
Web Applications & Desktop Applications

Hello folks, I am a programmer who writes a lot of code for desktop applications, now started considering cross-platform apps as an issue but at work I write C# apps and I come from C++ and CS background and of course, I wrote several things in QT/C++. But now I am kinda confused about web applications, I have done some work on PHP and ...

Experiences with OpenLaszlo?

In a related question, I asked about Web Development. I came across something called OpenLaszlo yesterday and thought it looked interesting for doing some website development. The site has a bunch of good information on it and they've got some nice tutorials and such, but being a total novice (as far as web development goes), I'm wonde...

Repeater, ListView, DataList, DataGrid, GridView ... Which to choose?

So many different controls to choose from! What are best practices for determining which control to use for displaying data in ASP.NET? ...

Log Post Parameters sent to a website

Something I have always been interested in out of curiosity, is there a tool or utility that will allow me so log post parameters sent to a website? Not a personal website, any site on the web. Reason for this, is that I want to be able to develop a .NET application without having to add the overhead of creating a WebBrowser object and ...

What are some good methods to hinder screen scrapers from grabbing specific pieces of content off my site?

Pretty sure this question counts as blasphemy to most web 2.0 proponents, but I do think there are times when you could possibly not want pieces of your site being easily ripped off into someone else's arbitrary web aggregator. At least enough so they'd need to be arsed to do it by hand if they really wanted it. My idea was to make a s...

Wise to run MS Velocity on my development machine?

I've never developed a web application that uses distributed memory. Is it common practice to run a tool such as Microsoft Velocity on my local machine as I develop, should I run Velocity on another server as I develop, or should I just develop as normal (default session & cache) and use Velocity only after I've deployed to our develop...

How would I raise an event (jQuery or standalone Javascript) when a popup window is closed?

I want to raise an event when a popup window is closed, or preferably, just before closing. I'm storing the popup window object as an object, but I don't know of any way to bind to the close event, or an event just before the window is closed. var popupWindow = window.open("/popup.aspx", "popupWindow", "height=550,width=780"); Is ther...

How can I use post-commit hooks to copy committed files to a web directory from SVN?

My Ubuntu server has Apache and Subversion installed. I use this server as a staging server, purely for testing purposes. I use Apache to host the web application, and Subversion to keep versioned copies of the source code. My current workflow: Make changes to a file Commit the file to the Subversion repository Upload the file new ove...

Web Development IDE Suggestions

I'm looking for suggestions for web development IDEs. I'm currently looking at Aptana Studio and it looks rather impressive so far. Anyone have other suggestions? I'm looking for support for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Thanks! ...

Best practices in PHP and MySQL with international strings

It often happens that characters such as é gets transformed to é, even though the collation for the MySQL DB, table and field is set to utf8_general_ci. The encoding in the Content-Type for the page is also set to UTF8. I know about utf8_encode/decode, but I'm not quite sure about where and how to use it. I have read the "The Absolute...

Is there an alternative to conditional display:none

I inherited an application where display:none was used to control conditional display of input elements based the values of other input elements. The way this was handled is by running some pretty ugly code to evaluate field values and reset the display property in the during page load. Every time. Isn't there a better way? ...

Is classic ASP still a alternative adverse other languages for new projects?

There are a lot of webs still using classic ASP instead of ASP.NET but that is not the question - "never change a running project". The question is if it is still a first choice as a base for a new web-project or would it be worth to switch to ASP.NET? Would you recommend a classic ASP programmer another language to switch over? There w...

What are the main differences between the popular web frameworks?

There are lots of web application frameworks available these days, for pretty much every language out there. In your experience, what are their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features? Assuming the luxury of choice, what factors would lead you to consider one over another other? I'm most interested in people's direct experience wit...

Tools to help with editing a remote web application

I often have nothing more than an FTP access to a server on which the application is placed. What I usually use now is "Keeping remote directory up to date" feature of WinSCP. Files of the local copy (in theory at least) keep being uploaded to a remote server as soon as they get saved and then all I need is to refresh a page in a browse...

Do you have to restart apache to make re-write rules in the .htaccess take effect?

I have pushed my .htaccess files to the production severs, but they don't work. Would a restart be the next step, or should I check something else. ...

Defaulting to different URLs when Generating Web Service Proxy with WSDL.exe

I have numerous Web Services in my project that share types. For simplicity I will demonstrate with two Web Services. WebService1 at http://MyServer/WebService.asmx webService2 at http://MyServer/WebService.asmx When I generate the proxy for these two services I use: wsdl /sharetypes http://MyServer/WebService1.asmx http://MyServer/...

Is it possible to trigger a link's (or any element's) click event through JavaScript?

I'm writing some JavaScript code that needs to fire the click event for a link. In Internet Explorer I can do this var button = document.getElementById('myButton'); button.click(); But this doesn't work in Firefox, and I assume any other browser. In Firefox, I've done this var button = document.getElementById('myButton'); window....

jQuery get textarea text

Recently I have started playing with jQuery, and have been following a couple of tutorials. Now I feel slightly competent with using it (it's pretty easy), and I thought it would be cool if I were able to make a 'console' on my webpage (as in, you press the ` key like you do in FPS games etc), and then have it ajax itself back to the ser...

What coding languages should a web developer know?

As the title asks, what coding languages should a web developer know? I know xHTML, CSS, PHP, and mySQL but I know that isn't enough. What else do you suggest? Thanks, -Marcus ...

Lisp+PHP ?

At the moment I use PHP for almost everything I develop for the Web but its linguistic limitations are starting to annoy me. However, as I developed some practices and maintain some PHP libraries that help me a lot, I don't feel I'd be ready to just switch to LISP throwing away all my PHP output. It could even be impossible on the server...