
Handling CRUD Operations for a Linq to SQL View

I am running into a problem where my CRUD operations on an entity sourced from an SQL View is not calling the generated methods for said operations. Example: I press "Delete" in a ListView on an item, connected to a LinqDataSource. It throws an error saying that it cannot perform the operation because it affects multiple base tables. T...

What's the best way to create a single field in the table is designed to keep the computation of a different table fields

i want to save a balance of user, in the user table . the balance calculate from other table rows, is trigger on the other table is the best way ? or do it in script languages like php ? It is important that to be accurate, and performance. thanks ...

How do I use an extension method in an ASP.NET MVC View?

How do I access an extension method in an ASP.Net MVC View? In C# I do using MyProject.Extensions; and I remember seeing an XML equivalent to put in a view, but I can't find it anymore. ...

SQL query: time difference

Hi all, This is going to seem like a lame question for all experts in SQL server views but... So I have a small set of data that my client needs for reporting purposes. I have to admit that although I did ask them their reporting requirements, it isn't till now that I see that my db could be better optimised. One of the pieces of data...

rendering open office files in ruby on rails

Hi All, I'm trying to render .odf files from a controller action in a rails application. I'd like to be able to put templates inside my view folders called show.odp.erb, show.odf.erb, etc.. and have that represent the content.xml file that is inside the zip. I'd also like to be able to render these actions in the controller like so: ...

Why would ItemsControl show a view but ContentControl show nothing?

I've got an application based on Prism. This is my shell: <Window x:Class="AvarioCRM3.ShellV2" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:cal="" > <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <Border ...

Drupal 6: Views: Listing taxonomy terms with tagged nodes underneath.

I need to create a view that lists out taxonomy terms and then list the top 3 recent(sort by node:date updated) nodes with that tag example out put: Article Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Podcast Podcast 1 Podcast 2 Podcast 3 . . . I created a view of type "Term" and I can get the view to output all of the terms. However, I don...

Managing a view while another process runs on iPhone

Hello, I am having a bit of a problem here, I am let the user upload some video to the server however I am having some difficulties managing a view that I am using to illustrate its progress, I know why the problem is happening and i found a way around it (sort of) here my problem So if one tries to make some code that looks something ...

Wrongly semi transparent views in iPhone objective C.

Hi, I'm working on an iPhone game written in Objective C (which I'm new to). The problem is that the views which are used to draw the sprites on screen are semi transparent. I have set the alpha to 1.0 and the opacity to True. I have also used NSLog to confirm that the views' alphas are 1.0. I was using [self.view insertSubview:myView]; ...

Avoid "The class or CssClass value is not defined" Warnings in ASP.NET MVC ASCX Partial Views (UserControls)

Hello, I wondered how I can stop those annoying compiler warnings "The class or CssClass value is not defined" coming from my ASP.NET MVC partial views/ASCX user controls. The CSS is correctly defined, but the reference to the CSS file is obviously on the master page only. My partial views contain lots of CSS class references on div's et...

Iphone sdk tabbar View outlet was not set

I'm about at the end of my rope with this freaking project!!!!!!! I have a UIViewController class that is linked to a nib that has a tabbar controller with 2 tabs. Both tabs load nib files. When I compile I get an error: -[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "MainViewController" nib but the view outlet was not se...

How to show full nodes in views in Drupal 6?

Using Views module in Drupal 6 I wish to not only to show differents fields of the nodes, as one usually does. I wish to show all the nodes (matching criteria) in their complete form. Anyone know how to do this? ...

How do I rank nodes based on user-rating, number of comments etc. in Drupal 6

I wish all nodes of a certain type to have a rank (or at least be sortable in Views by this rank). This rank is a score based on different criteria: Voting API (5-star rating) average, Voting API number of votes, number of comments etc. Any suggestions on how to achive this? ...

Managing input focus on an MFC SDI multiple view application

Hi all, We have a relatively large MFC application that uses an SDI to host a number of dynamically created CView- based views. The basic structure of the application is somewhat like Outlook (tree view on the left, dynamic view(s) on the right). I've been puzzling over the correct way to handle focus changing in the app. For example...

Is there any way to have language independent controllers/views/actions

I'm coding some web-applications in MVC, and I have a problem with something that has been on my mind for a time. The web-aplications I'm developing are mostly going to be used in Swedish, and because of the language I want to have my URL routing mapped against Swedish URL names. (English URL)

Drupal Views combine 2 columns into 1?

I've got two content types, both have a node title and a document attachment, the doc attachment fields are different names (being from two different content types). In my view, I'm displaying the node title and the file name in a table. The node titles are great all in one column, but the two content typed attachment fields are display...

Views and Entity Framework

I've created a view in my database which I would like to include in my entity model. However, when I try to update the entity model through VS 2008, a warning message informs me that the TABLE OR VIEW I'm trying to add doesn't have a primary key. It seems that in order to add a view to the model, this must have a key field! How can I a...

Using toolbar & views on Cocoa

Hi, I'm getting started with Mac apps development and trying to figure out some things. I want to create an app with tabs like Selectable Toolbar from BWToolkit (I try it but still has lots of bugs). And when I click one of its buttons, I want to display a different view. What are the classes that I need to use? The Interface Builder...

how can i avoid unmaintanable code in mvc views

i am finding more and more my mvc views are starting to look like my old crappy asp code that i could never maintain or keep clean with integrated <% %> and html put together. below i have a code sammple of what i am talking about. is there any best practice or recommended way of avoiding this and keeping the views more maintab...

Best practices when inserting data into a view

I have a few views and I want to insert some data into them. I've heard you need to "be careful when doing this", and you need to "setup the view to make the insert work correctly". What do I need to look for, and what if anything do I need to do to my view to allow insertions into it? Is better to insert into the underlying tables ev...