
How can I show a "temporarily out of service" page to web-app users during maintenance?

I develop and maintain small intranet web apps written in JSP and Java. They run on a Resin web server, without dedicated httpd like Apache. Before performing maintenance, I activate a very simple Ajax message to urge users to logout. What I want is, while I do maintenance, a user trying to log in to that particular app to see a "Sorr...

Web Design Process - Planning Stage...

What I want to know is when you decide that you need to create a site, maybe for a customer, maybe not, what do you do? What is your process? What do you do in the planning stage to make it easier to create the site. I'm looking at this as in more of a web app... I've only technically created on business site, and it was mostly just ...

What are the most helpful features of effective 404 File Not Found error pages?

When a user comes across your site's 404 File Not Found error page, it is most likely not what they were looking for. Here, you have the opportunity to turn a dead end into a resource that can help your visitor find whatever they were looking for. If you were going to create the perfect 404 File Not Found error page, what would it do? W...

Has anyone read Web ReDesign 2.0, and if so, what do you think about it?

Has anyone read Web ReDesign 2.0, and if so, what do you think about it? (Link: http://www.amazon.com/Web-ReDesign-2-0-Workflow-VOICES/dp/0735714339/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1224432120&sr=8-1) And, also, if you know of any other books similar to this that you would recommend for process flow, I would be interested in ...

ASP.NET Key/Value List

I'm doing a custom 404 page for a large website that's undergoing a redesign. There are about 40 high-use pages that customers may have bookmarked, and our new site structure will break these bookmarks. On my custom 404 page, I want to alert them to the new URL if they attempt to navigate to one of these high-use pages via its old UR...

What is that one feature that's missing from your favorite web framework?

There are several very high quality web frameworks out there today, and everyone seems to be able to find one that becomes their favorite. Then, they have nothing but good things to say about the framework in question, and they relate their personal experiences on how the framework has made web development more enjoyable for them. That'...

Open Source login systems, what is good?

I am starting a a new web development project and I am tired of coding login systems. This is the kind of thing that must have been done dozens of times before. I really want to use someone else's code, because it is easier than rolling my own, and it will likely be better. I prefer open source for all the usual reasons, but mostly I wan...

Ajax GET requests: use parameters or put data in URL?

What's the advantage of passing data as parameters vs part of the URL in an Ajax GET request? Using parameters: var ajax = new Ajax.Request('server.php',{ parameters: 'store=11200&product=Meat', onSuccess: function(myData){whatever} }); Using URL: var ajax = new Ajax.Request('server.php?store=11200&product=Meat',{ onSucc...

When creating forms, are fieldsets a viable option anymore?

I'm creating a few web forms that have areas to them. Are fieldsets viable options for sectioning forms anymore? Should I just use a div with styles to be similar? ...

What do I need to be cautious of when creating a user-content driven site?

I'm slowly but surely working on a site using ASP.NET MVC which will contain a bunch of user-generated content, such as submitted links, comments, markers on a map etc. I need to know what stuff I need to be mindful of when coding. Examples being scrubbing User inputs for HTML strings like the script tag, and blocking against SQL injec...

How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together

Hello, I have a Bluehost account where I can run Python scripts as CGI. I guess it's the simplest CGI because to run I have to define the following in .htaccess: Options +ExecCGI AddType text/html py AddHandler cgi-script .py Now, whenever I look up web programming with Python, I hear a lot about WSGI and how most frameworks use it. ...

How to change a span to look like a pre with CSS?

Is it possible to to change a <span> tag (or <div>) to preformat its contents like a <pre> tag would using only CSS? ...

CMS or Re-Uploading pages

I have a site I'm working on that has an event page. The owner wants to be able to edit the event page weekly. Would it be easier to teach the site owner how to edit this one page and upload it or use a CMS just for this one page?? Apart from a contact form that posts to an email addy, the rest of the site is static. Therefore I'd ne...

Client notification, should I use an AJAX Push or Poll?

I am working on a simple notification service that will be used to deliver messages to the users surfing a website. The notifications do not have to be sent in real time but it might be a better user experience if they happened more frequently than say every 5 minutes. The data being sent to and from the client is not very large and it i...

IE7 fails after reload of Orbited powered page

Hello! I am working on an Orbited-powered website and I'm experiencing some annoying behavior with IE7. Everything works fine and dandy in FF3, but in IE7, I get a recurring error if I reload the page: Error: Can't execute code from a freed script In other words, the site works in IE7 when you first browse to it, but breaks after a ...

Access control for multiple users in a web application

I'am working on a PHP + MySQL Social Networking application, now i need to setup different access control (read,create,edit,delete) for global (all items) and/or self items (item which created by themselves) for each module to group or specific user. Does anyone has suggestions in doing this (table structures, etc)? ...

Deploying multiple web apps in same server

I am thinking on deploying multiple (and different) web applications on the same server using the following schema: www.mydomain.com/app1 www.mydomain.com/app2 Is this a good practice? Any recommendations? ...

List all links in web site

I have all the web pages of a website. My task is to change all HTML files to .asp files and change the links... I have about 280 HTML files.. is there any software or web service which can read a website and show me all the link structures (to make my job easier)... similar to a site map. ...

Firefox 3 doesn't apply my xslt stylesheet, but other browsers do.

I'm trying to serve dynamically generated xml pages from a web server, and provide a custom, static, xslt from the same web server, that will offload the processing into the client web browser. Until recently, I had this working fine in Firefox 2, 3, IE5, 6 and Chrome. Recently, though, something has changed, and Firefox 3 now displays ...

Intranet Vs Internet Web application considerations

What are the differences in considerations in respect to designing or developing an Intranet and an Internet application ? ...