I use Call keyword in VB/VBA?

I use the Call keyword used when calling subs in VB/VBA. I know it's optional, but is it better to use it or leave it off? I've always thought it was more explicit, but maybe it's just noise. Also, I read this on another forum: Using the Call keyword is faster because it knows that it is not going to return any values, so it doesn't n...

How to use ToolStripMenuItems without mouse events ( click or double Click event ) ?

I have a solution in Vb.NET 2008 windows Form with ToolStripMenuItems, but I need to implement menu navigation without any mouse intervention. I only found mouse events In ToolStripMenuItems, MenuStrip, etc. All MenuStrip and ToolStripMenuItems are created programatically, reading user permissions from Database, then add a handler to...

Validate input parameters in VB?

Should I validate input parameters on all functions I create? Input isn't passed from a user, but from other routines as part of an automatic process. I use error handling. I'm not sure what more validating input could do for me. If the input isn't valid, that's pretty much the same thing as an error, isn't it? ...

Object Naming without Hungarian?

Mostly because of reading this site, I'm trying to move away from Hungarian Notation. Or I guess the improper (system) Hungarian. I can figure out a better way to name most data types, but I don't know what to do with objects. What would be a good naming convention for objects? I use objRS for recordsets now. Would I just use rs? ...