
Performance considerations when using MySQL VIEWs

I was considering using MySQL views to provide an abstraction when pulling data from the DB. As I was looking for material on this, I came across this article, which ends with: MySQL has long way to go getting queries with VIEWs properly optimized. The article is from 2007. Is this still applicable? Eg: Has MySQL solved these iss...

Upgrade MVC 2 to MVC 3 issues with views

I'm attempting to upgrade my existing MVC 2 web application to MVC 3 so I can use the goodness that is the Razor Viewengine and other said improvements. After using the converter to convert my app from mvc2 to mvc3 I'm having issues with my strongly typed views. As an example here we have a view user control that is strongly ty...

using IF in a SQL Server View

Hello, I have a view in SQL server that translates from one schema version to another. Currently, the view looks like this: SELECT newValue AS oldValue FROM dbo.MyTable The trouble is that, in the new schema, newValue is not nullable, so we set it to -1 to denote empty fields, but in the old schema, it was nullable. How can I do s...

How do I switch views in a WPF application using Unity and MVVM?

I am very new to WPF and am trying to set up an application that requires switching of views. For example, a user is viewing a system that contains a number of components, when they click on a component, it should switch to a view that is associated to that component, replacing the previous system view. It's my understanding a Controlle...

FrameLayout + bg-image vs. ImageView

Simple question really: for very simple graphics such as dividers, is it cheaper in terms of layouting / rendering costs to use a FrameLayout and set the image as a background instead of using ImageView? The intuition was that FrameLayout is the simplest of all views (in terms of features), and ImageView does things like scaling and cro...

How to create a view to encrypt a BLOB column in DB2?

I am trying to create a view to transparently handle encryption of a BLOB column. I am using the approach described here. Background NOTE There was a comment by @tc, asking why I am trying to encrypt this, since the encryption key is then stored (in plain text) in the code. I have a requirement to encrypt the data a...

Drupal List of related views

Hi, I need to list all the projects of an advertising company with their pictures and videos grouped by subject. For example, list under "Green Campaigns", all the projects related to that one, and at the same time, under each project show (using a grid) all the pictures and videos of that specific project. My approach was to make a diff...

cakephp accessing view attributes/variables from within a helper

is there a reasonable way to access the view attribute "passedArgs" (or any similar) /* view */ $this->passedArgs from within a Helper? I'd be happy to customize the _construct() of the helper or to customize the app_helper... but I don't want to have to pass $this->passedArgs into the helper on every view or usage. ...

Is this an acceptable practice of managing views in a WPF application using Prism?

I am writing an WPF MVVM application using Prism. A couple days ago I asked about best practices for managing different views and didn't get a whole lot of feedback. Sense then I have come up with a system that seems to work, but I want to make sure I wont get bit down the road. I followed the tutorials at http://development-guides.silv...

Change content of tab on button click

I have been reading a lot of comments on how it is more lightweight to use views instead of intents in setContent when using tabs. Since I will be creating an app with tabs, I am trying to implement this instead of having intents inside setContent. However, I am having a difficult time looking for examples or straightforward tutorials o...

Using Doctrine with views - dud 'id' field generated

I have a DB (yes, that one) which is proving far easier to access via views than raw tables. In general this plays quite nicely with Doctrine, but there's one issue. Doctrine can't identify a primary key in a view table when generating the YAML from the database schema, so it invents one called 'id'. Generating classes from this means th...

Dynamic filters

I am setting up a gallery block in views that I am including on different nodes. The main nodes are related to different girls, who I have created as users with custom roles, and each of these girls has a number of photos, each photo brought in as its own node, associated with them. In order to associate the photo with the girl I created...

Help with refactoring Views and Master Pages in mvc 2

Im trying to refactor an mvc that is one big mess of code... it really is astonishing. I wouldnt know where to start to fix this monster... Anyways. Please Give me advice... Anything. There are different roles.. and each different role sees a somewhat different page layout. these roles are: medic, patient, company, admin They...

How to create reports in Access via ADO When data is in SQL Server?

I have an Access 2003 project in which all data is stored in SQL Server 2008. I am using ADO to view/update data via forms that are completely unbound. For example, a form has several textboxes and combo boxes on it. When the form is loaded I use ADO to make a call to a stored procedure on SQL SQL, it returns a recordset and I populate t...

Rails Views: How do you pass a varaible to a partial layout?

In one of my views I apply a layout to a block of code: # In app/views/sessions/new.html.erb <% render :layout => 'home/shadow_box' do %> #... code for sign in form here <% end %> The layout is a div that has png shadows on all four sides. Since I use this layout all over my site, I want to pass a variable to the layout that spec...

How can you rotate banner ads using CouchApp & CouchDB?

For context: this is an HTML app, with little or no browser side JavaScript. I can't easily change that so need to do this on the server. CouchDB is built to not have side effects. This is fair enough. But there seems to be no method that i can conceive of with shows, views, lists to change what is shown to a user with subsequent req...

Adding a Menu Screen to an iPhone/iPad application?

I'm working on a game application for the iPad and now that I've made the game work in a single view I wish to add an opening menu where a user can either go to the game or change the settings. How do you lay this out in xCode? Many thanks in advance from a puzzled programmer. ...

Rails app with multiple page layouts - how to DRY up?

I have a Rails-based site with a basic two-column layout. On the right is a sidebar with different (let's just say) vertical widgets. Depending on what page you visit, the widgets can be included, excluded, and in different order. For ex: Main Page (Application) PAGE CONTENT... SIDEBAR Widget A Widget B Widget C Page X PAGE CO...

appending to content_for in rails

We are currently in the process of refactoring our site and we have decided to just go with one js library (jquery). Problem is, due to time constraint, we can only do so much so at the moment, we have to make them coexist. This is easy since we have jquery's no conflict method, so I can just declare jquery then do the no conflict thing...

create "multipanel" login and remember login info - android

I've downloaded a few networking apps (games) that have you log in, then take you to a "home" type screen where you can change your settings, or start a new game, or view your buddies etc. My question is two-part: 1) how are these "multipanel" apps created? Is each panel its own activity? I've tried adding different panels through Vi...