
In JavaScript can I make a "click" event fire programmatically for a file input element?

I'd like to make a click event fire on an <input type="file"> tag programmatically. Just calling click() doesn't seem to do anything or at least it doesn't pop up a file selection dialog. I've been experimenting with capturing events using listeners and redirecting the event, but I haven't been able to get that to actually perform the ...

Boilerplate for a professional PHP team development environment

I would like to get a general consensus for the minimal/boilerplate professional PHP team development environment. I can not find this information anywhere on the web. In the open-source world there are so many choices and so many ways to do things but I've yet to find any common best-practice for the infrastructure/plumbing side of th...

Possible to use MovieClipLoader() to load a swf from a different server?

Having some issues loading files from media hosting into swf shell (a swf loading swfs as assets). Mp3s and images work fine but a swf never loads. Code is like: swfpath = "http://555.55.555.555/vir_dir/swf/N000001.swf" movie_loader.loadMovie(swfpath, "mc_swfimage"); if the swfpath is set to "swf/N00001.swf" it loads fine and if I poin...

What are known uses of AI in web development?

What are known uses of AI/machine-learning in web development? And what would be some fields that, currently don't use AI, but could possibly benefit from AI? Note: I've worked on AI for academics, simulations and games before, and I'm currently doing some informal/personal research right now, so I'm looking for some new fields to draw...

PHP Array Help

I have an array which is a list of domains, I want to print all of the items in the array except the one which contains $x. $x is variable so basically it never prints the array item when it contains $x. Can anyone help me? :) ...

What is the best VOIP toolset for use with .Net development?

I have a need to explore VOIP integration into a .Net application. It would be incredibly helpful if the toolset was usable via ASP.Net (version 2.0 or higher), and provided the developer the option to allow interaction on the client either embedded within the web browser or external to the client web browser. It should be compatible at ...

What is the best reference for architecting Silverlight applications?

I'm curious if there are any texts that can be recommended that actually discuss application architecture best practices with respect to the use of Silverlight in web applications. ASP.Net would be preferable, but I'm open to consideration of other technologies also. ...

Can someone describe the landscape of the CMS world?

I'm going to be creating a site that's an aggregation of personal activities like Delicious, twitter, last.fm, etc. along with a blog. I'd like to try a CMS to manage/develop this site, but there's several very strong competitors: Joomla, Drupal, Xoops, Wordpress, etc. Language is not an issue, as a Java dev I'll be learning as I go reg...

Usability hints for building an adult web site?

What are the usability considerations that should be taken into account by anyone who decided to build a good adult web site? Disclaimer: I know the question is going to cause some controversy, but please let’s stay professional, stop giggling and see if tasks that audience of such sites tries to achieve make usability considerations an...

Separating client side logic from server side logic in a reusable way using MVC

Before you answer, this question is complicated: We are developing in asp.net / asp.net mvc / jQuery but I'm open to solutions on any platform using any framework I think logic like sorting / hiding columns / re-arranging columns / validation (where it makes sense) should be on the client-side I think logic like searching / updating th...

how much does facebook denormalize their databases to break things up by network and therefore shrink the tables and speed the system?

any bit of info will be helpful here. or does anybody else huge do something interesting here too? ...

Which Eclipse version to install on Linux for PHP development

I have Slackware 12.1 and wish to try out Eclipse for PHP/HTML/JavaScript development. However, it seems I'm facing myriad of possible options and I'd hate to miss the best thing and give up on Eclipse (I'm currently using Geany, but I'm missing some stuff like , for example, auto-complete for JavaScript) I'm currently looking into just...

What do you use for web development and why you think it rocks?

Here's my new project: an open canvas, right in front of me. In a few days, I will start to code a big web application. It will start small, with few modules, only myself as developer and engineer, but hopefully it will grow and grow. Even though I am an active Java Developer, It's been a while since I last created a Web Application fro...

How do you determine html clicked on with javascript?

Is it possible, with Javascript or some other technology to determine which hyperlink a user has clicked on, without changing the hyperlink source code. For example: Can you click on a 'tag' button, then click on a hyperlink hosted in a different iframe, and be able to calculate which hyperlink the user clicked on, without changing any ...

How to get a web development gig when my ASP.NET experience is a year and a half old?

How to get a web development gig when for the past year and a half have been working on C# libraries and user control. I have lost a bit of touch with ASP.Net 2.0 and have been familair with the older version of ASP.NET. Employers see this lack of web development in the past year as a big red 'NO' sign. I have been writing assemblies fo...

Sharding (sic!) the web tier in order to prevent a load balancer bottleneck?

How do large web sites which cannot be completely stateless achieve extreme scalability at the web tier? There are sites like ebay and Amazon, which cannot be completely stateless, as they have a shopping cart or something like that. It isn't feasible to encode every item in the shopping cart into the URL, nor is it feasible to encode e...

How to stress test a javascript-requiring Web App

Hello, A similar question was already asked ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7492/how-do-you-stress-test-a-web-application), but I'd like to test a web application that prevents double-submits and takes some counter-XSRF actions and therefore REQUIRES JavaScripts to be evaluated. Has anybody done stress tests with web apps that re...

SQL for the web

Does anyone have experience with a query language for the web? I am looking for project, commercial or not, that does a good job at making a webpage queryable and that even follows links on it to aggregate information from a bunch of pages. I would prefere a sql or linq like syntax. I could of course download a webpage and start doing ...

What is the state of native SVG support in the most popular browsers?

What is the state of native SVG support in the most popular browsers in their latest releases? Internet explorer Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Konqueror Camino ...

Strategies to avoid Hibernate LazyInitializationExceptions

Are there any other ways to avoid LazyInitializationExceptions in a Hibernate web application besides using the OpenSessionInView pattern? Are there any downsides to using OpenSessionInView? ...