
Are server-assisted MVC frameworks peaking?

I've been developing web apps for over a decade now, all the way from CGI to ASP.Net and Struts+Spring+Hibernate. The prevalent architectural style seems to be server-assisted MVC, e.g. Struts, Ruby on Rails, etc. Recent developments lead me to ask if these are on the decline. Adobe's AIR and Flex Microsoft's WPF and Silverlight Google...

Math Equation Web Control?

Is there any easy web application or user control that allows math equations to be easily created and stored as a text string? Update: An ASP.NET control would be ideal. ...

Filter "list" of divs with Javascript

I have a repeater that outputs divs like the following for every item returned from some method. <div class="editor-area"> <div class="title">the title</div> <div>the description</div> <div class="bottom-bar"> <a href="link">Modify</a> <a href="link2">Delete</a> </div> </div> I need to have a textbox on...

How do I make a tag cloud in ASP.NET?

I'm venturing into web programming for the first time and would like a nice way to display a frequency indicator of some data, in the form of a tag cloud. For example, pretend I have some simple data of three types of pets: Dog, Cat, Monkey. There are 5 Dogs, 27 Cats and 101 Monkeys. Given this data, what's the best way to make a tag...

CSS - Is there a way to get rid of the selection rectangle after clicking a link?

Is there a way to get rid of the selection rectangle when clicking a link which does not refresh the current page entirely? ...

What is the best way to detect and store the timezone the client of a web app is in?

I have a multi-timezone web application that stores all of the datetime values in UTC in the database, when actions happen on the server, I can easily convert the time into UTC. However, when a client enters a time or time span, what is the best way to detect and store it? I am currently doing the following: Get the value of Date.get...

jQuery DIV click, with anchors

To make click-able divs, I do: <div class="clickable" url="http://google.com"&gt; blah blah </div> and then $("div.clickable").click( function() { window.location = $(this).attr("url"); }); I don't know if this is the best way, but it works perfectly with me, except for one issue: If the div contains a click-able element, ...

Multi-site login ala Google.

Not sure if the title is quite right for the question but I can't think of any other way to put it.. Suppose you wanted to create multiple different web apps, but you wanted a user who was logged into one app to be able to go straight to your other app without re-logging in (assuming they have perms to look at the other app as well). I...

Programmatically access currency exchange rates

I'm setting up an online ordering system but I'm in Australia and for international customers I'd like to show prices in US dollars or Euros so they don't have to make the mental effort to convert from Australian dollars. Does anyone know if I can pull up to date exchange rates off the net somewhere in an easy-to-parse format I can acce...

How to begin as a .net and SharePoint developer

I'd like some feedback regarding how to begin learning ASP.net (C#) and SharePoint development. What have you found useful to jump start your career? Any particular books, videos, boot camps, college courses, web sites, etc. that have helped to shorten the path to becoming a developer? I've gone through a couple of books and begun par...

CSS 'schema' how-to

How does one go about establishing a CSS 'schema', or hierarchy, of general element styles, nested element styles, and classed element styles. For a rank novice like me, the amount of information in stylesheets I view is completely overwhelming. What process does one follow in creating a well factored stylesheet or sheets, compared to ...

How do I fade a row out before postback

I have a table that is created in a DataList in ASP.Net. This table has three fields of text, then a field with an edit button, and a field with a delete button. When a person clicks the delete button, it posts back, deletes the items, and then binds the DataList again. The DataList is in an UpdatePanel so the item smoothly disappears af...

What is a postback?

I'm making my way into web development and have seen the word postback thrown around. Coming from a non-web based background, what does a new web developer have to know about postbacks? (i.e. what are they and when do they arise?) Any more information you'd like to share to help a newbie in the web world be aware of postbacks would be ...

How can I get a section of this div to sit next to each other?

Code and preview: <html> <head> <title>Testing some CSS</title> <style type="text/css"> .dDay { font-size:205% } .dMon { font-weight:bold; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:130%; margin-top:-.7em; } .detailContainer { vertical-align:middle; display:table-cell; padding:0em 0em 0em 1em; } #dContainer { ...

Loading content as the user scrolls down.

I am building a blog type page, and I want to load items into the page as the user scrolls down, much like Google Reader, or Soup.io. How would you go about achieving this effect? I've seen some examples which read the height of the page, and have an onScroll even attached to the window so that as the user scrolls down we can test to see...

Does the Microsoft JSON object serialization differ from the "normal" serialization?

I recall hearing that the way Microsoft had to implement the JSON serialization for their AJAX framework was different than most other libraries out there. Is this true? And, if so, how is it different? ...

How to make Jetty dynamically load "static" pages.

I am building Java web applications, and I hate the traditional "code-compile-deploy-test" cycle. I want to type in one tiny change, then see the result INSTANTLY, without having to compile and deploy. Fortunately, Jetty is great for this. It is a pure-java web server. It comes with a really nice maven plugin which lets you launch Jetty...

How do I stop visitors directly accessing the directories in my website?

I have a (Wordpress powered) website, and Google is indexing some of the sub-directories. How can I stop Apache from showing users the directory listing? I know I can edit .htaccess to password-protect a directory, but I would prefer a 403 / custom redirect if possible. ...

Uninitialized string offset error from PHP import script

I have an import-from-excel script as part of a CMS that previously ran without issue. My shared-hosting provider has recently upgraded their infrastructure, including PHP from 5.1 to 5.2.6, and the script now returns "Uninitialized string offset: -XXX in /path/scriptname.php on line 27" (XXX being a decreasing number from 512 and /path...

User Persistence: asp.net caching:

I'm working with caching and persistence for the first time. I have a user object that handles all my user data. Persisting this from page to page I'm planning on using a cookie with a token that then returns the user-object from the cache. What's the best way to implement this. The two ideas/solutions that appear to me are: 1) Cache...