
Oracle material views vs analytic workspaces

In Oracle, what are the pros and cons of using materialized views, and of analytic workspaces? What are the best practices surrounding the use of these features? We have an OLTP system, but would also like to access summary information in reports and interactive decision support tools. ...

Oracle IDE to visually create views?

Oracle IDE to visually = wizard (not writing sql) create views? any names? (eg like toad) SQL Server Management Studio = can create views visually for sql server what is same for oracle ...

Resolving interface as UIElement (Unity, PRISM, C#)

Hi, when using PRISM the normal way to hookup things with unity is to define an interface and register an implementation with this interface. Now, I have a problem regarding views. The scenario is simple: Assume a custom video control which allows to set a Play command. This control is defined by a simple interface "IPlayControlView". ...

Editing Multiple Records - Granting Access to All Logged-In Users

As far as I can tell, this is a views and controller problem. I need to allow users to edit multiple records in one of my database tables. Railscast 165 deals with a similar situation, but it's not quite on point for me: I have a fixed set of products, and I need to let users add as...

SQL Server, views and datetime conversions...

So I have a base table that looks something like this. SELECT [BILL_MONTH] ,[BILL_YEAR] ,[BILLED] FROM bill_Detail Everything is varchar. I created a view based on that table that converts the bill year and bill month to a datetime field. Of course, the bill_month and bill_year fields have some crap data that doesn't co...

Unable to bind ID Property to the View,due to conflict with ID Property of System.Web.UI.Page in mvc.

While debugging into view i did a quick watch and i found that for "ID" its showing a GUID due to that i had to change the name of the property in my model as i had property by the name ID, i had problems when binding the value from the session to the textbox. Is there any other way besides changing the name of the property? ...

Android: What care should I take when using a View's setTag() property?

Because Java uses object references and not objects themselves, what prevents me from using setTag() to tag a view with an entire object instead of an object's property? Is it just the attribute lookup time when trying to resolve one of the attributes after the getTag() call or is there any other specific thing I should be concerned abou...

How can I rewrite this complex SQL query to not use a subquery for MySQL Views?

Well for whatever reason MySQL does not support subqueries in a View. I'm stuck using MySQL for the forseeable future and I'm needing to write a View to aggregate data from an EAV-style table into a more readable format. The View itself is going to act as the Model for a Ruby on Rails-based application (it's read only so I'm safe using... MVC - Can I reference views from a class library?

In an MVC application, is it possible to reference views from a class library in the same way that it's possible to reference a class library of server controls or user controls in Web Forms I've seen this blog post:, although the method des...

Rails: Make views editable by end-users?

Is there anyway I can make content in my Rails views editable by end-users? Such that they can make simple text changes on pages I permit them to without having me edit the HAML files myself? Thoughts? CLARIFICATION: I know about CMS systems, and I don't think that's entirely what I want. I want to maintain programatic control over my...

SQL Server 2005 search views for certain database objects

Is there a way in SQL Server to list all the views within a database that join from a particular object? ie: find all the views that join from the table myTable ...

Track the number of "page views" or "hits" of an object?

I am sure that someone has a pluggable app (or tutorial) out there that approximates this, but I have having trouble finding it: I want to be able to track the number of "views" a particular object has (just like a question here on stackoverflow has a "view count"). If the user isn't logged in, I wouldn't mind attempting to place a cook...

SQL-Server Performance: What is faster, a stored procedure or a view?

Please excuse me if this has been asked before (I did not find the question if it has) But what is faster in SQL Server 2005/2008, a Stored Procedure or a View ? EDIT: As many of you pointed out, I am being too vague. Let me attempt to be a little more specific. I wanted to know the performance difference for a particular query in a V...

CRM Filtered Views through VPN access

Hi, I'm currently developing a set of reports for Microsoft CRM. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 to create and design the RDL files from my local development machine which sits on a different network from the client. I have access to the CRM database through VPN and by using a SQL Server user logon which is not an Active Directory user set...

Filter and View screens on different pages

Situation: In Drupal, when you use Views module, it restricts to display Search Form and Results on the same page. E.g. Page A = (Search Form + Results). There is no option in Views module interface to move/copy Search Form to another page. E.g. Page A = Search Form, Page B = Results Form Question: Is it allowed by Views architectur...

Using PHP variables in Javascript include files for view in MVC

Suppose I am using an MVC framework, and my views require Javascript files located in a file external to the view. My javascript located in the external file depends, however, upon a few PHP variables in my view. If I were to include the Javascript in a tag inside my HTML view, I could simply inject the PHP variables into the Javascript...

How to pass two sets of data to a view?

How do I go about passing two sets of Data to a view in ASP.NET MVC? I've tried a couple of things and neither have worked so I've come to the simple conclusion: I'm doing it wrong. I have 2 queries: callRepository.FindOpenCalls() and callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(user) and I want to out put both sets of data to one view via 2 partia...

In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record through a view?

In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record (a row) through a view? ...

Retain data from views while navigating through multiple views in ASP.NET MVC App

I have 5 views in my ASP.NET MVC application. Some data were captured from these views and I am navigating through these views using 2 buttons: the Previous and Next buttons. So I fill the data in View 1 and I go to view 2 and enter the data there and so on.. till View 5. Now the question is: If I come back again to previous views, ho...

can we pass parameter to a view in sql?

Can we pass a parameter to a view in Microsoft SQL Server? I tried to create view in the following way, but it doesn't work: create or replace view v_emp(eno number) as select * from emp where emp_id=&eno; ...