
SharePoint Error - Datasheet View refuses to show up!

Hi, Recently the DataSheet view of my list refuses to dispaly. I tried numerouse times and with no luck. Other lists works just fine, except for this one. there is a Java error message on the left bottom corner of the screen that disapears in 2 seconds, then it renders the list in Standard view any time you try it. I even created a ne...

What's an elegant way to conditionally add a class to an HTML element in a view?

I occasionally have to add a class to an html element based on a condition. The problem is I can't figure out a clean way of doing it. Here's an example of the stuff I've tried: <div <%= if @status = 'success'; "class='ok'"; end %>> some message here </div> OR <% if @status == 'success' %> <div class='success'> <% else %> <d...

DRUPAL, Views: I cannot change theme from Views settings

hi, I cannot change the css theme of my Drupal View. This is a screenshots of the settings: I've tried all buttons, I cannot save the new theme (BlueMarine) in the preferences. It is stuck on Zen (which is my front-end theme). thanks ...

In Django, how to create tables from an SQL file when syncdb is run

Hi, How do I make syncdb execute SQL queries (for table creation) defined by me, rather then generating tables automatically. I'm looking for this solution as some particular models in my app represent SQL-table-views for a legacy-database table. So, I've created their SQL-views in my django-DB like this: CREATE VIEW legacy_series AS S...

Rails - how would you go about coding an index action / view like the user profile in stack overflow.

I've decided to reopen this because I want to here more peoples views on this. I'm not looking for full code but rather your approach. Stackoverflows user profile (user index) is pretty complex, it has around 7 tabs, each one displaying the data in different way. Its almost like they are mini views each one using a different partial fo...

Advice on optimzing speed for a Stored Procedure that uses Views

Based on a previous question and with a lot of help from Damir Sudarevic (thanks) I have the following sql code which works great but is very slow. Can anyone suggest how I can speed this up and optimise for speed. I am now using SQL Server Express 2008 (not 2005 as per my original question). What this code does is retrieves paramet...

How do views reduce code duplication?

Hi! I read something like this about db views: Views are incredibly powerful and useful for one reason that stands out above all the other very good reasons. They reduce code duplication. That is, in most cases, the bottom line. If a query will be used in three or more places, then a view will drastically simplify your ...

Drupal Views display newest content per taxonomy limit to one node

Hi, I want to create a view where all 5 of my taxonomy terms are displayed and it then displays the latest node published but this is limited by 1. For Example: Tax Term 1 Latest node published Tax Term 2 Latest node published etc etc Currently I'm grouping by taxonomy term so it's displaying all nodes published then sorted by publi...

How should I organize complex SQL views in Rails?

I manage a research database with Ruby on Rails. The data that is entered is primarily used by scientists who prefer to have all the relevant information for a study in one single massive table for use in their statistics software of choice. I'm currently presenting it as CSV, as it's very straightforward to do and compatible with the ...

Rails 2.3.5 - f.label :attribute not being wrapped by field_error_proc

For some reason when an object's instance has errors, the f.label tags associated with error attributes isn't wrapped about the field_error_proc. Is this the default behaviour? ...

Canonical resource for forms-based design in ASP.NET MVC?

Is there a resource on the web that describes various form scenarios in ASP.NET MVC, and gives example solutions within a sensible, consistent design philosophy? Examples of such scenarios might be: One-to-many forms, like invoice data-entry forms. Foreign-table forms such as Add New User in a form that requires specifying a user Form...

If I update a view, will my original tables get updated

suppose I have tables Employee, Locations. and I have a view viewEmpLocation which is made by joining Employee and Locations. Now If I update the view, will data in original table get updated. ...

Is there any way to profile the performance of views in ASP.NET MVC?

Hi, I am profiling my MVC app and the speed from the Performance Explorer is around 500 ms (50 ms code, 450ms SQL roundtrips that won't exist in deployment). However, the time taken waiting on a response to a GET request is around 1200ms. I've managed to discover through trial and error that this is due to a particularly slow partial ...

How do I attach a link (to a View) to an image in ASP.NET MVC?

Ok, so here is my situation. I am creating a web application using ASP.NET MVC 2 using the C# language. I have programmed in HTML, CSS, and PHP for several years and I am very new to ASP.NET. The part that I am having trouble with is the image gallery. The setup: I have a link on the navigation bar that goes to a "Galleries" page. T...

iPhone switching views without first view being reset

Heya! I'm making a role-playing game, and I want to have a Map View and a Battle Screen. With the possibility of other screens as well. I thought the best way to achieve this was to use multiple NIB files. When I prototyped this by have one view that creates content, switching to the next view, and then back, the content on the origin...

How do I set a time in a time_select view helper?

I have a time_select in which I am trying to set a time value as follows; <%= f.time_select :start_time, :value => (@invoice.start_time ? @invoice.start_time : %> This always produces a time selector with the current time rather than the value for @invoice.start_time. @invoice.start_time is in fact a datetime object but thi...

SQL View Creation

I have two tables Table FOO FooUniqueID| Year| Name| Worth| --------------------------- 1 2008 Bob 23.00 2 2009 Bob 40200 Table Bar BarUniqueID | Name | Value ----------------------- 1aBc Year 2009 I would like to create a view. That will select everything from FOO where the Year is equal ...

drupal views block arguments

I currently have a view (Drupal 6 using Views2) that properly aggregates a custom content type (videos) and filters them for a page display. When I create a block display, it previews the results in live preview just great, but when i go to the page expecting to see the block it doesn't appear. I'm fairly certain the argument I'm attem...

iphone add view from left

When calling subview, how can I add animations something like facebook? I'm having following code [self.firstView removeFromSuperview]; [self.view addSubview:secondView]; I want first view to be removed slowly towards left and second view to be added slowly from right. So that it will visualize scroll view kind of operation. ...

Drupal: how to *always* show a specific node on top of my View ?

hi, I'm using Views in Drupal. I would like to show a specific node always on top of my View regardless of other sort criterias. thanks ...