
Synchronize the position of two ScrollView views

I am trying to synchronize the positions of two ScrollViews. I'm trying to do this to display a tv guide listing. I have created a custom class that extends RelativeLayout to display the guide. This relative layout has four children: an imageview in the top left corner, a HorizontalScrollView to display the column headers in the top r...

Django - Tips to avoid repeating code in views

I'm moving from a PHP background into Django development via python, mostly for the sake of tackling a MVC (or MVT) that I feel makes the most sense, although in this pattern I've started to notice a lot of repeated code in my views. For example, when logged in I have information regarding the user that I would like to appear on every p...

How to load view-Templates from default when not available in module? Zend Framework

Hi my problem with Zend Framework... unfortunately not solved after 3 hours of searching: I have a modular Zend Application, which is working fine if i have my module and error templates in the called module. If i delete error/error.phtml out of views/scripts/ a Fatal Error is showing up that there is no directory. To cut a long story ...

Loading an OverlayView from XIB -vs- programmatically for use with UIImagePickerController

I am currently making a camera app for iPhone and I have a strange phenomenon that I can't figure out. I would appreciate some help understanding. When recreating an overlay view for passing to UIImagePickerController, I have been successfully been able to create the view programmatically. What I haven't been able to do is create the vi...

Switching between landscape views

What is the best way to switch between views that are both in Landscape mode? I've tried with a simple "Push and Pop" methods that work fine when I try them with Portrait views but when I do it with Landscape for some reason it does the switching like the method was supposed to work just for Portrait views and a the end of the switch it...

Drupal 5: CCK fields in custom content type

I have module that implements custom content type via NodeAPI hooks (hook_insert, hook_update etc). I want to add CCK field to this content type and populate it via hook_nodeapi calls like create or update (to show content nodes in Views). Problem is, I cannot access CCK fields for this content type. Sure, it's enabled on "Manage Fields...

(Oracle Performance) Will a query based on a view limit the view using the where clause?

In Oracle (10g), when I use a View (not Materialized View), does Oracle take into account the where clause when it executes the view? Let's say I have: MY_VIEW = SELECT * FROM PERSON P, ORDERS O WHERE P.P_ID = O.P_ID And I then execute the following: SELECT * FROM MY_VIEW WHERE MY_VIEW.P_ID = '1234' When this executes, does ora...

DRYing up Rails Views with Nested Resources

What is your solution to the problem if you have a model that is both not-nested and nested, such as products: a "Product" can belong_to say an "Event", and a Product can also just be independent. This means I can have routes like this: map.resources :products # /products map.resources :events do |event| event.resources :product...

How do I do a grouping by year?

I have a books model with a date type column named publish_date. On my views I'm iterating through the books and I want to group the books by year such that I have a heading for every year and books that were published on that year to be listed below the year heading. So by starting with "2010" all books published on 2010 would be liste...

Mixing Static Strings with Views Arguments

Hi. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to mix views arguments with static strings? For example in the path section of a view feed display I need: /mypath/%.xml with the ".xml" part being the static string. Thanks in advance. ...

Drupal Views Duplicate values being returned when using a relationship

I am having a problem with views. I have a view and am passing it a taxonomy term by name to it. I then have a relationship to a related node. For my output fields I am returning the related Title and related Body. I however have duplicates in my results. I have turned distinct to yes but believe this is working on the nodes being return...

Switch from a View (Login) to another View with a TabBarController

Hi, i'm new at Iphone SDK Developing and now i need some help. I have a LoginView where the User have to authentificate his legitimacy. After he enter his Username and Passwort he click on the "Sign In" Button. Then i want to load my "Real-App". Here is the Problem because i can't switch from the LoginScreen to the TabBarController. I ...

Drupal 6: Group multiple values in tpl.php

When using the date and views module, you can specify in views (using row style fields) 'group multiple values'. Which is default on. If you turn it off, you get multiple nodes each with a date. For example: - 24th March ------- node1 - 25th March ------- node1 What I'm trying to figure out is: what if you are not using fields but nod...

Drupal - Selected Node Highlighting in Views

Drupal Question: Does anyone have a method of using Views and highlighting a selected/current node. So for example: I have a list of articles under a heading: 2009 Articles Dog Training Cat Cleaning Snake Wrangling The 3 articles are made from the view (ie: latest articles from 2009)... as the user makes new articles, they are a...

Multiple Views for UITabBarController

Hi Guys, I'm trying to build an app where I have a TabBarController with 4 entries. When I select the first entry, a view with a UITableView shows up. This TableView is filled with several entries. What I would like to do is: When an entry out of that UITableView gets selected, another view should show up; a detailview. .m - (void)t...

How to implement Materialized View with MySQL?

How to implement Materialized Views? If not, how can I implement Materialized View with MySQL? Update: Would the following work? This doesn't occur in a transaction, is that a problem? DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `myDatabase`.`myMaterializedView`; CREATE TABLE `myDatabase`.`myMaterializedView` SELECT * from `myDatabase`.`myRegularView`; ...

drupal taxonomy

I have several different content type nodes (videos, image galleries, stories...) that I would like to categorize and create a top-level page that aggregates these nodes. So for example, the top-level page would have teaser thumbnails very similar to the front page view but of course filtered for that topic (like for instance automobile...

combine 2 view into 1 view

Is there a way to "merge" 2 different views into one view? i need to control how many of each content type are displayed ...

Custom Views in MVS with input names not-matching to Model property names.

We are using MVC in our application; the Views we are using get created by other team. The problem is that they use their own names for input HTML controls which are different from the input text-box names in the Model. I have a strong feeling that this issue had already been addressed somewhere but cannot find any references. Could anyb...

how to write re-usable views in django?

These are the techniques that I use regularly to make my views reusable: take the template_name as an argument with a default take an optional extra_context which defaults to empty {} right before the template is rendered the context is updated with the extra_context for further re-usability, call any callable in extra_context.values(...