
Can I use commas in a URL?

I typically use URL rewriting to pass content IDs to my website, so this Foo.1.aspx rewrites to Foo.aspx?id=1 For a specific application I need to pass in multiple IDs to a single page, so I've rewritten things to accept this: Foo.1,2,3,4,5.aspx This works fine in Cassini (the built-in ad hoc web server for Visual Studio) but...

Best CSS color wheel sites

What site(s) do you recommend for looking at complimentary colors for site design? It would also be beneficial to enter a hex or RGB value and have the color wheel spit back complimentary colors. Most popular: Kuler Others in alphabetical order: 4096 Color Wheel Allprofitallfree - color-wheel2 Color Wheel v1.2 Javascript color sch...

What is the best VISUAL RAD environment for building Web databases?

I am referring to a truly visual environment, and not something that claims to be visual but requires mountains of hand-coded script, or a code generator that farts out a Web site and leaves you to start editing in Visual Studio. Are there any truly visual Web dev platforms out there? ...

Inherit css properties

I have only a basic knowledge of css, is it possible to inherit a property from one style into another style. So for instance I could inherit the font size specified in my default paragrah tag settings into my hyperlink tags. The reason I want to do this is to make it easier to maintain multiple styles. ...

Suggestions for a Web application for a group project.

I am doing 2nd year computer science and we have a software engineering group project. There are 5 people in the group and we would like to build a web application in php. Please suggest some ideas for me ...

How do I remove a cookie that I've set on someone's computer?

I've got a web system where users log in, and it stores a cookie of their session. When they log in as someone else or log out I want to remove that original cookie that I stored. What's the best way to do that? I'm using Python and Apache, though I suppose the answer will remain the same for most languages. ...

What's the best way to automatically redirect someone to another webpage?

I've never learnt JavaScript, but I imagine this is quite a simple problem. Just wanted to know which method is most advised these days. ...

When would I use XML instead of SQL?

I've been working on database-driven web applications for a few years now and recently took on a project involving a CMS that is XML-capable. This has got me to thinking about the usage of XML/XSLT in general and in what situations it would be more useful than the approach I've always used, which is storing all of my data in a (My)SQL da...

Is there a way to easily print the pages from an ASP.NET site?

My PM just stopped by and he wanted a copy of all of our pages... Is there a way to do this for all pages without having to go to each one? ...

Converting from Eclipse PDT to Vim

I truly love VIM - it's one of only a handful of applications I've every come across that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. However, for PHP development, I still use PDT Eclipse although I would love to switch. The reason I can't quite at the moment is the CTRL+SPACE code-assist functionality that I rely on so much - it's so usefu...

which python framework to use?

I'm looking for a framework which is appropriate for beginners (in Python and web development). I already found out about Django and web.py. I think that one of the most important things for me is good documentation. Thanks for the help, Dan ...

How do you deploy a web app to the desktop?

I generally build web based applications. But, there is sometimes a need to distribute these applications to various platforms and have them act more like regular applications than web apps. A quick solution might be to create an icon that opens the browser with no menu, url bar, or icons. It looks like IE might have some options for ...

Best way of doing an SVn checkout/update on a web hosting package

I want to deploy my site on my web hosting package by doing a checkout through subversion. I do not have SSH access to my hosting package, which is just a basic LAMP web hosting package, but I do know that there is an SVN client installed on the web server. I was thinking of writing some sort of script (PHP or Shell) that can do differe...

Good image gallery engines

What are the best open source image gallery engines? Both stand-alone, and for existing frameworks such as Wordpress or Drupal. Hopefully we can build a good list here over time. ...

Is it possible to get Message Box in web forms?

I tried but I guess Message Box only works with win forms. What is the best alternative to use in web forms? ...

Switching Career Paths in Programming

From my some of my previous questions it might be clear that I am looking to follow the road of web development. While, as I finish up school I do want to do web development and maybe for a little while once I graduate. Down the road, however, I'd the move into different areas of software like embedded systems or systems programming. Ho...

What is Google's language of choice?

What is Google's language of choice for backend development on their webapps? For the longest time I have thought it was Python. Is there a definitive source on this? ...

Is Wireframing Overplanning?

37 Signal's Getting Real convinced me that wireframing and writing functional specification documents are a middleman steps unnecessary for building web applications and dynamic websites. Is the overhead for these steps worth its weight? Is prototyping in HTML/CSS or even PhotoShop documents (so designers can work on them directly) a ...

Deploy time Webservice location.

I am actually using framework 1.1. I my Web application i am actually adding a reference to a webservice. I am doing this using the Visual studio. When i add a web reference the below list of files get generated. reference.map reference.vb reference.disco reference.wsdl. all these files have the url pointing to the webservice. Even...

Does it still make sense to use HTML comments on blocks of JavaScript?

In the past people used to wrap HTML comment tags around blocks of JavaScript in order to prevent "older" browsers from displaying the script. Even Lynx is smart enough to ignore JavaScript, so why do some people keep doing this? Are there any valid reasons these days? <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- //some js code --> </script> ...