
How to catch fire of onItemSelected of a Spinner, after the interface has been setup?

I am having an Android view with a Spinner on it. I call a populateSpinner() method to add some default values to it. I also have a onItemSelected() event which gets called before the view is completed to print. I would like to run a code inside this block only when the user changes the selected items, not when I add or the form gets cr...

Managing cross database reading, views or permissions in MySql

I will have multiple tables used by different projects on the same mySql server. Much of the data is sensitive, and needs to be behind permissions wall. However many of the tables of sensitive data rely on tables of insensitive data for user and department information. So I see three options ahead of me and I am unsure which one to pi...

How to get the font face size and formatting of a native element in Android application?

I would like to reuse the exact same font-face etc... like Android uses in the PreferenceScreen Here is a screenshot I am looking to reuse the title, and the summary style from these views. ...

Show extra info for Preference screens when CheckboxPreference summary field is not enough long?

I have a screen where you can enable/disable modules for my Android application. For this I use a CheckboxPreference screen. This is all good, but the summary field gets cut off if longer descriptions are added than 2 lines. Suppose I have 4-5 lines of description available for each module, I would like to display this in a helper wind...

How to have multiple views for sharepoint documents?

I have a sharepoint with a lot of documents stored in it. I would like to have different views for these documents. One view would be by "project" to see all related project documents, another view would be "Design Documents" to view all design documents across all projects. Is there a way to do list so that there is only 1 copy of the d...

Wrapping a non-generic Django view

I want to inject one additional variable into the context of a view that belongs to a 3rd-party application without editing the code of that application. Is there a way to do this by wrapping the (non-generic) view? It doesn't accept an extra_context parameter, so the approach described in this SO thread won't work. I know I could create...

Drupal: Views showing duplicate content for anonymous users but not authenicated users

I have a strange problem with views. For anonymous users it is listing the results twice and for authenticated users only once? Any idea what might be going wrong? I have cleared the cache. ...

Qt switching between views?

How to switch between the two screens in Qt? for example, i have a button,static text plus a toolbar,now i will add it to a frame and set it as central widget it works well for one window.. what if i move to the next widow? there i need to show some other stuffs like some other button, images etc... and what if i come back to the first...

Android - Nesting ViewFlippers

Hi, I want to nest several viewflippers. is this possible? I have not been successful thus far. My first tier flips as required but when I flip to the first nested viewflipper its contents appear blank and I can't "flip" it my views are V1 V2 V3 -> H1 , H2, H3 When I flip to V3 vertically ... H1 does not appear. where as H is my ...

Keeping dates in order when using date_select and discarding year in Rails?

My app has users who have seasonal products. When a user selects a product, we allow him to also select the product's season. We accomplish this by letting him select a start date and an end date for each product. We're using date_select to generate two sets of drop-downs: one for the start date and one for the end date. Including ye...

Drupal CC/Views - new fields not showing up in CCK

I am working with CCK/Views for the first time, and I am stuck on a detail... I have created a custom type called Outlet (as in Retail Outlet). I added 5 new fields to my new custom type. I created some content in my new Content Type. Then I went to Views to Add a new "Node" type View for my New Content Type. I click on Fields to sele...

Sanitizing input for display in view when using simple_format

Hi, I'm trying to figure out the right way to display comments such that newlines and links are displayed. I know that usually, you should display user-inputs only when escaping html with h(). That of course won't display newlines or links, so I found the simple_format and auto_link methods. What I am now doing is: simple_format(santiz...

Evaluating points in time by months, but without referencing years in Rails

FYI, There is some overlap in the initial description of this question with a question I asked yesterday, but the question is different. My app has users who have seasonal products. When a user selects a product, we allow him to also select the product's season. We accomplish this by letting him select a start date and an end date for...

Problems with :uniq => true/Distinct option in a has_many_through association w/ named scope (Rails)

See updates at bottom of question. I had to make some tweaks to my app to add new functionality, and my changes seem to have broken the :uniq option that was previously working perfectly. Here's the set up: #User.rb has_many :products, :through => :seasons, :uniq => true has_many :varieties, :through => :seasons, :uniq => true has_ma...

how to display associate items in a single page ?

It regarding cakephp, my database structure are as follows : 1.) Class id name student_count 2.) Student id name class_id grade_id 3.) Grade id name My question : I want my statistic page with the layout similar to - 1.) Class 1 (Total student = XX) Grade A student = XX Grade B student = XX Grade C student = XX 2.) Cla...

Storing ASP.Net MVC Views in the Database

For an ASP.Net MVC application, I'm interested in storing some views and/or partial views in the database so that a few semi-technical users can do some basic view logic. Does anyone have any tips or lessons from experience on doing this? I know Phil Haack wrote a blog post on this about a year ago. He used IronRuby for scripting his vi...

How do I add content from a view in Drupal with arguments?

I have a Drupal view that displays vacation leaves for a particular employee. I want to have a button or link right on this view that says 'Add Vacation Leave'. When this button/link is clicked, I want the create content form for Vacation Leave to be displayed with the employee's name already filled in. When 'Save' is clicked, I wou...

Error about 'invalid JSON' with couchDB view but the json's fine...

I am trying to setup the following view on CouchDB { "_id":"_design/id", "_rev":"1-9be2e55e05ac368da3047841f301203d", "language":"javascript", "views":{ "by_id":{ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(, doc)}" },"from_user_id":{ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.from_user_id) {emit(doc.from_user_id, do...

Best Practice for views to nested resources in Rails?

I have a fairly simple model; Users have_many products. I would like to be able to view a list of all products as well as a list of the products associated with a given user. My routes are set up like this: /products /products/:id /users /users/:id /users/:id/products The catch here is that I'd like to display the product list diffe...

Getting the error "The view at '~/Views/Page/home.aspx' must derive from ViewPage, ViewPage<TViewData>, ViewUserControl, or ViewUserControl<TViewData>"

I've just installed MVC2 and I've got a view that looks like this <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Home.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server"> Home </asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID...