
Correct use of Blockquote, q and cite?

Is this the correct use of Blockquote, q and cite? <p> <blockquote>Type HTML in the textarea above, <q>and it will magically appear</q> in the frame below. </blockquote> <cite><a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;refrence url</a> </p> Is use of Blockquote, q semantically correct? or both are presentational element , so should not b...

Joomla complient w3c

Im trying to make my joomla powered site w3c compliant. I am stuck with ampersand encoding, I want to encode the '&' to '& amp;'(no space) under the menu, as required. However the menu link can not be directly edited (read-only), I was wondering how I can change this to be encoded? Thanks ...

What is the best way to validate markup in a component-based web framework?

If you're using a component-based (aka Pull-based) web framework (e.g. Tapestry, Wicket, Struts et al), how do you determine that your markup passes W3C validation? Two approaches come to mind: Crawl the running app Pro: All the markup required for validation exists on the page. Cons: Can be very complicated to hit every page and...

Why HTML 5 still have support for Presentational elements?

See list here: http://www.w3schools.com/html5/html5_reference.asp like <b> , <i>, <br>, <hr>, <small>? Is it means no cons to use these? But what about content and presentation seperation? ...

What are practical cons to use W3C valid presentational element, which are not listed as deprecated?

What are practical cons to use W3C valid presentational element, which are not listed as deprecated for XHTML-CSS developers, Sighted End users of site, and for Screen reader users, ? like <b> , <i>, <br>, <hr>, <small> If i use these tags for presentational purpose. (note: these are also supported in HTML 5) for example: If i use...

How to elegantly wrap Amazon Affiliate script to prevent validation errors?

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm having an issue on my girlfriend's Blog (www.lawsandlanguages.com). Basically, she suscribed to the Amazon Affiliate Program and they gave her this poorly written code she's supposed to put in her header section so Amazon can keep a track of referrals and purchases coming from her blog. This code is gen...

Why target="_blank" is not advisable to use with XHTML?

and It's validated in XHTML 1.1 and WCAG 2.0 Guidelines doesn't have any info about it's use? I know it's not valid in XHTML 1.0 strict but if many people using other ways like JavaScript, jquery, rel attribute, PHP etc. Does it make sense? it means people don't want to follow validation rules. they just want to pass the validation. ...

HTML Tags: Presentational vs Structural

In this list (these are HTML 5 supported) tell me which tag is presentational and which is not. I found many different views on many articles , if some think any tag is presentational but some don't think.For example: in HTML 5 specification they don't think is presentational. <abbr> <address> <area> <b> <bdo> <blockquote> <br> ...

Convert IE event.button to W3C event.button

Hello, On mouse-down (and up) I need to check which mouse button has changed its state. This is pretty easy with the W3C model and even the old netscape way (event.which) but IE gives me a headache. I know that event.button in IE is a bitmask but the problem is that I can't find out which button was pressed from this bitmask. If IE give...

Add Xhtml and Css verification buttons

Hi, i am developing a website and i got a requirement for adding the Xhtml and Css verification buttons from W3C site.i am trying from last 3 days but didn't got any solution that how to add it.can anyone help me out? ...

How do you add an attribute to an xml schema element?

I have a project where a xsd document is loaded, and based on that a editor is created for each element. And then xml that implements that schema is loaded into the editor. This could be a simple textbox for a string, a datepicker for a date or a more complex data like a chapter with associated metadata. The editor is generic so the edit...

Is this a typo/error in this W3C XML specification?

In working through the issues with another question, I've found text files with embedded Ctrl-S characters (decimal 19) in them. When adding their text to an XML document, an exception is thrown (C#/.NET). According to this page, as I read it, they are not in the rages for a "Char" and so are illegal: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#ch...

DTD with RFDa and XHTML 1.0 Transitional support

Is there a W3C document type available with both XHTML 1.0 transitional support and RDFa support? I am aware of the XHTML+RDFa 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd) DTD but that is XHTML 1.1 which is not compatible with my current website. It seems that there is also a HTML4+RDFa 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/html4-rdf...

What is the quickest way to test validity of any xhtml css code snippet in W3C validator?

What is the quickest way to test validity of any xhtml css code snippet (not whole page} in W3C validator? and give link of that test in forum/question/discussion. code snippet like this <ul> <li>Item one</li> <li>Item two</li> <li>Watch, you can easily nest list items: This item has some sub-items</li> <ul> <li>Sub-item on...

java: shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document

What is the easiest way to pretty print (a.k.a. formatted) a ord.w3c.dom.Document to stdout? ...

Strange w3c validation on a certain points

Hi, Can someone help me and explain me why this isn't validated? My doctype: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; The errors: 1. line 55 column 14 - error: document type does not allow element ...

need a little help with w3c and a form validation

I get this message with a w3c validator: line 112 column 30 - Fout: end tag for element "form" which is not open Does anyone know why I get this message? <form action="action.php" method="post" /> Uw naam:<br /> <input type="text" name="name" size="25" /><br /><br /> Uw e-mail adres:<br /> <input type="text" name="email" size="25...

Escaping requirements for the input tag's value attribute

What are the requirements for character escaping in the input tag's value attribute in the HTML markup? Is it just double quotes that need to be escaped? HTML special characters as well? I tried looking through the W3C spec, but I couldn't find any specific details on how stuff should be put into the value attribute. I suppose it goe...

What is the most semantic way to display a street address in HTML?

I have an address that is going to be displayed on a webpage, but it is not the address for the author of the page. How should this be coded to be semantic given the w3c recommendation of: The ADDRESS element may be used by authors to supply contact information for a document or a major part of a document such as a form. This element...

Howto place selectbox and inputbox on the same place?

Hy eveyone. I think this is a css Problem. Im not good at css, so i need your help. basicaly what i want to do is, create a small select box, thats fine i did that and a input box, thats also fine i did that also. But unfortunatly the selectbox is over the inputbox. How can i place both on the same place? Here is the code <select styl...