
Protecting internal view layer template pages in servlet applications

I have a very basic question about MVC web applications in Java. Since the olden days of raw JSP up until current technologies like Seam, a very basic pattern has always been the internal dispatch from the controller that initially accepted the request to the view layer that creates the output to be sent to the client. This internal di...

Conditionally set an attribute on an element with JSP Documents (JSPX)

In HTML forms, buttons can be disabled by defining the "disabled" attribute on them, with any value: <button name="btn1" disabled="disabled">Hello</button> If a button is to be enabled, the attribute should not exist as there is no defined value that the disabled attribute can be set to that would leave the button enabled. This is ca...

How hard is it to migrate a web app from localhost to a hosting platform?

Since I'm not a huge fan of any of the current solutions for managing the resources and knowledge that I have, I was thinking about making my own solution, which will involve custom code as well as possible integration of FOSS solutions. I would start development on my local machine, but if I like it, how difficult would it be to migrate...

Wasabi like web programming language

Are there any open source or commercial web programming language that function much like Fog Creek's Wasabi? As in you write your web app in this parent language and it then compiles down to php for Linux hosts and ASP.NET for Windows hosts. ...

What is your favorite Firebug tip or trick?

I think every web developer loves Firefox's Firebug extension for solving CSS, Javascript or HTTP problems. I use it very often, but I'm sure that I'm not aware of some hidden gems. What is your favorite (not evident) trick or tip for Firebug? ...

Can you recommend books for getting started with Web Development on a Mac?

As a dyed in the wool Windows dev I surprised myself bought a Mac and I feel such a beginner again. I'm basically looking to get up to speed quickly and need advice on making the transition as an experienced windows dev to OSX. Can you recommend any development books specifically in the area of getting up and running using Apache, Pytho...

What's the best way to create an etag?

What's a good method of programatically generating etag for web pages, and is this practice recommended? Some sites recommend turning etags off, others recommend producing them manually, and some recommend leaving the default settings active - what's the best way here? ...

How Should a Non-Designer Interview a Web Designer?

As a hardcore developer and not a graphic designer, I always struggle when interviewing graphic designers/web producers. I know CSS and HTML pretty well theoretically, but couldn't design a single decent-looking page from scratch. During a face-to-face interview, we can review the candidate's portfolio, but beyond that, what are some go...

Django and Python 2.6

I'm just starting to get into Django, and of course as of last night one of the two new Python versions went final (2.6 obviously ;)) so I'm wondering if 2.6 plus Django is ready for actual use or do the Django team need more time to finish with tweaks/cleanup? All the google searches I did were inconclusive, I saw bits about some ini...

How to deploy minified Javascript files to a web server without changing the file's Timestamp?

We have several hundred javascript files in our app that are currently being served uncompressed. One piece of our solution to gain a little more client performance is to minify our javascript files. I've created an automated solution to do this on the build, however, when these new files are deployed, the files' timestamp that determine...

Making email addresses safe from bots on a webpage?

When placing email addresses on a webpage do you place them as text like this: [email protected] or use a clever trick to try and fool the email address harvester bots? For example: HTML Escape Characters: &#106;&#111;&#101;&#46;&#115;&#111;&#109;&#101;&#98;&#111;&#100;&#121;&#64;&#99;&#111;&#109;&#112;&#97;&#110;&#121;&#46;&...

ASP.NET project size

Are there any known issues around how many "pages" are in an ASP.NET project? Does the size of the DLL created by the project matter at all? My existing project is about 150 pages and the DLL is only around 3MB but it has increased from about 50 pages and 0.5 MB recently ...

If I grab a paramenter out of the query string, is it URL decoded?

In .NET if I do something like: string temp = Request.QueryString["myKey"]; is the value in temp already URL decoded? ...

Is Dreamweaver worth getting if I probably won't use its WYSIWYG editor?

In the past I've done web application development using Visual Studio. Initially I'd use the design view, editing the page visually. But over time I learned more and more (X)HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I became familiar with the tags for ASP.NET server controls and their common attributes. I got to the point where I'd do all the markup b...

C# code from desktop to the web

If I develop a desktop app using C#, and later want to turn it into a webapp but don't want to use ASP.NET, what are my options? I did a bit of searching and it looks like there doesn't appear to be a good solution to integrate C# code with any scripting language other than running it as a web service and making SOAP calls. Any other ...

How do you make a web application in Clojure?

I suppose this is a strange question to the huge majority of programmers that work daily with Java. I don't. I know Java-the-language, because I worked on Java projects, but not Java-the-world. I never made a web app from scratch in Java. If I have to do it with Python, Ruby, I know where to go (Django or Rails), but if I want to make a ...

Lisp Web Frameworks?

What are the popular (ok, popular is relative) web frameworks for the various flavours of LISP? ...

Should you worry about fake accounts/logins on a website?

I'm specifically thinking about the BugMeNot service, which provides user name and password combos to a good number of sites. Now, I realize that pay-for-content sites might be worried about this (and I would suspect that most watch for shared accounts), but how about other sites? Should administrators be on the lookout for these account...

How do you enforce strong passwords?

There are many techniques to enforce strong passwords on website: Requesting that passwords pass a regex of varying complexity Setting the password autonomously, so that casual users have a strong password Letting passwords expire etc. On the other hands there are drawbacks, because all of them make life less easy for the user, meani...

Programmatically triggering events in Javascript for IE using jQuery

When an Event is triggered by a user in IE, it is set to the window.event object. The only way to see what triggered the event is by accessing the window.event object (as far as I know) This causes a problem in ASP.NET validators if an event is triggered programmatically, like when triggering an event through jQuery. In this case, the w...