
What to use for membership in ASP.NET

I'm not very experienced at using ASP.NET, but I've used built in membership providers for simple WebForms application, and I found them PITA when trying to extend the way they work (add/remove few fields and redo controls accordingly). Now I'm preparing for MVC (ASP.NET MVC or Monorail based) project, and I'm thinking - is there a bette...

Extending Java Web Applications with plugins

I have this web application that has grown to an unmanageable mess. I want to split it into a common "framework" part (that still includes web stuff like pages and images) and several modules that add extra functionality and screens. I want this refactoring to also be useful as a plugin system for third-party extensions. All modules n...

Using "~" in a path resolves as C:\

I'm trying to implement a server control that frobs a couple of files inside the web directory of an ASP.NET site. I'm using VS Web Dev Express 2008 as my IDE. When I call HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath to get a path to the web root so I can find those files, it returns C:. What the heck? Absolute paths work just fine, but ...

How do I write content to another browser window using Javascript?

I've opened a new window with window.open() and I want to use the reference from the window.open() call to then write content to the new window. I've tried copying HTML from the old window to the new window by using myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = oldWindowDiv.innerHTML; but that's doesn't work. Any ideas? ...

How can I implement the pop out functionality of chat windows in GMail?

I'm not looking for a full implementation, I'm more interested in how they do it. I know they use GWT, but I'd like a more low level answer. Naively, I would start by thinking when you click the popout link they simply open a new window and copy content into it. There are lots of reasons why that won't work out well, so I'm wondering ...

Prevent users from starting multiple accounts?

I know that in the end it, can't be done. But, what are the options to:   a) limit the options for persons to create multiple accounts,   b) increase the chance of detecting multiple accounts / person for a blog-like web service? (people can sign up for their own blog) Update: I think the 'limit the options' has been answered nic...

Django signals vs. overriding save method

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Right now I have some models that looks kind of like this: def Review(models.Model) ...fields... overall_score = models.FloatField(blank=True) def Score(models.Model) review = models.ForeignKey(Review) question = models.TextField() grade = models.IntegerField() A ...

javascript Image Resize

does anyone knows how to resize image proportionaly using javascript?, i have tried to modify the DOM adding attributes height & Width on the fly, but seems did not work on IE6 ...

Websites - server side coding - why not languages like Java, c++, etc?

Is there any real reason why no one makes there dynamic webpages in say c++ rather than interpreted languages like php that are many times slower? I can see several reasons why I wouldn't mind my entire site being just one dll, with each page being represented by a function or something. Varibles can be shared between page requests, a...

How can I avoid duplicate content in ASP.NET MVC due to case-insensitive URLs and defaults?

Edit: Now I need to solve this problem for real, I did a little more investigation and came up with a number of things to reduce duplicate content. I posted detailed code samples on my blog: Reducing Duplicate Content with ASP.NET MVC First post - go easy if I've marked this up wrong or tagged it badly :P In Microsoft's n...

Greasemonkey: love it or hate it?

As users, we love the power of Greasemonkey. As developers, it can complicate things. Some people advocate defensively disabling user scripts; others are willing to die to defend them. Is there a middle ground? How can we reduce the threat of an evolutionary arms race between users and unscrupulous advertisers? ...

Lightweight web app server for PHP?

Hi, I'm doing PHP development. And coming from a Rails background, I'm looking for a like-for-like replacement for Webrick in PHP. Is there such a light weight server? Something with minimal configuration and installation effort. Apache is actually fine. But I would like to know if there're other options. Or do most of you use Apache? ...

Example websites using db4o

I'm very impressed with my initial tests with db4o. However, i'm wondering just how many enterprise class websites are out there powered by db4o, i couldn't see any on the main website? I can't see any reason why db4o should not be used. There appears to be decent enough support for transactions and ways to handle concurrency for examp...

Can I get away with not being a designer

Hi, I want to get into web development but that fact of the matter is I don't really enjoy doing the design work and IMHO CSS and the like seem overly complicated and not something I'd really feel like investing my time in, it simply does not capture my interest the same way the business logic side does. Can I get away without doing the...

Setup multi languages wordpress

I need to setup a blog using wordpress engine but i need it support multi languages (3 languages), currently i am thinking of using custom field to identify the language of current post though i knew thats not a best practices, does anyone has better suggestions? ...

Apache or lighttpd

For development, I use a local LAMP stack, for production I'm using MediaTemple's Django Container (which I'm loving BTW). MT's container uses lighthttpd. Honestly I've never had any other experience with it. I've always used Apache. I've been doing some reading: Onlamp TextDrive Linux.com Here's are questions: What strengths doe...

Asp.net Project Ideas?

Hello, I've recently decided to step-up my knowledge in ASP.NET (I haven't coded in ASP.NET for about 2 years or so, and much has changed since then). I want to work with the new MVC framework, try jQuery, LINQ to SQL and basically just to catch up with most of the up-to-date features. To do that, I want to start a nice project in ASP...

A platform for easy creation of custom websites?

I'm in a small business of hosting my clients' websites, and a lot of times they ask me to create one from scratch. I'm no designer, but I can code CSS/HTML, AJAX, PHP. However, I'm not willing to create sites from scratch, knowing how much is involved. In the past, I've tried using design templates, but they proved to be inefficient - ...

Is there a simple JavaScript slider?

I need to create a custom volume slider for a WMP object. The current slider is complicated to modify, and use, is there a simple way to generate a slider on an HTML page that can have it's value passed to a javascript function? ...

Has anyone built web-apps that can run totally off-line?

I'm building an app that authors would (hopefully) use to help them, uh.. author things. Think of it like a wiki but just for one person, but cooler. I wish to make it as accessible as possible to my (potential) adoring masses, and so I'm thinking about making it a web-app. It certainly doesn't have to be, there is no integration with ...