
What is the quickest way to get the absolute uri for the root of the app in asp.net?

What is the simplest way to get: http://www.[Domain].com in asp.net? There doesn't seem to be one method which can do this, the only way I know is to do some string acrobatics on server variables or Request.Url. Anyone? ...

Scalability on the web

I've been arguing with some friends on the university, and we can't get to a point to which is the framework with more scalability for web applications (and still very fast). One calls for jsp, the other one for ruby other for php and so on. Could i ask you to clarify us on what as more scalability potential? Tks, hope I'm not duplicat...

Where do you record validation rules for form data in a web application?

Say you have a web form with some fields that you want to validate to be only some subset of alphanumeric, a minimum or maximum length etc. You can validate in the client with javascript, you can post the data back to the server and report back to the user, either via ajax or not. You could have the validation rules in the database and ...

I want to create a desktop like (RIA) web app, any feedback on frameworks

I have found related posts here but they don't apply completely. I want to create a desktop like (RIA) web app, and I have several constrains: I want to move as much computation as possible to the client and save money on hardware or hosting plans I don't want to compile (qooxdoo and gwt are out) I need to be able to create UI element...

How to manage session variables in a web cluster?

Session variables are normally keept in the web server RAM memory. In a cluster, each request made by a client can be handled by a different cluster node. right?! So, in this case... What happens with session variables? Aren't they stored in the nodes RAM memory? How the other nodes will handled my request correctly if it doesn't ...

Building websites that will be localized

Does anyone have some guidelines or links to articles when designing a website that needs to be localized in 20+ lanaguages? The initial translation isn't so much the problem, rather ongoing maintenance (i.e. when an update is made on the English site, how are people notified that new translations are required). Thanks in advance! ...

Web Development Tools Question - Automatic File Upload

Hey StackO's, This should a quick question for some easy rep. I'm doing some PHP Website development, decided to check out and play around with jQuery as well. I don't want to install and manage a local PHP server/service, but I would like a quick one click method for automatically uploading the PHP file I'm working on to my hosting se...

iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug

uhm im not sure if anyone has encountered this problem a brief description is on IE6 any <select> objects get displayed over any other item, even div's... meaning if you have a fancy javascript effect that displays a div that's supposed to be on top of everything (e.g: lightbox, multibox etc..) onclick of a certain element and that div ...

Does anyone know of a good open source comments module?

I want to add the ability to submit, moderate and display comments on an existing set of websites. Surely there's already a bunch of open source components that can handle the following: Comment submission Markup validation Private comment moderation Threaded comment display Locally installed (so works seamlessly with my existing regi...

Javascript: How to loop through elements and call onblur handler for certain elements

I have a case where I have a bunch of text boxes and radio buttons on a screen all built dynamically with various DIVs. There are onblur routines for all of the text boxes to validate entry, but depending on the radio button selection, the text box entry could be invalid when it was valid originally. I can't use onblur with the radio b...

How to disable phone number linking in Mobile Safari?

Safari on iPhone automatically creates links for strings of digits that appear to the telephone numbers. I am writing a web page containing an IP address, and Safari is turning that into a phone number link. Is it possible to disable this behavior for a whole page or an element on a page? ...

Soft hyphen in HTML (<wbr> vs. &shy;)

How do you solve the problem with soft hyphens on your web pages? In a text there can be long words which you might want to line break with a hyphen. But you do not want the hyphen to show if the whole word is on the same line. According to comments on this page <wbr> is a non standard "tag soup invented by Netscape". It seems like &shy...

Does the Internet explorer web developer toolbar work with popups?

I cannot get the internet explorer web developer tool bar to work with a pop-up, it won't render at the bottom of the pop-up. Any suggestions? ...

How smoothly does a website launch usually go for you?

My coworkers and I were having a discussion about this yesterday. It seems that no matter how well we prepare and no matter how much we test and no matter what the client says immediately before the site becomes public, initial site launches almost always seem to be somewhat rocky. Some clients are better than others, but often things th...

What hardware (config) and software (os version/app version) is recommended for developing for ASP.NET/Coldfusion and MS SQL Server?

Hi, We are a small company and would like to know the best possible (and affordable) hardware and software configuration we ought to be using for our development environment. At this moment we are a team of four people who work remotely from different locations and each one of us uses a laptop and ADSL connection to work on our projects...

Security plan for business critical information and service accessibility

Hi, I'm involved in creating a web based business solution. The idea is that the customers will use it, get their business processes and information into one place and also receive added business value by inter-system communication. In short they will use it as a core tool in their daily work and will depend highly upon it. One problem...

How to add a dynamic weather ticker to the webpage

All Weather Tickers I found are static and if the user wants to select a zip code it links you to a different page. Do you know any weather ticker that just gets the new info in the same page? ...

Redirect depending on the Country?

We basically have 2 sites ( Java /JSP / Apache Webserver) : something.ca & something.com The .ca is canadian content, and the .com is american content. We need users to be redirected based on the ip addreess. We want US users to get the .com site and Canadian users get the .ca site. What is the best way to do this (at a webserver le...

Cancel a webform submit with PHP

I'm using a small site to experiment with the uploading of pictures and displaying them. When someone clicks "add a picture", they get taken to a page with a form on it. They can select a file and click the submit button. But what I want to do now is this: put a second submit button labeled "Cancel" next to the normal confirmation butt...

How can I convert an existing website, deployed to multiple servers, to be SVN managed and not blow away user files?

I have an existing website that uses the same code base, but is deployed in a number of different configurations on different servers. Each configuration has a set of users, and they can upload personal files. The files are stored in an "uploaded files" directory on each server, and this directory is stuck in right next to the code that ...