
Problems with Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC 2

this is the master page : <%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head runat="server"> <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runa...

Drupal, Views: can I use 1 filter, for many CCK fields ?

Hi, I'm using Views in Drupal. I want an exposed filter selecting the ndoes containing a specific word. But I noticed I cannot search more then one CCK field per filter. Since I want to expose it, I want an unique text-input field for all CCK Fields: is that possible ? At the moment I can only add a new filter for each CCK field. Th...

Oracle command hangs when using view for "WHERE x IN..." subquery

I'm working on a web service that fetches data from an oracle data source in chunks and passes it back to an indexing/search tool in XML format. I'm the C#/.NET guy, and am kind of fuzzy on parts of Oracle. Our Oracle team gave us the following script to run, and it works well: SELECT ROWID, [columns] FROM [table] WHERE ROWID IN ( ...

CakePHP access indirectly related model - beginner's question

Hi everyone, I am writing a CakePHP application to log the work I do for various clients, but after trying for days I seem unable to get it to do what I want. I have read most of the book CakePHP's website. and googled for all I'm worth, so I presume I am missing something obvious! Every 'log item' belongs to a 'sub-project, which in...

Setting background views depending on user settings

I've got an app where the background needs to be set depending on user preference. The user can change this at any time via settings tab. I've got it working by checking NSUserDefaults in viewWillAppear and setting self.view.backgroundColor. This is really clunky. The right approach (I thought) is to set the background in the root view ...

keeping references to inflated custom views

Hi While researching how to create custom compound views in Android, I have come across this pattern a lot (example comes from the Jteam blog) : public class FirstTab extends LinearLayout { private ImageView imageView; private TextView textView; private TextView anotherTextView; public FirstTab(Context context, AttributeSet attributeS...

How do I make a view that groups nodes by taxonomy term?

Hello, I'm trying to bend views and drupal to my will. So far I've produced a view to display the titles of my nodes. Each node will be assigned exactly one taxonomy term from the set {X, Y and Z}. So for example, Node A has a title "Car drives into field, thousands don't care". Node A has a taxonomy term "Pointless". I'd like to gro...

How to split a View in several pages when a number of elements is reached?

I am using Views to display a gallery. Right now I have set up the View so it onlys shows 50 elements, but I want it to display a "Next" button that takes you to the next batch of elements. Preferably using AJAX / without reloading, but its not necessary. How can I do this? I have looked at all the options and searched for a module that...

Mapping table and a simple view with Fluent NHibernate

I have mapped a simple entity, let's say an invoice using Fluent NHibernate, everything works fine... after a while it turns out that very frequently i need to process 'sent invoices' (by sent invoices we mean all entities that fulfill invoice.sent==true condition)... is there a way to easily abstract 'sent invoices' in terms of my data ...

Best way to manage a header navigation menu from within a template?

I'm looking to put navigation in my GSP template, and I would like to set the active class on the navigation elements for each respective page. What's the best way to do this? I have several .gsp views merging with a single template that looks like this: <div id="bd" role="main"> <div role="navigation" class="yui-g"> <ul id=...

How can I count my facebook application post views

Hi, I have a Facebook application with which my users can post and friends can view in their news feed. I would like to know how many people have seen, or maybe even interacted or "liked" the posts my users posted using my application. Does Facebook give such statistics? Is there any other way to know it? Thanks. ...

Select return dynamic columns

I have two tables: Standards and Service Offerings. A Standard can have multiple Service Offerings. Each Standard can have a different number of Service Offerings associated to it. What I need to be able to do is write a view that will return some common data and then list the service offerings on one line. For example: Standard Id | D...

Removing a view from Eclipse Window -> Show views

We have an application in which some views only work when attached to certain perspectives. We want to remove those views from the Window -> Show View dialog so that users cannot add them to perspectives where they don't work. Any ideas on how to do this either programmatically or declaratively? I have tried using <visibleWhen />, but...

How to switch a view after i parse data?

OK my problem is this, i parse a document and after the document is parsed then i want to load to the next view sounds simple but ive been here for like 4 hours playing with code and id appreciete any help u can give me atm. k heres my parserDidEndDocumentCode - (void)parserDidEndDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser{ IpadSlideShowViewContro...

SQL Server, View using multiple select statements

I've banging my head for hours, it seems simple enough, but here goes: I'd like to create a view using multiple select statements that outputs a Single record-set Example: CREATE VIEW dbo.TestDB AS SELECT X AS 'First' FROM The_Table WHERE The_Value = 'y' SELECT X AS 'Second' FROM The_Table WHERE The_Value =...

how can i optimize views in sql server for speed

i have created views for my project now i want to optimize them for the speed can i identify that the view can be optimize? is index usefull for this.... let's say the following example... SELECT dbo.vw_WebInventory.skref AS SaleID, dbo.vw_WebInventory.lot_number AS LotNumber, dbo.vw_WebInventory.Description, ...

RSpec: Can't convert Image to String when using Nested Resource.

I'm having trouble with and RSpec view test. I'm using nested resources and the model with a belongs_to association. Here's what I have so far: describe "/images/edit.html.erb" do include ImagesHelper before(:each) do @image_pool = stub_model(ImagePool, :new_record => false, :base_path => '/') ...

Weird ViewControllers - iPhone SDK

Hello everyone, I have a Tab-Bar Application for this iPhone application I am making. I make a simple button on the 3rd view (3rd tab), and give it an IBAction to give an alert view. When I press build and go, everything works out fine. I go onto the 3rd tab, and I press my button. It simply crashes... Why is this happening? Everything ...

Rails reusing form view on edit, but setting some fields readonly

I've a model that the user isn't allowed to update most fields on after the initial creation. I've seen the :readonly HTML attribute I can tack on all field helpers, but doing conditionals on all fields feels... icky. I'm not using anything special for creating my forms at the moment, just plain HAML. Anyone know of a better way of do...

Passing Values from a View to itself with parameters getting null values ?

Hi all, I am trying to get values from a view which i have the code below and I am taking the start date value from the view input text box and posting it back but I am still getting null except for the apikey and userkey.Here are the two views.. public ActionResult View1(string apiKey, string userId) { StartGoalView...