
Starting a new database driven python web application would you use a javascript widget framework? If so which framework?

I am starting a new web application project. I want to use python as I am using it at my bread-and-butter-job. However I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Some things I have thought about: AJAX would be nice if it’s not too much of a hazzle. It is best if the licensing allows commercialization but is not crucial at this point. It cou...

How do I configure IIS to handle really large file uploads?

Platform: IIS 6, ASP.Net 2.0 (.Net 3.5), Server 2003. I'm building an application that accepts files from a user, processes them, and returns a result. The file is uploaded using HTTP POST to an ASP.Net web form. The application is expecting some large files (hundreds of MB). I'm using SWFUpload to accomplish the upload with a nice pro...

How can I center content between a header and footer div?

In a previous question, I learned how to keep a footer div at the bottom of the page. (see other question) Now I'm trying to vertically center content between the header and footer divs. so what I've got is: #divHeader { height: 50px; } #divContent { position:absolute; } #divFooter { height: 50px; position:absolute; ...

What's the best way to truncate a URL so that it fits within a layout

What is the best way to truncate a URL when displaying it within a web page? I don't mean a link but literally displaying the URL as a value to the user, assuming that the text might be in a container of fixed width and you don't want to wrap or run outside of the container? Is it better to truncate from the end, favouring the early pa...

Great Eclipse Set-up for PHP Development

I use Eclipse PDT, Subclipse, viPlugin and JSEclipse for my PHP and JavaScript development. This gives me quite a nice environment, but I wonder what else is out there that might be even better. What plug-ins have you installed into Eclipse to create your great set-up for developing using PHP and JavaScript? Which features do you find m...

Export Multiple Sheets to Excel Through Browser

I need to export multiple data tables to Excel on the clients machine, each to their own sheet. If it was just one sheet, I'd use the Excel/csv content type, but I've heard something about an XML format that can represent an entire workbook. I don't want to go down the Packaging and .xlsx route, so I need standard .xls. Our bug tracke...

Automate Test Orders

I need a way to automate test orders on our test and production web sites. I was thinking about using something like iMacro, but I thought there must be a better way. Any ideas? ...

How to best update a website from subversion.

I have a PHP website backed by a MySQL database and a small team of programmers submitting code to subversion. Typically we write code, test it locally, commit to subversion and then copy changed files to a hidden area for online testing. However mistakes can be made. Occasionally I want to refresh the site so that I know, without a d...

How much time and effort do you spend on IE6?

I've often read that corporations will save millions once Internet Explorer 6 is finally laid to rest, but reading quotes like that make me wonder just how much time people are spending on IE6 development. I'll be happy once IE6 goes, but I've found that if I write valid HTML and CSS, use a JavaScript framework, keep the transparent imag...

HTML Reporting Solution

What good components and packages are available for generating HTML reports based on report definitions? I have a truly horrific project where each report is a dedicated aspx page that builds one fantastically big HTML string, which it then assigns to a 'reportBody' Label control. Standard grids are not a good solution as they provide ...

What is a way for a web browser to communicate with a hardware device?

I have a data acquisition hardware device attached to a PC via USB that I'd like to send some information and settings, acquire some data, and then retrieve the acquired data on the client and send it to the server. The plan is to use a web portal to communicate with the device attached to the client PC. I was planning on writing a DLL...

How to make Dojo a bit more lightweight?

I've been looking at Dojo, and it has some nice tricks, however its quite huge IMHO. Basically when viewing my test my slow machine (600mhz), just loading Dojo was kind of painful, and can imagine lots of mobile devices will also not be happy with it. Is there a slim version or something like that available? ...

Advice on Splitting Up an Application

I currently have a web app that has 3 front ends (depending on what URL you go to) that shares very little code between the 3 front ends. My directory structure looks like this: \app1 \includes \html \app2 \includes \html \app3 \includes \html \crons \libs \logs \setup \db \shared \globalFunctions \ol...

How do I prevent a jQuery Selector from including nested elements?

I'm new to jQuery so hopefully there is an easy answer to this. I have html similar to: <table id="dataTable"> <tr> <!-- I want this row --> <td>...</td> <tr> <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <!-- I do not want this row --> <td>...</td> </tr> </tab...

In JavaScript is it possible to launch a file browser dialog programatically?

Instead of using the <input type="file"> tag I'd like to have a button that launches a file browser dialog. My first thought was to have a hidden file input tag and a button. I'd use the button click on the button to fire the onclick of the hidden file input, but I haven't been able to get this working properly. So the question is, is...

What's wrong with my sitemap?

Hi, We have a sitemap for our site http://www.appsamuck.com/ The sitemap is here http://www.appsamuck.com/sitemap.xml But Google seems to hate it. My question is why? I'm just staring at it now saying to myself it looks right. Am I missing something? 3 Paths don't match We've detected that you submitted your Sitemap using a URL pat...

How to make this site work in non-firefox browsers?

This page displays beautifully in firefox but i get all kinds of problems when testing the site in opera or internet explorer, mostly with the menu. I would like to know what techniques have caused this and how to avoid them. Thank you! Edit: Really embarrassing! I forgot to provide a link, sorry :( http://www.jkhbdesign.se/ Edit 2: He...

What is the accepted way to send 64-bit values over JSON?

Some of my data are 64-bit integers. I would like to send these to a JavaScript program running on a page. However, as far as I can tell, integers in most JavaScript implementations are 32-bit signed quantities. My two options seem to be: Send the values as strings Send the values as 64-bit floating point numbers Option (1) isn't p...

How can I give each <li> its own bullet image?

I have tried <ul id="contact_list"> <li id="phone">Local 604-555-5555</li> <li id="i18l_phone">Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555</li> </ul> with #contact_list { list-style: disc none inside; } #contact_list #phone { list-style-image: url(images/small_wood_phone.png); } #contact_list #i18l_phone { list-style-image: url(im...

What's the best way to implement different views for a website based on role?

In ASP.NET what's the best way to do the following: Show certain controls based on your rights? For a gridview control, how do you show certain columns based on your role? I'm thinking for number 2, have the data come from a role specific view on the database. ...