
Visual Studio opens Development Servers for all websites in my project

I currently have a Visual Studio solution with 8 web applications. When I try run one of these applications, 8 instances of the Casini Web Development Servers are launched. Is there anyway to specify that only the web application I have set as startup project will be launched and not all 8. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Thanks ...

Web Design Tool for Web Developer

I would like to see if there is such a tool that allows reusable web template with components like menu and form easily applied. Basically I want to mock a very simple interface using html, to see if the navigation is working, then generate a pure XHTML/CSS for me to use on my web projects. For your information, I use Ruby on Rails. H...

In terms of the ability to deploy, does any web programming language stand out or lag behind the others?

In terms of the number of servers ready to receive an application written in the language, the number of people who can write code using the language, and so on? ...

Source code of big/popular websites

It's great to find all those little snippets of code on the Web for your current needs, but is there anything better than getting whole application source code at once and reading it like a book? There's no better way to learn positive and negative aspects of various architecture solutions. That's why I was trying to find some known/bi...

Any designers or libraries for creating "Vista-style" web pages?

I'm looking for a way to create websites with the cool stylings of Windows Vista, like what is shown in this screenshot (taken from one of Microsoft's websites): Any suggestions? I'd prefer an integrated designer / IDE, but libraries or templates might also help. ...

What does the error "htmlfile: invalid argument" mean? I'm getting this in excanvas.js.

I'm hitting this error and I'm not really sure why. I have a minified version of excanvas.js and something is breaking in IE, specifically on: var b=a.createStyleSheet(); I'm not sure why. Does anyone have any insight? I can provide more information, I'm just not sure what information will help. ...

How do you measure page load speed?

I am trying to quantify "site slowness". In the olden days you just made sure that your HTML was lightweight, images optimized and servers not overloaded. In high end sites built on top of modern content management systems there are a lot more variables: third party advertising, trackers and various other callouts, the performance of CDN...

Cross-site scripting from an Image

I have a rich-text editor on my site that I'm trying to protect against XSS attacks. I think I have pretty much everything handled, but I'm still unsure about what to do with images. Right now I'm using the following regex to validate image URLs, which I'm assuming will block inline javascript XSS attacks: "https?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?...

What is the best way to determine the source of a CSS issue.

Hello, I have been working on a webpage. It is the first I have actually tried to design using an image and then use proper CSS layout rather than tables. http://www.roccocammisola.com/proj/brunel/bgimage.html I have been having issues with the shadows on either side of the main content area. Of course these are only an issue in IE. A...

How can one avoid illegal characters when composing a URL?

I'm writing a web application that dynamically creates URL's based off of some input, to be consumed by a client at another time. For discussion sake these URL's can contain certain characters, like a forward slash (i.e. '/'), which should not be interpreted as part of the actual URL, but just as an argument. For example: http://mycompa...

Slim application server for demonstrating a web app?

I have a little pet web app project I'd like to show someone who doesn't have an application server themselves (and who has no clue about application servers). What is the easiest and quickest way for them to get my WAR file running with zero configuration, preferably something I could send along with or bundle with the WAR file? Is the...

SEO google keyword position tools?

Hi guys, I want to check our google postions for several keywords every day and make a note in a spreadseet. At the moment, we have a student doing it but it's a rubbish job and it doesn't seem fair on them! Are there any tools available to automate this process? I have tried rankchecker by seobook.com, but although that should be exac...

What is the best open source .NET content management system (CMS)?

I'm trying to find a decent (ie cheap / free) .NET content management system. DotNetNuke is not an option as far as I am concerned. Wish list: Works out of the box Easy to install Simple clean interface Skinable / template driven Free or cheap Open source preferred Or is is just better to PHP for this kind of thing? If so, what sh...

Simple Website (Apache/PHP/MySQL + JavaScript)

I've been asked to create a fairly straightforward website for a friend. Essentially a user will log in, fill in a set of information, and submit it. This data will then need to written to a database (and read from/presented at a future point). I'm not really a web developer (I do mostly Java/C++), but about 3 years ago I worked on a pr...

How long do you cache resources client side?

Hi, A website of mine will host the usual images, javascript and CSS stylesheets in the database. Since these are unlikely to change each day, I am going to use some client caching on these to reduce the server load. How long do you cache these? A few days? More? I'm probably not going to reuse the same name twice if I update the reso...

Hibernate transaction problem

We are using Hibernate Spring MVC with OpenSessionInView filter. Here is a problem we are running into (pseudo code) transaction 1 load object foo transaction 1 end update foo's properties (not calling session.save or session.update but only foo's setters) validate foo (using hibernate validator) if validation fails ? go back to edi...

What is the best way to implement "remember me" for a website?

I want my website to have a checkbox that users can click so that they will not have to log in each time they visit my website. What is the best way to implement this? I know I will need to store a cookie on their computer, but what should be in it? Is there anything I need to watch out for to keep this cookie from presenting a securi...

How can I tell if my page is set as the user's homepage?

Is there any way I can detect when my page has been set as the user's homepage in their browser? I'm most interested in something in javascript, but I'd be happy to hear about other approaches as well. Edit: I'm not looking for anything sneaky. I'm wondering if there is anything that is explicitly allowed through the browsers to find ...

What is the best way of scrolling the browser window for expanding elements?

What I want to do is scroll down the window when I expand elements in my page. The effect I am trying to achieve is like the Stack Overflow comments. If it expands beyond the page, it scrolls down to fit all the comments in the window. What is the best way of doing this? Edit: I am using JQuery. ...

How do I find a user's Active Directory display name in a C# web application?

I'm writing a web application which uses windows authentication and I can happily get the user's login name using something like: string login = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); But I don't need their login name I want their DisplayName. I've been banging my head for a couple hours now... Can I access my organisation's AD via a web ap...