
VS2008 Resize text editor macro

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and I split my text editor into two vertical text editors. I thought it would be useful to have a macro that re-size the active text editor to take up most of the screen but I haven't gotten very far. I get an error whenever I try to change the width oh a text editor. DTE.ActiveWindow.Width = 800 And I...

MS Access VBA = Now() with time trim

So the function =Now()....is there a way I can use this and only get the date, not the time? or is there just a function for this idea? thanks Justin ...

VB.NET question. Linq Support?

Does VB.NET have LINQ support? I was discussing VB vs C# tonight and I was told that VB is different because it does not handle web services as well as C# and that it does not support linq. Is this true? ...

c# code for Ram Drive

Possible Duplicates: How can I create a RAM drive using C#? Programmable RAM Disk API for .NET? Can Anyone point me to some source that shows how to implement a Ram Disk/Drive in C# code. ...

[VB] Wininet FTP invalid files

Hello everybody. I am bussy with a script, what must upload a Zip-archive to a ftp server. This works, unfortuantely the Zip file on the ftp server is incorrupt, the local file before it is placed on the server works fine. Does someone know what the problem could be? This is de relative code: Private Sub ftpWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender ...

Fear of Access Corruption: What's the best thing to do?

Yesterday when I was working on a module in Access 2003, when I closed it, Access crashed. I think what I had done was renamed the module. After reopening Access I saw the new renamed module, but got the ol' "The module name "..." is misspelled or refers to a module that doesn't exist" error. I am unable to open it in the Database Window...

PPTX 2007 - VBA: If I create a powerpoint pres from access code behind form, then how do i prompt to save ppt file at end

I have an access form that creates a ppt file (set of slides) from the information in the access form/tables. I use a template file in a utility folder that is in the same folder as the access file itself. everything works fine, except one little piece. I would like to know how after I have ran through everything else in the sub routin...

ASP.NET Validation not firing even when my form is obviously invalid.

I've got the following View <% Using Html.BeginForm()%> <%: Html.ValidationSummary(True) %> <div class="displayright"> <h3> <%: Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.About) %></h3> <noscript> <h3> Please use <%: Html.ActionLink("Markdown", "Markdow...

VB.Net - Version numbering in VBPROJ file

Following on from my last question, are the AssemblyMajorVersion, AssemblyMinorVersion, AssemblyRevisionNumber and GenerateRevisionNumber properties required in .vbproj files? All of our components have these entries in the .vbproj files but they are completely out of sync with the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion entries in the ...

MS Access 2007 VBA - Can I Add font properties in VB Format$ function

so if I have a DAO recordset returing values, and I use Format$, is there a way to set the font property of what is only contained within the Format$ portion? For example I have this: "Metric #43 = " & Format$(rs!Metric43, "Yes/No") so this is actually for ppt automation, not an access form. I want the first string to be unbold, and ...

MS ACCESS 2007 VBA : DAO recordset....how can I view all the "fields" in the returned collection

so if i do a SQL statement like so: sql = "SELECT * FROM tblMain" set rs = currentdb.openrecordset(sql) what method can i use to view every "field name" in this collection i have just created. i am getting some very strange error stating that the item is not found in this collection. i know the field exists in the table, i have...

VBA/excel to dll/exe for Java

Hi, I have an excel file with mannually input functions, which use an add-in from a third party. I want to use functionalities of the excel file in Java. I could think of two ways of doing it. code the functions in VBA, or VB with excel reference, then generate .dll or .exe files for Java to use. Feed data to excel file using jxl (wou...

What's the most efficient way for accessing a single record in an ADO recordset?

I want to access individual records in a classic ADO recordset without enumerating over the entire recordset using .MoveNext. I'm aware of using AbsolutePosition as well as .Filter =. What's the best way? More Details: I'm likely going to be accessing the recordset several times pulling out individual records that match a list of reco...

Read and Write into a txt files using VB.NET

Hello, I want to open a txt file and write into him numbers from 1 to 100. and put between every number enter. Thanks ...

Passing objects to methods...

I always thought I understood how this works...but lately I have started really using interfaces and now things arent doing what I am expecting. using entity framework, I have a service for each object that is responsible for interacting with the database and such....on my one service I am passing the collection of objects to my servic...

Can I code for Visual C++ and Visual Basic on Ubuntu?

I want to change my OS to Ubuntu, but I have pending projects in Visual C++ and Visual Basic. I have not worked with Ubuntu before, so will I be able to carry forward my pending work to Ubuntu? Will it work with the IDEs available in Ubuntu? ...

Could not start visual basic

When I try to start my visual basic to open a project it doesnt seem to be working and keep prompting a error 'VB6EXT.OLB' could not be register. What does that mean? Need helps on this matter, thanks ...

DataGridViewCheckboxCell making new row when checked for some reason.

Hi, I have an application in VB 2008 Express that uses a DataGridView to display rows of information. I have a DataGridViewCheckboxCell on each row for selecting the row so the user can mass delete the selected rows. For some reason, whenever I try to select a row via checkbox it adds another row to the DataGridView, is there anyway to d...

cls files could not be loaded inside VB project

Hi, I am facing an issue while opening an existing VB project. It says 'c:...\test.cls' could not be loaded even though the file is present in the given location. Similarly it throws the same error for .ctl and frm files as well. I am not an expert user of VB (6.0). Can some one throw some light on this. In which case .vbp will not be a...

how to get the window title of a process using vb.net

I am looking to go from the process name to the windows title. e.g 'winamp.exe' -> '1. Britney Spears - Hit me baby one more time' Thanks Solution: Dim p As Process For Each p In Process.GetProcessesByName("winamp") MsgBox(p.MainWindowTitle.ToString) Next ...