
Do you virtualize all or part of your development environment ?

I've been thinking about virtualizing part or all of my RoR development environment. This could have, in theory, many advantages due to encapsulation easily manage app-specific configurations sandboxing gems and plugins dependencies cross-platform plug 'n play virtualization commodities, like snapshots and so on separation of conc...

How can developers make use of Virtualization?

Where can virtualization techniques be applied by an application developer? How can virtualization be applied on a day-to-day basis? I would like to understand from veteran developers making use of it. I am interested in the following things: How it helps in development. How it could be used for testing purposes. What are the recommen...

Virtualisation - Processing power required for multiple dev servers.

Hi, we have about 6 Dell power edge servers used by my Dev team ranging for SQL instances to automated build servers. I tried to take one of these 2x2.3GHZ with 1 GB of memory and ran MS virtual server 2005 over it. Now when I finally got windows 2008 installed, it ran, but it was slow!!! The CPU seems to be bouncing off 100% alot of...

WPF ListBox virtualization screws up displayed items

Problem We need to efficiently display a large (>1000) number of objects in a WPF ListBox control. We are relying on the WPF ListBox’s virtualization (via VirtualizingStackPanel) to efficiently display these items. Bug: The WPF ListBox control does not display items correctly when using virtualization. How to Reproduce We have distil...

Does VMWare or any other 'virtualization software' alowe you to set the amount of CPU cores?

Hello I am setting up a testing PC to help find a weired bug on a single core computer. None of the PCs in our office have single core any more. Can I use VMWare to something similar to emulate a single core PC on a multi-core computer? Can you emulate a 32Bit version of windows with VMWare on a 64bit PC? ...

Virtual machine file access performance

My coding environment (Visual Studio) is in a virtual machine (Parallels on OS X). Which method of file access would be faster? Put the files on the VM's disk. (Can the VM manipulate files faster if it's all internal?) Put the files on the host machine. (Would file access be faster without the additional layer of abstraction?) For th...

I-Phone VM for Android

I'm considering opening up a project to create an i-phone virtual machine for android 2.0 (read motorola droid) before i do so i have some questions: Does one already exist that i just missed? Can the the Droid's Arm Cortex A8 down-clocked to 550MHz (thanks wikipedia) handle an I-Phone abstraction layer? Performance wise the best thing...

Advice on running my development tools in a virtual machine

I am starting to get quite sick and tired of setting up all my dev tools every time that I need to move to a new machine, or get a laptop, or screw up my registry with constant installs and uninstalls. So new plan. I have heard of people virtualizing their development environment and this sounds like a great idea. Only problem is that...

WPF ListBox with a ListBox - UI Virtualization and Scrolling

My prototype displays "documents" that contain "pages" that are represented by thumbnail images. Each document can have any number of pages. For example, there might be 1000 documents with 5 pages each, or 5 documents with 1000 pages each, or somewhere inbetween. Documents do not contain other documents. In my xaml markup I have a List...

Cannot create subdirectory in a Merged isolation mode directory in the sandbox

If I try to create a subdirectory in a directory that only exists in the sandbox, the system returns "The system cannot find the path specified." Creating a new file in the same directory works fine. I'll explain. Let's say I have the following directory structure in the %Personal% directory of a captured application: "%Personal%/test1...

Document Virtual Machine Library for Developers

I am building a library of virtual machines for development purposes. I need a way to document each virtual machine. When developers need a particular virtual machine they can just browse a catalog and find the most appropriate. Much of the software we develop is version dependent and we have many customers on different revisions. In...

View a vmdk file from Python?

Is there any way to view the contents of a vmdk file from Python, and to be able to read files from it? (I have no need to write to it). If not, is there any way to mount a vmdk file on a host machine, or generally any other way to look at a vmdk file without attaching it to a VM and running it? ...

linux virtual application: is this is possible?

I need some guidance from all the Linux experts out there. I would like to do the following. Please tell me if this possible. If it's not, please tell me why. I would like the user to interact with a touchscreen LCD connected to a Linux thin client PC. I want to use Linux Terminal Server to run a virtual linux application (with user int...

Instruction Sets Virtualization

Windows runs on x86 based CPUs only. Is it possible to make Windows run on non-x86 architecture CPUs like POWER, SPARC, ARM, etc.... I know that there is a program viz., Virtual PC 7 for Mac that allows Windows to be run on PowerPC inside MAC OS but not much detail available.... I'm talking about virtualization in a sense that allows HOS...

Visual Studio 2008/2010 on terminal server (IDE virtualization)

Hi, What is your opinion about using Visual Studio 2008/2010 with all components (sql server, nant, nunit etc) by terminal server. I've got two options: create separate virtual machines on hyper-v server (VS 2008/2010, windows7/sql server 2008/nan/nunit etc) for every user (hmm but there is a problem with application running as servi...

Limit Virtual machine network bandwidth in Micrisoft Virtual PC

Hello I'm testing a ClickOnce application in a Micrisoft Virtual PC Virtual Machine, and I would like to know if there is a way to limit the network bandwidth for the VM to test the application in a "slow" network. Any clue? Best regards, Paulo ...

Testing Software on Windows 7. Install vs Virtualization

Hello We want to test a software we develop on XP on Windows 7. We have Vista installed on a PC. But we would like to avoid installing Windows 7 and rather run it in a Virtual PC or VMWare. Questions: Q1: Is it possible to run Windows 7 in a Virtual PC or Ware ? Q2: Is it possible to run a 64 bit Vista or Windows 7 in Virtual PC or V...

Can I develop for IPhone using Pear-PC or similiar besides VMWare?

Good morning I've got Windows Vista and Windows 7 here. I intend to create an IPhone application which connects to my website in order to read and show some database records. I cannot afford a Mac Mini or buying expensive hardware and software. I was wandering if it's legal and possible to create IPhone applications, running Mac OS ...

How to detect if an application is running under KVM?

I already know how to detect VMWare and VirtualPC, but I want to know how to do this in Kernel Virtual Machine. I would like the code to be in C or C++. ...

When they say OS requires modification, what do they mean in Virtualization?

I'm reading an article about Xen, a virtual machine monitor. They say that an operating system requires some modification in order to be able to act as a guest OS on top of Xen. Now, for an OS like Linux, I can understand what a "modification" might mean but in the case of an OS like say, Windows XP, what does it mean? I mean, XP is clos...