
Getting XY Coordinates of RichTextBox caret

It's possible to get caret XY coordinates? (Left and Top) ...

Interface Java Applet using Visual Basic

Can you point me to a reference on accessing data in a Java applet using Visual Basic? I need to do some research on whether or not it is feasible for the project I am working on, but it has been difficult to find any information. Thanks. ...

What is wrong with this null check for data reader

c.Open() r = x.ExecuteReader If Not r("filename").IsDbnull Then imagepath = "<img src='images/'" & getimage(r("filename")) & " border='0' align='absmiddle'" End If c.Close() r.Close() I have also tried; If r("filename") Is DBNull.Value Then ...

Can I someone point to me what I did wrong? Trying to map VB to Java using JNA to access the library

Original Working VB_Code Private Declare Function ConnectReader Lib "rfidhid.dll" () As Integer Private Declare Function DisconnectReader Lib "rfidhid.dll" () As Integer Private Declare Function SetAntenna Lib "rfidhid.dll" (ByVal mode As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function Inventory Lib "rfidhid.dll" (ByRef tagdata As Byte, By...

Repeater not repeating :0) (asp.net)(vb)

Morning stackoverflow, I have a repeater, with the following code in my aspx page; <asp:Repeater ID="Contactinforepeater" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <h1>Contact Information</h1> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <table width="50%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><%#Container.DataItem("position")%></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><%#Cont...

Playing Audio in WPF with repeat on finish

Hi I want to create a audio player class but having some problems like when audio is finished it is not repeating. While playing audio some UI controls are not working. ...

Loading user controls programatically into a placeholder (asp.net)

In my .aspx page I have; <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" AspCompat="True" %> <%@ Register src="Modules/Content.ascx" tagname="Content" tagprefix="uc1" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans...

Class vs. Module in VB

What advantage is there, if any, to using Modules rather than classes in VB? How do they differ, and what advantages/disadvantages are there in using modules? In VB or VB.NET, I use both. ...

VB.NET Debug Error

I get this error "Illegal characters in path" for this code: Dim strm As System.IO.FileStream strm = New System.IO.FileStream(filepath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read) ...

ASP Function that returns result from stored procedures

I am working on a project that requires me to hop into to separate DB's. So I have figured that I need to have multiple functions inside of my VB page. The only problem I am having,is I am not to sure how to get this all accomplished. So far I have figured out the overall structure, just need help implementing that structure. Here is...

ListView ToolTip only in First Cell - VB.NET

I'm adding a ToolTip to a ListViewItem. However, the ToolTip only shows up when the user hovers over the first cell in the row to which the ToolTip has been applied. MyListViewItem.ToolTipText = "Important Message" The only other code I have related to ToolTips is this: MyListView.ShowItemToolTips = True Any idea how I can make th...

Declaring variables with New DataSet vs DataSet

What is the impact of creating variables using: Dim ds as New DataSet ds = GetActualData() where GetActualData() also creates a New DataSet and returns it? Does the original empty DataSet that was 'New'ed just get left in the Heap? What if this kind of code was in many places? Would that affect the ASP.NET process and cause...

Arraylist as repeater datasource (how to access from .aspx)

I have an arraylist: Dim downloadsarray As New ArrayList downloadsarray.Add(iconlink) downloadsarray.Add(imgpath) downloadsarray.Add(filesize) downloadsarray.Add(description) Which is the datasource of my repeater: DownloadsRepeater.DataSource = downloadsarray DownloadsRepeater.DataBind() P...

Run-time error'9' subscript out of range

The error occurs when I rename the file. I need to be able to the macro automatically recognise the change in the file name and apply it to the macro. Is there any way to do this without having to manually change it each time which will no work for what I need this to do Sub OccurenceSort() ' ' OccurenceSort Macro ' Macro recorded 4/9/2...

Running VB & C# programs in Ubuntu

I've run the following command in the Ubuntu terminal - sudo apt-get install mono-develop Now how can I run *.vb and *.cs programs using the terminal - What is the command that need to be given? Does the syntax vary when we write code in Windows & Linux environment? ...

Best way to password protect a folder?

I am trying to create a similar way to Cpanel password protect directory, where a pop up comes out asking the user for a username and a password, but Cpanel way is amazing but my client doesn't know anything on how to do that, so i wanted to create a pop up msgbox informing the visitor to enter a user name and a password, and i totaly co...

Winforms checkbox Databinding problem

Hello everybody! In a winforms application (VB, VS2008 SP1) i bound a checkbox field to a SQL Server 2005 BIT field. The databinding itself seems to work, there is this litte problem: user creates a new record and checks the checkbox, then the user decides to create a new record (without having saved the previous, so there are 2 new ...

How to get source code of a Windows executable?

I've got some old Windows executable files. How can I edit them with Visual Studio 2010? What are the ways to see an exe's source code? ...

Process.Start to run exe in same folder as application is

When I am running myProcess = Process.Start("something.exe") and want to start it using button it doen not find the file - i need to execute it from the same folder where application is how can i do that? Thank you. System could not find this file - but it is there . in the same folder as application. Using Visual Basic 2008 Expres...

Need this VB code changed into Python.

I wrote this code in VB to label columns in a table but now im writting a python script to automate the process and i can't make it work. Any thoughts?? Static v1 as variant Static v2 as variant Dim Output as double Dim Start as double Start = 1 If v2 = [XMIN] Then Output = v1 Else Output = v1 + 1 End If v1 = Output v2 = [X...