
Calling WCF Service from Silverlight

Im calling a locally hosted wcf service from silverlight and I get the exception below. Iv created a clientaccesspolicy.xml, which is situated in the route of my host. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <access-policy> <cross-domain-access> <policy> <allow-from http-request-headers="*"> <domain uri="*"/> <...

How can you load balance an IIS 6 hosted WCF Service?

We use BigIP to load balance between our two IIS servers. We recently deployed a WCF service hosted on by IIS 6 onto these two Windows Server 2003R2 servers. Each server is configured with two host headers: one for the load balancer address, and then a second host header that points only to that server. That way we can reference a sp...

How can I load different endpoints for WCF in SQL CLR?

We're deploying some new WCF calls in our SQL 2005 DB using the CLR. In testing, I hardcoded in the code the endpoint to connect to, and deployed it to our test server. When we go to deploy this to production, we will be deploying it to many different SQL DBs, and using different endpoints to connect to (same service running on different...

Is there an alternative to SVCUTIL.EXE for generating WCF Web service proxies?

Am I missing something or is there truly no alternative (yet, I hope) to SVCUTIL.EXE for generating WCF Web service proxies? ...

config file syntax for configuring WCF Webservice Client Target EndPoint

What is the web config syntax for specifying a WCF WebService Proxy's Default Target Endpoint? Specifically, I'm trying to configure the address that the client uses for locating the .asmx of the webservice ...

XML namespace problem in Visual Studio generated service reference

I'm connecting to a web service hosted by a third-party provider. I've added a service reference in my project to the web service, VS has generated all the references and classes needed. I'm connecting with this piece of code (client name and methods anonymized): using (var client = new Client()) { try { client.Ope...

propertyNameFieldSpecified when generating a 2.0 web service proxy from a WCF Service

I have created a web reference (Add Web Reference) from Visual Studio 2008 and strangely, I need to set the propertyNameFieldSpecified to true for all the fields I want to submit. Failure to do that and values are not passed back to the WCF Service. I have read at several places that this was fixed in the RTM version of Visual Studio. ...

LinqToSql and WCF

Within an n-tier app that makes use of a WCF service to interact with the database, what is the best practice way of making use of LinqToSql classes throughout the app? I've seen it done a couple of different ways but they seemed like they burned a lot of hours creating extra interfaces, message classes, and the like which reduces the b...

WCF - How to accept long strings as parameters

I have a simple web service, it takes 2 parameters one is a simple xml security token, the other is usually a long xml string. It works with short strings but longer strings give a 400 error message. maxMessageLength did nothing to allow for longer strings. ...

Suggestions on using Flex with WCF and Linq to Entities.

So I am working on a project that uses a ASP.NET server and we have entities being passed over WCF from LINQ-to-Entity queries. I have already overcome the cyclic reference issue with WCF. Now that I am looking toward the next step, the Flex UI, I am wondering what things people have already faced either with dealing with WCF from Flex o...

Moving WCF service from IIS to a Windows service

We have an existing WCF service that makes use of wsDualHttpBinding to enable callbacks to the client. I am considering moving it to netTcpBinding for better performance, but I'm quite wary of moving away from the IIS-hosted service (a "comfort zone" we currently enjoy) into having our own Windows service to host it. I was hoping we coul...

Find the next TCP port in .Net

I want to create a new net.tcp://localhost:x/Service endpoint for a WCF service call, with a dynamically assigned new open tcp port. I know that TcpClient will assign a new client side port when I open a connection to a given server. Is there a simple way to find the next open TCP port in .Net? I need the actual number, so that I can ...

Webservice toolkits in Java that can interface with WCF

We've got some problems with an external company trying in integrate into a WCF service we expose and they are a Java shop. I was wondering if there are more than one toolkit that they can try to solve their issues and would like a list to suggest to them but I'm not familiar with the Java world at all. Essentially they've got some memo...

Sending messages to WCF host process

I have a Console application hosting a WCF service. I would like to be able to fire an event from a method in the WCF service and handle the event in the hosting process of the WCF service. Is this possible? How would I do this? Could I derive a custom class from ServiceHost? ...

Bare Minimum Configration for RESTful WCF

What is the bare minimum I need to put in web.config to get WCF working with REST? I have annotated my methods with [WebGet], but they are not getting the message. ...

WCF customheader or messagebody for context?

I'm witting a WCF service for a customer to send part information to our application. We have multiple customers that will have one or many locations, and part information is scoped to each location for the customer. When the customer calls our service they will need to specify the location. Options that we have considered are: 1) Pla...

How can I return a custom HTTP status code from a WCF REST method?

If something goes wrong in a WCF REST call, such as the requested resource is not found, how can I play with the HTTP response code (setting it to something like HTTP 404, for example) in my OperationContract method? ...

Is there a way to return different types from a WCF REST method?

I am trying to write a web service to spec and it requires a different response body depending on whether the method completes successfully or not. I have tried creating two different DataContract classes, but how can I return them and have them serialized correctly? ...

How do I call a WCF webservice from Silverlight?

I am trying to call a WCF webservice (which I developed) from a Silverlight application. For some reason the Silverlight app does not make the http soap call to the service. I know this because I am sniffing all http traffic with Fiddler (and it is not a localhost call). This my configuration in the server relevant to WCF: <system.serv...

How to configure secure RESTful services with WCF using username/password + SSL

I'm looking to write a config file that allows for RESTful services in WCF, but I still want the ability to 'tap into' the membership provider for username/password authentication. The below is part of my current config using basicHttp binding or wsHttp w/out WS Security, how will this change w/ REST based services? <bindings> <wsHt...