
How do you manage PHP Project Development Lifecycle?

Hello. I've worked on several PHP projects and always I have problems with organizing my work. Where do you develop your application - on localhost, remote server or maybe production one(!) ? When I work on my localhost after making some major path I send new files by ftp - but sometimes it happens to forget about one file and it is jus...

What is the best 3-D technology for the "Online Room Planner" site?

The main user-case is: Create the 2D floor plan See the 3D view of the room in colors and in dynamic lighting (switching on and off the lamps) Select the furniture from the large library of predefined samples. Change the color and texture of the furniture samples. Create the photos of the 3D room view from different points. Also user c...

C# to PHP base64 encode/decode.

So I have this c# application that needs to ping my web server thats running linux/php stack. I am having problems with the c# way of base 64 encoding bytes. my c# code is like: byte[] encbuff = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("the string"); String enc = Convert.ToBase64String(encbuff); and php side: $data = $_REQUEST['in']; $raw...

schedule webpage

I need to schedule several different pages on several different sites to be run at certain times, usually once a night. Is there any software out there to do this? it would be nice if it called the page and then recorded the response and whether the called page was successful run or not. I was using Helm on a different box and it had ...

Why do I lose my Session Variable in 5 minutes?

Hi, I have a web page where the user select a Company and with that I keep the Company name in memory though a Session but when I go to the next page the Session only last like 5 minutes? Any reason why and how I can fix this, I did extend the Session state in the Web.config but that did not work. Example: Session("CompanyName") = "Byte...

How to display image in grails GSP?

I'm still learning Grails and seem to have hit a stumbling block. Here are the 2 domain classes: class Photo { byte[] file static belongsTo = Profile } class Profile { String fullName Set photos static hasMany = [photos:Photo] } The relevant controller snippet: class PhotoController { ..... def vie...

What is the difference between using HTML or Dreamweaver to make a website? Which is Better?

What is the difference between using HTML or Dreamweaver to make a website? Which is Better? ...

Apache .htaccess mod_rewrite and clean urls

Ok. So I'm building this site which is accessible through two different domains. So I can't use RewriteBase in my .htaccess. The rules (below) I use to work around this problem seem to work fine. However, when I use the below .htaccess settings on my local box with clean URLS (WAMP) it all works fine but the moment I use this on the live...

What's the best "file format" for saving complete web pages (images, etc.) in a single archive?

I'm working on a project which stores single images and text files in one place, like a time capsule. Now, most every project can be saved as one file, like DOC, PPT, and ODF. But complete web pages can't -- they're saved as a separate HTML file and data folder. I want to save a web page in a single archive, and while there are several ...

Store UserID in session?

To present user specific data, where do I store the userID of the user currently logged in? the Session? ...

Load Balancing in Amazon EC2?

We've been fighting with HAProxy for a few days now in Amazon EC2; the experience has so far been great, but we're stuck on squeezing more performance out of the software load balancer. We're not exactly Linux networking whizzes (we're a .NET shop, normally), but we've so far held our own, attempting to set proper ulimits, inspecting ker...

ASP.NET website 'Publish' vs Web Deployment Project

Hi folks, if i decide to use the 'publish' option for my ASP.NET website, instead of a Web Deployment Project, can i do custom msbuild things? Or do i need to stick with WDP's if i want to do custom msbuild stuff during compile/deployment. ...

When to use Bitwise Operators during webdevelopment?

Although I grasp the concept of Bitwise Operators, I can't say that I have come across many use cases during the webdevelopment process at which I had to resort to using Bitwise Operators. Do you use Bitwise Operators? Why do you use them? What are some example use cases? Please remember that this question is specifically intended fo...

Storing images on web server. How many copies? What size?

My web application allows users to upload images of items they are planning on selling. I'm trying to find a good compromise between having the images large enough and detailed enough for buyers to get an idea of the condition of the item and having the images small enough so that they don't slow down the site substantially. In additio...

Building an Addictive Site

What aspects of a site (such as SO) make it addictive? I'm looking to build features into one of my own community sites that get people hooked - something to bring them back for more each day and to help drive participation (posting, commenting, etc...), and I'm trying to get a consensus as to what types of features can help achieve this...

rollover effect using Jquery

Would you please help me in making a rollover effect using jquery, what i want to do is when someone hover over any of the menu items the text slide down and disappear and a picture slides from the top down to the center (e.g. you could see this effect here panda as you can see the picture slide down from the top but the text does not sl...

Keeping static files in server when deploying with Capistrano

I'm uploading files to my public/files folder of a Rails application on a constant basis through a web interface. I don't want to keep these in source control since they go for almost 2 GBs, so every time I do a cap deploy it will save those files away in releases/ and replace the directory with the pristine copy stored in the repositor...

SEO compatibility for dynamic website

Hi friend, I had read that SEO is applicable for static website, which holding the information in the initial page itself.. I want to know whether is it possible to achive the SEO for dynamically added informations.. I mean here i used ajax for loading information, in this situation how can achive SEO, is it possible.. please help me....

Making my ASP.NET website compatible with Firefox?

Hi, i have an ASP.net web site ( http://www.erate.co.za ) version 2.0. When someone open my website in Firefox everything looks different. Why is that and how can i make it compatible? Please help! Etienne ...

How to get Websphere 6.1 port number

I'm currently working on a WebSphere 6.1 Web Project. In my java code, how can i get the current running application port? ...