
Help me choose .net obfuscator program ?

Dear Guys, I have written a program in vb.net 2008 (using .net 3.5). It's a decent size program. One part of this program is to access an online database and encrypt/decrypt files. To access db I use a hardcoded password. To encrypt/decrypt files I used a hardcoded key. No matter what I do I would need to hardcode one of the two things ...

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

Greetings to all! I'm a newbie in vb. I just would like to know how to implement class constructor in this language. Thanks in advance.. ...

Reasons for a C# Developer to learn VB

PLEASE REOPEN: I was looking for examples of development projects or specific situations where a C# developer would need VB. Not to start a C# Vs VB debate. Please allow others to respond. What (if any) are the reasons for a C# developer to learn VB? Perhaps for Excel/Macros..... or.......? I'm sure there are many C# developers that k...

vbscript - How to get the type of a variable?

The title says it all really. I want to get the type of a variable using vbscript. Thanks. ...

Can't find reference to SQLXML in Visual Studio 2005 SSIS Package

I had a project I was working on in Visual Studio 2008, when the requirements changed and now it needs to be done in 2005. I was using SQLXML objects from Microsoft.Data.SqlXml, but now when I downgraded I cannot find this in the add reference pop up box. Does anyone know why this isn't showing up and how I can make it show up? I trie...

how to open a vb.application from another vb.application with parameters

i have 2 vb applications. this is the code for the first one which when a button is clicked it will check if the other application is already open. If not, it'll open that application - Dim sComputer As String sComputer = Environ("COMPUTERNAME") Dim LocalByName As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("ticket.prices", sComputer...

How do I convert a two-dim array to a one-dim?

the problem is that I first have to convert the two-dim to a one-dim, then find the selected index and then convert again and then save the new index. after that I have to use the right string.format to show the right output.. I'm just confused =( In the program there are two text boxes that ask for "row" and "col" size and then you pr...

How to search for file with partial wildcard in VBS

I need to search for filename AM*GQ, where * is sequence eg 344 Can i do this vbs? Thanks in advace!! ...

Newbie question: how do I create a class to hold data in Visual Basic Studio?

Hey all, I'm really sorry. This must seem like an incredibly stupid question, but unless I ask I'll never figure it out. I'm trying to write a program to read in a csv file in Visual Basic (tried and gave up on C#) and I asked a friend of mine who is much better at programming than I am. He said I should create a class to hold the data...

RegEx To Match "whole word" returns exception

I am trying to validate via RegEx as follows... If Regex.IsMatch(Output, "\b" & "Serial)" & "\b") Then 'do something end if but i get this Argument exception parsing "\bSerial)\b" - Too many )'s. I do understand the error, but how should i modify the RegEx expression? UPDATE. The word "Serial)" is generated dynamically. That means...

Why does my asp.net application need to import its own namespace?

I just converted UberSite, a vb.net web site to a web application. I get run-time errors saying that there is no such thing as type foo. When I drill down to the page in the code-view, it gives me an error-correction suggestion: import namespace UberSite. If I create a new web application and define foo there, there is no need to impo...

MS Access 2007 Converting forms into sub form - "form not found" issue

So I recently have been trying to incorporate more sub forms to make the UI more friendly. So I have a pre developed form that runs some VB, so for examples sake lets just say that it runs SQL statement, returns the recordset, and fills text boxes with the data (because this is sort of an interactive dashboard concept: dim db as databas...

Equivalent of Format of VB in C#

What will be the equivalent code for Format(iCryptedByte, "000") (VB) in C# ? Thanks ...

Scripting OpenOffice Forms with VB or python

Hi I'm trying to script my OpenOffice document (Writer in my case) to do some simple things with widgets. Namely I'd like to copy text from widget to widget. For this I want to get one component and than get text from it. I've been trying to do sth like this: document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame oDocument = ThisCo...

How to create var with loop (ex: Dim a1,a2,a3 with loop)

Dim count As Integer For count = 1 To 10 Step 1 Dim But+count As New Button myButton+count.Width = 100*count myButton+count.Height = 20*count myButton+count.Top = 50 *count myButton+count.Left = 50*count Me.Controls.Add(myButton+count) Next Dim But+count As New Button => How t...

Regex.IsMatch, is applied on "byte level" or "string level"?

I would like to know if the result of RegEx.IsMatch is affected by encoding. I am checking if a string is contained within another one by using a regular expression pattern. I am 99.9 % sure the pattern is correct, so my question is... The matching test with the Regex.IsMatch, is applied on "byte level" or "string level"? UPDATE: ...

OLEdbcommand.Prepare error

I am getting an error: OleDbCommand.Prepare method requires all parameters to have an explicitly set type. on the last line of the code below. I have seen things saying you have to set the datatype of each parameter but how can i do that when it being generated by the command builder? I have seen people say they dont like using autoge...

How do I convert this VB code to C#?

I'm having trouble converting this piece of code (originally in VB) to C#. In particular, how does one apply a negative to an int. Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Const GWL_STYLE = (-16) Private Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = &H10000 dim...

What is the best way to protect my program from cracking?

I've written a VB program. How do I add anti-tamper code so people can't crack it? ...

Why this code not work

Public Class Form1 Dim i = 0 Dim re = True Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick If i = 225 Then re = False ElseIf i = 0 Then re = True End If If re = True Then i += i ElseIf re = False Then i -= i...