
"text-decoration: blink" & IE

Why text-decoration: blink wont work in IE ? What is the work around ? Is there a non JS work around? Do Microsoft have a plan to support this style? ...

jQuery closest() not working for me (or i'm not working for it)

Given this jQuery: $('div.MvcFieldWrapper :input').focus(function() { $(this).closest('label.MvcDynamicFieldError').fadeOut(); }); And given this HTML: <div class="MvcFieldWrapper"> <label class="MvcDynamicFieldPrompt">Enter your email address:</label> <label class="MvcDynamicFieldError">Required</label> <input type...

Help! me with "AJAX"

I am working around AJAX for few months now and i see Ajax request as following, Pass parameters to background page (PHP/ASP/HTML/TXT/XML ... what else can be here?) Do some processing on server Get back the results and show to client (HTML/XML/JSON ... what else can be here?) If there is something else to add on Request lifecycle ...

How many pages can i add to a new website without going to the google sandbox ?

Hello there, I'm about to open a new website wich have 15.000 pages (ecommerce store). Of course, i will not publish all this pages at the same time, but i'm looking for infos on how much pages should i start with without going to the sandbox. For example, could i start with a 50 pages website or is it too much ? Then, have you an idea...

How do web browsers execute and process requests?

I would like know how browser executes/processes the request. I would like to know this because knowing how it works will help me understand how better web programming can be done which meets performance goals using browser features. How browsers download CSS, JS and Image files? Does it download one resource at a time or multiple? How...

joomla site not opening at all

suddenly, out of no where, each time i try to open the site im getting this nonesense Joomla! Logo yoursdproperty.com This site is currently undergoing redesign to add new features. Please check back again soon! how do i reopen it? ...

increasing whitespace - css background

i am very new to CSS. i need to increase the width of the white space of this: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=8&amp;Itemid=34 the css file is here: http://yoursdproperty.com/templates/pjo_joomlaforall/css/template_css.css how do know which element to change? ...

Using Clojure with Vaadin

Hi, Has anyone tried implementing a web application with Clojure ( using Compojure ) and Vaadin ? I had seen an article on using Clojure with JWT for creating web apps. Vaadin is based on GWT so you get a lot of the advantages of GWT ( though Vaadin is completely Server-centric). And Clojure gives the advantage that you can use any Java...

joomla: how is the CSS generated?

i made a website that looks like this www.yoursdproperty.com i would like to know how the CSS is generated? where is it generated? how can i edit the settings that generate the CSS? ...

css - removing background image

i have this image in the background: http://yoursdproperty.com/templates/pjo_joomlaforall/images/bgr.png of this page: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=8&amp;Itemid=34 how do i remove it? i understand that if i remove it the page will just be white in the background correct? if not, what do i need to do...

css - increasing size of holder or what ever its called

i have this site: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=8&amp;Itemid=34 i need to increase the width of the "holder" where the content is. i need to make it so that the iframe fits and i need everything to remain centered as it is now. how do i increase the width of the content? when i say content i mean eve...

Make web application secure

I wanted to make a new php web application and if I follow the following things, it my site then safe? Escape user input ($_GET && $_POST) with addslashes Make prepared statements with PDO Check user input for the right type (e.g. int or string) ...

css - why is the white image unevenly distributed?

on this site: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=8&amp;Itemid=34 as you can see the white background a little bit of the grey at the bottom is not solid, it stops and then starts over. do you know how smooth it out? ...

frameworks for mobile web design?

Hi, we have a web application that runs fine in a normal browser, but now we'd like to make a mobile version available for our clients. Before just diving into this, we'd like to know if there are any frameworks being used to make a mobile version of a web app? We're thinking about a mobile version of our application, rather than an iP...

css - text indentation in navigation bar?

at this site: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=8&amp;Itemid=34 you will see on the left there is a navigation bar that says home buying property search san diego (PROPERTIES IS INDENTED!!) how do i make is that that these are not indented? or at least so that PROPERTIES is equally intended. i want th...

css - background at top right is jagged

as you can see here: the background is not even the site can be found here: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=section&amp;id=4&amp;Itemid=37 how can i even it out? ...

joomla: editing html of menus?

is it possible for me to edit the html of the menus on top here? http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=section&amp;id=1&amp;Itemid=27 the home, buying property, selling property, etc, want to be able to edit the html. is that possible? where would the file be? i actually need them to take up 100% of the top a...

ghost text - how to have faint text in textbox

i have an online form: http://yoursdproperty.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&amp;Itemid=56 i would like to have some faint grey text there so that when the user clicks on it, it disappears exactly like in this stackoverflow form where in the title of the question it says "what's your programming question, be descriptive?" what...

programming a stopwatch

i would like to make a site that is like this one: http://www.online-stopwatch.com/ i know a vb.net and little bit of everything else and am wondering what is the best platform to use to make this and how i can start to make this stopwatch? ...

Clear button for form input field using JQuery and JQTouch

I have a site built using JQTouch and want to add the little cross buttons within text input fields to clear out text on press. I've tried emulating Google's technique from their google.com iPhone site. Also I've read about that approach over here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/613114/little-x-in-textfield-input... I have this part...