
Visual Studio Extension to map Solution Folders to Real Folders

In an earlier question, I've found out that sadly Solution Folders are not real folders inside a directory. I wonder if there is an AddOn or Macro that adds this functionality? i.e. when I create a Solution Folder, it created a real folder. When I Create a new Item (Right Click => Add => New Item) it automatically moves them into that f...

Compiling pages with custom extension (for ex .custx) as if they were .xaml files in Visual Studio

In a VS Package (Visual Studio Extensibility), I have a custom extension registered (for ex ".custx") with XamlLanguageService, so that in Visual Studio when the user opens .custx, it opens up in Xaml Designer/editor just like a .xaml file. However when I compile it as "Page" (BuildAction), the WINFX targets / Compiler errors out with ...

Any way to make Intellisense work, when opening a cs file that's not part of the project?

What we ideally need is, to know how Microsoft handles XAML generated code (Those *.g.cs files). If you goto a XAML code behind, intellisense will work even if the *.g.cs file is not part of the project!! Context: In a custom VS package, we need to have some logic to open a CS file (with out making it a part of the project) in the V...

What event is raised when a file is added to a project?

Hello, What are the events that are raised when a new or existing file is added/removed to/from a project (.vcproj or .csproj)? I actually want to handle all possible events that might change the project structure in terms of added or removed project items. This is in the context of creating add-ins for Visual Studio. Can anybody tell...

After installing Visual Studio SP1, LC.exe can't be found by the build. Solution?

After installing VS Sp1, the build breaks as it can't find LC.exe (to run on top of license files). Seems like SP1 don't install LC.exe I found in this MSDN forum post and the solution I found is, I should install Windows SDK. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vssetup/thread/93fe03a0-117c-406e-b0ea-c2e2227e1835/ Microsoft ...

How do you get the default TFS Server from Team Explorer?

A call like this requires the server name or url: TeamFoundationServerFactory.GetServer("mytfsserver"); Likewise, I can use the following to get a list of available servers or server names: TeamFoundationServer[] servers = RegisteredServers.GetServers(); string[] serverNames = RegisteredServers.GetServerNames(); But how do I get th...

How to ensure devenv.exe is not running when my msi is installed

I am writing a VSPackage for Visual Studio 2008, and am deploying it with a WiX generated Msi. As the end of the install, I am running "devenv.exe /setup" as required to get VS to notice my package. However, this command will not succeed if there are any copies of Visual Studio running. Currently, I tell people they have to close all ...

Visual Studio extensibility (add-in): How to access Silverlight-related properties?

This is the question that has been posted to MSDN forums some time ago, and stayed unanswered to this day: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vsx/thread/676b13d4-acfc-4252-b102-5fc0553e4b81/ The property I'm interested in is ProjOutputReferences, stored in the Visual Studio solution (.sln) file. In Visual Studio, this prope...

T4 Templates and Visual Studio Item Templates

Is it possible to create a Visual Studio item template that generates from a T4 template? My google-fu does not seem powerful enough to yield an answer! ...

Generate DTOs from Object

Hi there, I want to auto gen some DTOs from some of my existing objects, I was wondering if there already exist a Resharper, DevExpress or VSX open source to use, I need a tool to look into my code and let me choose which properties I want to include in my DTO and then generate a class based on that... ...

How do you add an icon overlay to folders icons in Source Control Explorer?

I am interested in marking folders as Active, Archived, and Released in Source Control Explorer so it is easier for the team to see which branches are active. I am somewhat familiar with VSX so once I know where to start I can make progress, but I need help with where to start. An example of what I want to do is VisualSVN which places a...

which one to choose? DXCore, Resharper or VSX?

I want to write a visual studio addon to do some code modifications for me (like some specific refactoring). I was wondering which one of these tools should I use and why? we have licenses for resharper, the other two are free and this is an internally used software, so we don't need to worry about licensing. ...

How to change caption on tab for a custom editor in VS Shell

Hi, I've implemented a custom editor in VS Shell (using an integration package). By default the tab at the top of the editor displays the file name that the editor has currently open. I'm talking about the text the red arrow is pointing at in the image: How do I change this to content I supply? ...

Obtaining Added Item Information with vsx

Hi, I just created an event handler to determine when a new item is added to the solution explorer; however, I'm unable to obtain the properties of the item(Name, etc). In the event handler method, I just have my project item. Is there any way I could possibly use an interface to obtain the information I need? Thank you! ...

How to create custom project that inherits from c# using MPF?

Hello, Using Visual Studio's Managed Package Framework, how can I inherit from C# so I can have C# property pages and C# project items? I've tried making a flavored project, but it was limited in terms of making our own custom nodes and custom file properties. When using the MPF, however, I cannot seem to obtain those C# properties that...

Custom properties for ProjectItems in a Flavored Project

Hello, Is it possible to have custom properties for Project items while implementing a flavored C# project? For example add a MyProperty property to a class.cs's Properties Window. Thanks in adavance. Kenny ...

VSPackage: How to create a custom virtual node like References node

Hello, I have a C# flavored project and I want to add some custom nodes to my project where the only options when you right click on them is to add or remove a custom project item that I have already created, so I want it to be like the References node in that it cannot be deleted renamed and it only has 2 context menu options. Any ...

Why does not Visual Studio display warnings generated by the #warning directive (CS1030)?

Edit: I reported this as a bug on the Microsoft Connect site here. Edit 2: Microsoft will not fix this bug (at least not in VS2010). User defined warnings are only shown in the Error List window for one file per project. So if you put the #warning directive in several files of your project, you will not see any warnings after build for...

my vs2008 addin for textformatting is awfully slow

Hi folks, i wrote a little addin, which does some formatting of my C# code. in the addins Exec method i do the following try { TextSelection selection = (EnvDTE.TextSelection)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Selection; String foo = String.Empty; if (!text.IsEmpty) { foo = someCoolObjectThatFormatsText.Format(...

ATL, VS2008 extenson: Adding event handler to WindowEvents

Used the New Add-in Wizard to create a Visual C++ / ATL add-in project. Generated code: HRESULT hr = S_OK; pApplication->QueryInterface(__uuidof(DTE2), (LPVOID*)&m_pDTE); pAddInInst->QueryInterface(__uuidof(AddIn), (LPVOID*)&m_pAddInInstance);` Get the Events object, and the WindowEvents: m_pDTE->get_Events(&m_pEvents); m...