
Is there a limit to how much a website should track the actions of a visitor and/or user to that website?

Once a user starts a session (or logs in, for a registered user, to associate over multiple sessions), their specific page views are followed. The data can then be used in a number of ways from targeted advertisements to email updates to often-visited sections of the site. Would this be wrong, as long as this was noted in the Privacy Po...

.hide(), .show(), tables, and IE

I have some nested tables that I want to hide/show upon a click on one of the top-level rows. The markup is, in a nutshell, this: <table> <tr> <td>stuff</td> .... more tds here </tr> <tr> <td colspan=some_number> <table> </table> </td> </tr> </table> Now, I'm using some jQu...

Using Javascript to perform a process and send updates/callbacks to a webserver.

I am working on a process to allow people to upload PDF files and manage the document (page order) via a web based interface. The pages of the PDF file need to be cropped to a particular size for printing and currently we run them through a Photoshop action that takes care of this. What I want to do is upload the PDF files to a dedicat...

What ideas do you think can it be applied to this GUI to make it more effective for real people usage?

I am talking about Google Text Translation User Interface, in Google Language Tools. I like the fact that you can get translations of text for a lot of languages. However, I think is not so good always to show all options of translation. I believe is preferably to show, in first instance, only the most frequent options for text translat...

Users Authentication in ASP.NET

Hey everyone, I was wondering, what's the best approach in creating users authentication for my asp.net-mvc web application. Should I use the Forms authentication using a custom MembershipProvider ? Or should I implement my own login and registration mechanism for my users? ...

Is CGI in any way bettern than Servlets?

We have a web reporting application that was built with cgi (C/C++) 10 years back. Due to performance and security issues, it needs to be rearchitectured. What could be the best technology solution to re-engineer the cgi based architecture? ...

Can you have two forms on a page with ASP.NET MVC?

Using web forms I know that you can only have one ASP.NET form on a page. I've done some implementations where I've used Javascript to add other forms to a page to support things like logon controls (that post back to Logon.aspx instead of the current page). I'm wondering if the single form per page is still present in ASP.NET MVC or i...

Any open sourced websites?

I have heard of desktop applications whose code has been open-sourced, but are there any websites whose code has been open-sourced? I don't think I have heard of any. If there are aren't any, are there any reasons why? This will have the advantage of not having to wait for the web development team to include a new feature. Also, this wo...

What's the best way to use memcache with a single-server app?

For a single-server LAMP site (which is usually under quite high load), what is best way to use memcache? Does it make sense to run the memcache daemon on the same server as the application, or is that just going to take valuable memory away from MySQL, giving a net performance loss. Does it even make sense to use memcache in this sce...

How can I split a PHP script that takes a long time to run into smaller chunks?

I have a PHP script that initialises an image gallery. It loops through all images, checks if they are thumbnailed and watermarks them. My shared hosting account only lets me have 30 seconds of execution per script, as set in the php.ini settings. I can't change that. What can I do to get round this? Currently I refresh the page after ...

When generating html, do you including formatting such as newlines and tabs?

Sometimes I add a \n at the end, and the relevant number of \t the beginning, and sometimes not - what's the recommended way to do this? ...

Best Way to Handle Multiple Scrolling Columns

I am in the process of developing a web application that consists visually of a header above a body containing four columns of variable-height content. The design gods have decreed it to be fixed height, mainly because each of the columns can potentially get very long, and so (being designers) they are wanting iframes with independent sc...

Xtragrid Devexpress SetRowcellValue

const int index = 1; object val = repositoryItemComboBox3.Items[index]; gridView2.SetRowCellValue(gridView2.FocusedRowHandle, object w= gridView2.GetRowCellValue(gridView2.FocusedRowHandle, "gridColumn3",val); but w does not gets updated what do I have to do more? ...

What's the best scheme for eliminating blog- or comment-spam

How can I combine the followings to fight spam and at the same time minimize annoyance imposed to the user? In registration page, sending an email to verify the email address In registration page, use CAPTCHA In every post page, use CAPTCHA Feel free to add new items to the list, and please tell your suggested scheme in boolean expre...

How can I keep the session clean?

This is in regards to a situation where Session is used to store some temporary data - one example being information entered during a multi-step registration process. If a website has a number of such sections - which wants to utilize the session as temporary data store for pages within the section, what is a good way of cleaning up the...

Is there something like the Google Safe Browsing API that is more stable?

The Google Safe Browsing API allows for URLs to be checked against Google's database of malware and phishing domains. However, on the Developer's Guide page, it says that the API is experimental and the data format is likely to change. Although I have had good experiences with a number of Google's APIs in the past, they have all been fa...

First Google Search Result (SEO?)

When a site gets into the first position of Google's organic search results, Google sometimes renders additional links for the sections of that website. For example, if you search for jQuery, jQuery.com is the first search results. In addition to a link to jQuery.com, the jQuery Documentation, Tutorials, Plugins, Download, Works, Ui, Abo...

How do I change the background color with Javascript?

Anyone know a simple method to swap the background color of a webpage using javascript? ...

Is there a good in-browser code editor?

We've all seen in-browser rich text editors, which allow you to edit colored/styled text in a WYSIWYG manner. But what about code editors, which automatically highlight code based on language rules as you type? Think Eclipse in a textarea (but without the refactoring support). Do such things exist? I imagine scaling would be a problem -...

GET versus POST in terms of security?

This may be a dumb question, but between a http POST and GET, what are the differences from a security perspective? Is one inherently more secure then another? I realize that POST doesn't expose information on the URL but is there any real value in that or is it just security through obscurity? What is the best practice here? Edit: Over...