
How I can use regex in VS macro?

I want create macro for replacing. But my problem is how to use regular expression in Visual Basic's macro for Visual Studio? document.Selection.ReplacePattern("test{[^']+}test", "testAAAAtest") Doesn't work. ...

How to make a object moving - How to make game with VB.NET

How to make a object moving on the screen- How to make game with VB.NET - In 2d game, ex i see a mario charator, which is object ( Label, image v.v.v) - Is there a physical engine for vb.net Sorry, bad english ...

How can I prevent Visual Studio editor from automatically horizontally scrolling when a breakpoint is hit

In Visual Basic (I've seen this in 2005 and 2008) when you hit a breakpoint or single step and the code on this line stretches past the end of the screen, the window automatically scrolls right so that as much of the line is visible as possible. I can see why this might be useful, but I find it a little distracting as the screen appears ...

Can anybody show me how can I automate this task?

Hi, Currently I am creating a project to automate Internet explorer. But in case of dialogue box I stuck in one case. please check my code below. Steps to check the issue: Create one standard EXE project. Add ieframe.dll as a reference. (You can find it from system32) Select reference Microsoft HTML object library from the list. Add...

Set DNN LogIn Module Horizontal

Hello. I'm working with DNN (DotNetNuke) and I have to change the default login module. This module it's vertical by default, by don't know how to set it horizontal. Already tryied to find the sources of this module but all I found were some Local Resources Files and some VB files. Any idea???? Thanks!! ...

MS Access 2007 - Cycling through values in a list box to grab id's for a SQL statement

Lets say I have two tables, one for transactions, and another table who's primary key is the foreign key in the first table, and this relationship simply associates locations to transactions. I have a form with a list box that shows all the potential locations, so that the user can open some dashboard forms that only pertain to a given ...

How to customize DNN Logout module??

Hello. I would like to know if there's a way to customize the logout button of DNN. Thanks. ...

How to update range macro when cells in Excel are inserted/deleted.

I would like to ask if there is a way to update the range specified in a macro when I insert/delete cells.. For example, I have specified the range in a subroutine in my macro to be Worksheets("Query Screen").Range("M22:M25") = "0" Now, if I insert a new row between M22 and M25, what can I do to update the range in my macro automatic...

Howto close a specific 16 Bit thread of ntvdm.exe in Visual Basic?

There are running several threads of ntvdm.exe and want to close one of them. Thanks for your help! ...

Listbox.BeginUpdate & Listbox.EndUpdate for VBA

I'm writing some VBA and would love to use Listbox.BeginUpdate and ListBox.EndUpdate to speed up the loading of userforms however VBA doesn't seem to support these, only vb. Anyone got any handy suggestions? ...

IMDB and Movie Info

are there any other sites beside IMDB that provide movie information api's? ...

how to use VS reports

Can someone point me to a tutorial or walkthroug on how to crease a simple report in VB.net. The first report need to be simple, like a membership list -- no aggregates or averages etc.. I have the data in a single table. I am just battling to get started. Ryn ...

exe without IRDL reports

I m using vb .net 2008 , in this project I m using irdl reports , Is it possible that, i build project and give only exe and database file only (not given report files) to my client ? ...

MS Access 2007 - DAO method question... rs.update with an option group

I am using rs.update to change some values. something like rs("SomeField") = frmSomeOptionGroup.value where I want the actual option value to be stored in the table. however this just simply seems to return true or false values to the table instead of 0-2.... so what should I do to make this concept work? thanks justin ...

Private or Protected Set for a MustOverride Property

I'd like to have a Private or Protected "Setter" for a property that also happens to be an abstract (MustOverride). I'm porting some code from C# to VB and in C# this is pretty straight forward. In VB not so much (for me anyway). Some code... In C#... public abstract class BaseClassWithAnAbstractProperty { public abstract int AnAb...

Getting a list of indexes from a text search in vb2005

I am running a index search on a string in a rich textbox, i have a list of keywords which need to be a different color in this textbox. how do i run a search on a string in vb2005 and get a list of indexes where the text matched my search? ...

How to make a vb.net see a vb 2005 class assembly

I am a java developer that inherited a vb.net web application. This app relies on a VB class assembly that builds in to a dll. I have made some changes to this class assembly but I cant seem to get the vb.net app to pick up the changes. I thought that using regsvr32.exe or regasm.exe would do the trick but after reading a bit more they d...

What are some useful shortcut keys in Visual Studio?

Similar Post: Hidden Features of Visual Studio (2005-2008)? What are some shortcut keys you know of that make programming faster, easier, or all around more enjoyable? ...

How to extract image from embedded resource programmatically in VB .NET

I have a small vb.net app that have a few images in an embedded resource. Is there a way I could extract one of those images to a folder from the same exe that contains the resource?, like clicking a button, selecting a folder to save it and extracting the image there. ...

How can it get VB not to auto generate code for my component.

I build a component class it extends a combo box and generates some random numbers. But when I drag and drop my component from the toolbox to a form it auto generates Me.Randtest1.Items.AddRange(...) in the Designer which uses static numbers. The idea was to have different numbers each time and not the same. Imports System.Windows.Form...