How do I use Python's httplib to send a POST to a URL, with a dictionary of parameters?
I just want a function that can take 2 parameters: the URL to POST to a dictionary of parameters How can this be done with httplib? thanks. ...
I just want a function that can take 2 parameters: the URL to POST to a dictionary of parameters How can this be done with httplib? thanks. ...
I have an extjs component in its raw object type, for example: var x = { xtype: 'button', text: 'Delete', handler: whatever, more:config, more2: config2}; Now I want to add some listener to x. In my scenario I don't have access to the x object before or right after it is created. I just want to add an event handler ...
i want to know when account logout without logout button click. actually i want to manage dashboard. with some events like login, logout with it's activity date and time. so if any user login so i will entry for login. and if any user direct close browser so how can i manage logout entry in database. ...
My team will soon be launching a web app in Beta. At what point does the Beta tag need to go? Google seems to hold on to the Beta tag for a long time while others do it for a month or so. Is there some rule of thumb like all known bugs fixed to follow or a time frame or some other methodology for this? Of course when Beta is gone then ...
I am trying to save html table to sql server table with unique name and save its data in a database. For example, I have a html table like this(it is dynamically created in browser by user). I use, C#, Sql Server 2008 express. How can after clicking on save button, create table with unique name, 2 colums int and varchar(40) t...
I am developing a RIA application w/ javascript in Eclipse. How can enable Javascript syntax checks in eclipse? ...
If I have fields that will only ever be displayed to the user that enters them, is there any reason to sanitize them against cross-site scripting? Edit: So the consensus is clear, that it should be sanitized. What I'm trying to understand is why? If the only user that can ever view the script they insert into the site is the user him...
This can probably apply to other extensible content management systems, but I've been working with Drupal. Specifically I created an image sharing web application whose functionality relied on more original code than Drupal core code. I used the WebForm module and point its forms at Custom Pages with hard coded php to have nodes create...
Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my laptop from Windows Vista to Windows 7. As a .NET developer I'm not interested in developing Windows 7 components at this stage, but was curious which version would suffice to Install Visual Studio/SQL Server and do some web development testing against the local instance of IIS. I don't care too much about ...
Hello, Reflection API is great thing out there to manipulate the OOP stuff and looks like most of the developers aren't even aware of that or have never used that. Reflection API Claims: PHP 5 comes with a complete reflection API that adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, methods and extensions....
whats the better solution for embeding fonts problem? drink a lot of vodka and try to embed custom font on web site or just leave that idea and use some web safe font? ...
Hello, Is z-index only used when you set an element's position to absolute or it can also be used with an element having position set to relative? Thanks ...
Hello, If there are floated elements in a parent element, they parent element looses its shape or has no height. How to deal with this problem? Thanks ...
Which do you think is the best language/framework to develop a text based adventure game like Mafia wars? I am proficient in Java/JavaScript and have dabbled in Python, Perl, Erlang, Scheme. Also, any pointers to articles relating to this is very welcome. I am starting from scratch and hence have no constraints. This is a hobby project ...
I'm about to start a new project and want some advice on how to implement. I need a web application which contains a booking module for reserving timeslots, and a time management module which will enable employees to clock in / clock out. If I am writing an update to the time managment module, I don't want to disrupt the booking engin...
I am looking for online webbased/CBT training/self study training videos for Java EE related technologies like Struts, JSF, JPA, Websphere, Spring and Hibernate. I'm using learndevnow for Microsoft related technologies. It's really good, I am looking for similar thing for Java EE. Any suggestions please? ...
I have an HTML report, with each print page contained by a <div class="page">. The page class is defined as width: 180mm; height: 250mm; page-break-after: always; background-position: centre top; background-image: url(Images/MainBanner.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-top: 30mm; After making a few changes to my report cont...
Hello all, So there are a few paragraphs separated by line feeds "\r\n" in a textarea, say Paragraph1 "\r\n" Paragraph2 "\r\n" Paragraph3 "\r\n" what i want to achieve is to process each paragraph into tag. How do you do that? (Need a server side solution) so it looks like <p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p> Paragraph 2 </p> <p> Paragraph 3...
I've inherited a front end written by a third-party. That front end interacts with Oracle through procedures written by a different third-party. The stored procedure in question requires 2 minutes and 36 seconds to return search results when it is manually executed. I can't see the procedure and that team has suggested that I increase...
for this site: do you see how there some extra white space all the way at the top? how would i expand that image to get rid of that space? The weird thing is that the flash file that runs the header images has already been changed by me to be the width of the page. Something in the CSS though makes it the o...