
Querying a SQL View, with Linq in a Domain Services Class and Entity Data Model

Visual Studio 2008 | Silverlight 3 | SQL Server 2005 | Domain Services Class | Entity Data Model I have a database table "Students" with columns FirstName, LastName, Semester, ProgramOfStudy, Column etc....... The goal is to return a Total (number of students grouped by first letter of lastname), based on the first letter of the lastna...

Drupal: cck taxonomy field with depth filtering

In views, is it possible to configure a cck taxonomy field so that a user search for higher level taxonomy terms also matches its parents? Say that I have this taxonomy called Places: Asia China Shanghai Beijing Japan Tokyo Nagoya Indonesia Bandung Banjar Europe France ...

How do I get selected background color from SecondView to pass to FirstView?

I am going insane! This is a simple app with two Views. FirstView is a text field with info button to flip to SecondView. In SecondView I have 6 buttons for background color choice. When button is pushed the color of background changes perfectly but cannot make it also change background color for FirstView. Any help would be GREAT! ...

Drupal : Drupal6 views : Filter restriction

Hi, I am a newbie to Drupal, hope somebody can answer my query. I think I am facing a weird problem in views..I have a content type of say Company and have around 3-4 pages added to it. The sequence is as 1. Company - default page 2. View company 3. Search company 4. New page The problem is when I go and add a Filter to the Search co...

drupal view php code parsed arguments - usage

using clean url as argument for taxonomy I encountered an issue related to my inexperience with the view concept (or maybe rtfm concept). having a peaces of url generated by pathauto, I want to use the pathauto table to get its real address, and since it should be a taxonomy term, I can, somehow use it as an argument ..? so Having a pa...

Creating a dynamic navigation menu

I have a views page at the location "". where the contents of the page depends on the argument supplied by views... which is the user id. I simply want to create a menu entry in the navigation... which accepts arguments, to create pages for logged in users. I have also tried the drupal api and found this page ht...

Drupal views output theming

I have a views page which tracks posts created by users. Its having a field(comment_count) to show no of comments in a node. the field is working fine except its showing blank spaces in fields with no comments. I am using the template file views-view-field--tracker--page--comment-count.tpl.php and copying the line <?php print $output;?>...

Help with Cocoa: Objects as views?

Hi again, in my app I want to have a light table to sort photos. Basically it's just a huge view with lots of photos in it and you can drag the photos around. Photos can overlap, they don't fall into a grid like in iPhoto. So every photo needs to respond to mouse events. Do I make every photo into its own view? Or are views too expens...

Load Module Default Views In Region to Create Menu

I am builng an M-V-VM application with Dynamic Loading of modules at runtime. Each of these Modules has a default view which individulally they show on the selected region when I go _regionManager.Regions["BottomMenuRegion"].Add( Container.Resolve<AdminModuleView>(), "AdminView", true); However, When the Next Module loads it ove...

ASP.NET MVC: Event when a view is requested.

Are any events raised when a controller requests a view or partial view? Similar to FindView/FindPartialView on the IViewEngine interface. I need to know what views are requested, but dont want to have to write my own view engine. Any suggestions? ...

Formatting views template output

I am using this code in a views template to print user name in a field. The output is fine except it doesn't shows as a link, as its supposed to. <?php print $row->users_name; ?> How can i modify the code to show the output as a link? btw this was the comment in the template file which i cant decode. Variables available: $view: T...

Drupal Views: How to a print the last time a View cache was refreshed to the view Display

I want to have on my page something like "This page last refreshed on: {DATETIME}" I have tried to get the cache date but I have having trouble with the View display_handler object. $view->display_handler->get_plugin('cache'); is NULL, even though the View cache is currently set to 1 min. Any ideas how to print the DATETIME of the ca...

Why this Android view doesn't fill the screen vertically?

Having this XML view: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/myScrollLayout" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical" xmlns:android=""&gt; <ScrollView android:id="@+id/widg...

Problem attaching Ubercart view to relevant content

Example page: It’s very cumbersome to connect the ubercart view to a relevant content page. In the example above I have attached the view to the bottom; you can scroll down to see it. It is a tedius process though in which I have to create the view, then create a mini panel, include t...

Better control of views output markup?

Hello! I am developing a website with drupal 6, and using a 960 grid system based theme. I want to create a dynamic thumbnail gallery with Views, and using this jquery effect: I have some experience with views, but I am by not means an exp...

Getting info from all related objects in django

I'm trying to do something pretty simple, but I'm new to Django. I have a quiz system set up for an experiment I'm running. The relevant entries in follow: class Flavor(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __unicode__(self): return class Passage(models.Model): name = models.CharFie...

Drupal views filters dynamically

Hi, I am integrating location with views modules in the filters options I find a distance/proximity filter, I need to dinamically set latitude and longitude using geolocation html5 feature. Anybody have an idea to help me??? I try Service module too, to make json requests but I dont know how to add filters paramenters. Thanks your help...

What is the purpose of views in SQL?

Possible Duplicate: What are views good for? I'm trying to figure out what the purpose of views in an SQL database is? Why, when and how would I create and use views? ...

Passing button title to a new view

I have a button on a view which when pressed opens another second view. I want to set a label in the second view to change depending on the label of the button that was pressed. I have tried passing (id) sender in my switchViews function but that does not work. Please help! ...

Using Views in SQL

Hi, I have a view that is created from a base table.This view is basically the exact copy of table without any filter conditons and it has all the columns and records of the table. Is there any advantage in using view (which is a direct copy of table) instead of the table direclty in my application or stored procedures. ...